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New York City Council

Subcommittee on COVID & Infectious Diseases

Feb 29, 2024


01:00 PM

1 hr 2 min


A hearing on declining childhood vaccination rates in New York City, focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine immunizations among kindergarten children, the resurgence of diseases such as measles, and efforts to boost HPV vaccination coverage. Discussions include strategies for increasing vaccination access and compliance, the importance of vaccinations for public health and social justice, and addressing disparities in vaccine coverage. Features testimony from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Francisco Moya's opening remarks on children's health and vaccination

Council Member Francisco Moya shares insights on the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on children's vaccination rates and the resurgence of measles among unvaccinated individuals, emphasizing public health and social justice. …



4 min


Lynn Schulman's opening remarks (delivered by Carmen De La Rosa) on declining childhood vaccination rates

Council Member Carmen De La Rosa delivers Council Member Lynn Schulman's opening remarks. Council Member Schulman champions addressing the issue of declining childhood vaccination rates in New York City during …



3 min


Dr. Celia Quinn on Childhood Vaccination Programs and Efforts in New York City

Dr. Celia Quinn discusses New York City's comprehensive childhood vaccination programs, emphasizing their importance and detailing efforts to enhance vaccine access and compliance. - Dr. Quinn stresses the critical role …



9 min


What vaccinations are required for children to enroll in pre-K in New York City, and what are the medical conditions that qualify for a vaccination exemption?

In New York City, children enrolling in daycare, pre-K, and school must have several vaccinations, with specific exemptions for medical conditions. - Required vaccinations include DTP/DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), …



100 sec


What is the importance of the MMR vaccine and the diseases it protects against?

The MMR vaccine is vital for preventing outbreaks of measles, mumps, and rubella. - Protects against measles, mumps, and rubella - Helps in achieving high levels of coverage essential for …



28 sec


What is the importance of the 95% measles vaccination target for achieving herd immunity?

Dr. Celia Quinn explains that achieving the 95% vaccination rate for measles is crucial for preventing its spread and protecting vulnerable community members. - Communities need a specific level of …



89 sec


Why is it important for young children in New York to receive the MMR vaccine, and what is the significance of the 75% immunization target?

Dr. Celia Quinn explains the importance of the 75% target for the 7 vaccine series for children 6 to 35 months old to prevent vaccine-preventable diseases. - The 75% target …



115 sec


What is the importance of the DTaP vaccine, and how does it differ from the Tdap vaccine?

The DTaP and Tdap vaccines protect against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, with DTaP used in younger children and Tdap as a booster for individuals ten and older. - Both DTaP …



53 sec


What diseases must healthcare providers report, and what actions does the DOHMH take after reporting?

Healthcare providers are required to report over 90 diseases and conditions to the DOHMH, which uses the data to track, control, and prevent disease. - Over 90 diseases and conditions …



46 sec


Does the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene anticipate stabilization or increase in vaccination rates?

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) has noted progress toward pre-pandemic vaccination levels but acknowledges that targets are not being met, particularly for young New Yorkers. - Vaccination …



49 sec


What agencies are involved and how quickly are asylum-seeking children vaccinated?

The Department of Health And Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) collaborates with the Department of Education and other city agencies to ensure newly arrived asylum-seeking children receive vaccinations, including the MMR vaccine, …



119 sec


What are the school attendance rules for children not fully vaccinated in NYC?

Children in New York City must start their vaccine series to attend school but are not excluded if they are in the process of completing it. - Children attending school …



44 sec


How are child vaccination records tracked and shared among schools in New York City?

New York City utilizes a robust citywide immunization registry to track and share vaccination records among schools, ensuring children are vaccinated as per requirements. - The Department of Education (DOE) …



82 sec


Is there a way to test if asylum seekers and their children have been vaccinated?

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene indicates blood tests can confirm a child's vaccination status. - Blood tests or serologic tests can be used to determine …



64 sec


Is revaccination for pertussis necessary for teenagers and adults who received it in childhood?

Revaccination for pertussis (whooping cough) in adults and teenagers is recommended, dependent on individual circumstances and time since the last vaccination. - Dr. Celia Quinn confirms that pertussis cases still …



47 sec


How are vaccines tracked for adults in New York City?

Vaccines for individuals over 18 in New York City require patient consent to be reported, differing from the mandate for reporting vaccinations in children. - Vaccines administered to individuals 18 …



60 sec


What caused the measles outbreak in NYC in 2019?

Delayed vaccination and increased contact among young children in specific neighborhoods contributed to the 2019 measles outbreak. - The outbreak occurred in 2019, with a total of 649 cases reported. …



51 sec


How many migrant children in school are fully vaccinated?

DOHMH cannot provide specific vaccination data on migrant children due to policy restrictions on inquiring about immigration status. - DOHMH's policy prohibits asking about immigration status for those receiving services. …



35 sec


What is the current student vaccine compliance rate in NYC schools?

95.3% of students in NYC public and charter schools are in compliance with vaccination requirements. - The compliance rate is for students attending grades pre-K through 12. - The reported …



36 sec


What insurance and access to healthcare are provided to asylum seekers and migrants in New York City?

Asylum seekers and migrants may be eligible for various healthcare programs depending on their immigration status, including free vaccinations for children under the federal Vaccines for Children program. - Eligibility …



53 sec


Why are newborns vaccinated for hepatitis B if the risk and mother's status are negative?

The vaccination of newborns for hepatitis B is a longstanding ACIP recommendation to protect against unknown diagnoses and provide lifelong protection. - The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) advises …



34 sec


Do hospitals test mothers for hepatitis B during childbirth, and is there a full panel test?

Hospitals' testing for hepatitis B during childbirth varies based on provider recommendations and the individual's risk factors, not as part of standard vaccine guidelines. - Testing practices for hepatitis B …



28 sec


Why is the HPV vaccine recommended at age 13 despite the legality of sexual activity for those under 18?

Dr. Celia Quinn highlights that the recommendation for children to complete the HPV vaccine series by age 13 is to ensure full coverage against HPV well before potential exposure. - …



31 sec


Is the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) utilizing reminder systems for immunization?

The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) occasionally uses reminder systems through the Citywide Immunization Registry (CIR), but primarily promotes providers' use of these tools for patient recalls. - …



69 sec


What roles do other city agencies play in supporting the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) with immunization vaccine outreach?

Dr. Celia Quinn highlights the partnership with the Department of Education (DOE) as a critical component in vaccine outreach, especially for childhood vaccines. - The Department of Education (DOE) works …



56 sec


What are the reasons behind the decline in vaccination rates and the stance of parents on this issue?

Dr. Celia Quinn explains that misinformation, disinformation, access barriers, and various other factors contribute to the decline in vaccination rates. - Misinformation and disinformation have accelerated during the pandemic, affecting …



87 sec


Why have vaccination rates not fully recovered post-pandemic, especially among young children?

Dr. Celia Quinn explains that a combination of factors led to the delay in vaccination rates post-pandemic, particularly among four to six-year-olds. - The most significant gap in vaccination rates …



60 sec


How are unvaccinated school-age children and their families handled by DOHMH and DOE?

Children not complying with school vaccination requirements may be required to leave school. - Dr. Celia Quinn, Deputy Commissioner, explains that the Department of Education handles the specific procedure for …



46 sec


What happened to the vaccination buses for migrant camps, and is there a reduction in vaccination activities?

Dr. Celia Quinn clarifies that the Department of Health And Mental Hygiene does not oversee vaccination programs at migrant camps and advises consulting the managing agencies for detailed information. - …



29 sec


Can anyone access vaccinations at any hospital regardless of insurance status?

Access to vaccinations depends on insurance coverage and eligibility for federal programs, with a dedicated clinic in Fort Green for those uninsured or financially unstable. - Vaccination access varies based …



79 sec


What are New York City's current vaccination rates by demographic factors, and which borough has the lowest vaccination rates for specific vaccines?

Dr. Celia Quinn provides vaccination rates by borough and race/ethnicity in New York City, highlighting significant disparities. - Vaccination rates vary by borough and race/ethnicity, with Staten Island and the …



3 min


What trend in vaccination rates is the DOHMH observing, and which vaccines have seen changes?

Declining vaccination rates among New York City children show partial recovery for some vaccines, but significant decreases for others, with the MMR vaccine being a particular concern. - Two-year-olds up …



85 sec


How is the agency addressing disparities in vaccination rates among different demographic groups?

The agency addresses vaccination disparities through strategic outreach and leveraging community partnerships to improve vaccination rates among various demographic groups. - Community partnerships and collaborations with other agencies, like the …



95 sec


How can the City Council support efforts to address the decline in vaccination rates?

Dr. Quinn highlights the role of City Council members as trusted messengers to amplify reputable vaccine information and suggests partnerships with community groups. - Council members can act as trusted …



54 sec


Christopher Leon Johnson, Member of the Public on the Impact of Non-Compliance and Disinformation on COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

Christopher Leon Johnson addresses the impact of non-compliance in schools and disinformation spread by certain organizations on COVID-19 vaccination rates. - Johnson highlights the decrease in vaccination rates due to …



135 sec


Molly Senack, Representative for the Center for Independence of the Disabled New York on Vaccine Accessibility and Barrier Removal

Molly Senack discusses the significance of vaccine accessibility for students with disabilities and the importance of removing barriers to vaccination. - Highlights the strict vaccine requirements for school enrollment in …



124 sec pigeon logo

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