The logo showing a pigeon at a podium with a microphone.

Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation

Mar 01, 2024


01:00 PM

2 hr 45 min


A hearing examining the Preliminary Mayor's Management Report (PMMR) and city accountability, spotlighting transparency and efficiency in government operations. Concerns addressed included rising NYPD response times, increasing jail populations, and challenges due to budget cuts and staffing shortages. Features testimony from the Mayor's Office of Operations, the Legal Aid Society, Local 1455 DC37, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Lincoln Restler opens committee meeting on the Mayor's Management Report (PMMR) and city accountability

Council Member Lincoln Restler critiques the Mayor's Administration for falling short on transparency and accountability, based on findings in the Mayor's Management Report (PMMR). - Opens the meeting by recognizing …



4 min


Dan Steinberg, Director at the Mayor's Office of Operations, on Advancements in the Mayor's Management Report for Enhanced Transparency and Accountability

Dan Steinberg discusses the Mayor's Management Report (MMR) as a tool for transparency and accountability in city operations. - Steinberg praises the hearing as a demonstration of democratic governance and …



9 min


What is the structure and staffing of the Mayor's Office of Operations, including details on the performance and project management teams?

Dan Steinberg provides an overview of the Mayor's Office of Operations, detailing the roles and intersections of the performance management, project management, and the data management and analytics teams, along …



6 min


Why has the Mayor's Office of Operations workforce decreased since 2018?

The Mayor's Office of Operations workforce has decreased due to structural changes and realignment of departments. - NYC Opportunity and the Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics no longer report to …



46 sec


How does the Dynamic Metrics Monitoring and Reporting (DMMR) improve operational response and performance management?

Director Dan Steinberg highlights the use of Dynamic Metrics Monitoring and Reporting (DMMR) for continuous performance management through frequent data updates and fostering a data-driven culture. - Emphasizes the need …



80 sec


How does the Mayor's Office of Operations flag and escalate critical issues?

The Mayor's Office of Operations relies on data instruments and liaison relationships to escalate critical issues to deputy mayors, prioritizing interagency work and direct intervention when necessary. - The office …



3 min


What actions are being taken to address the decline in NYPD response times?

Operations have responded to the decline in NYPD response times primarily by attributing worsening traffic conditions as the key factor and taking several measures to address the issue. - Worsening …



4 min


Why was the response time for critical crimes no longer deemed a critical indicator?

Council Member Lincoln Restler raises concerns about the removal of response times for critical crimes as a critical indicator, while Dan Steinberg and Lauren Quinones suggest possible reasons without clear …



5 min


What is being done to improve 311 service responses and resolve complaints?

The Mayor's Office of Operations introduces a resident satisfaction survey and updates to 311 resolution descriptions to address complaints and improve service quality. - A new resident satisfaction survey allows …



171 sec


How do users receive the 311 satisfaction survey following a phone call?

Individuals can only receive the 311 satisfaction survey via email, which requires them to provide an email address during the call. - Council Member Inna Vernikov raises concerns over the …



53 sec


Lincoln Restler on NYPD's Increased Issuance of Minor Summons and Its Implications

Lincoln Restler, Council Member, NYC City Council, discusses the significant increase in NYPD's issuance of minor summons under Mayor Adams' tenure and its impact on low-income black and brown communities. …



12 min


How is the 311 service's effectiveness in handling customer satisfaction and complaints being improved?

Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez and Director Dan Steinberg discuss ways to enhance the 311 service's response to customer satisfaction and complaints, including integrating satisfaction scores into the Mayor's Management Report …



176 sec


How are NYCHA residents' 311 complaints being addressed?

NYCHA residents' 311 complaints about nighttime disturbances are not resulting in accountability or effective response, leading to concerns from Council Member Gutiérrez. - Council Member Jennifer Gutiérrez raises concerns about …



88 sec


What are the plans for including the Mayor's new Office of Childcare in the Mayor's Management Report (MMR)?

The Mayor's Office of Operations acknowledges the dispersed tracking of childcare across different agencies in the Mayor's Management Report (MMR) but highlights an introductory section on the administration's contributions to …



97 sec


Why have response times for 311 services increased, and what can be done to improve them?

Council Member Lincoln Restler raises concerns about increased 311 service response times, highlighting significant wait times and seeking solutions. - Restler notes a dramatic decrease in the percentage of calls …



4 min


What strategies are being adopted to improve response times and service quality across NYC city agencies?

The Director of the Mayor's Office of Operations acknowledges the need for a new paradigm to assess response quality, rather than merely speed, and discusses the complexities of various performance …



5 min


Is the 311 service divided into boroughs, and who manages it?

Dan Steinberg confirms that the 311 service is divided into boroughs but avoids discussing operational details as his office does not manage the service. - The 311 service is indeed …



18 sec


How does 311 route tree-related requests?

311 functions as a call center that forwards tree-related requests to the appropriate agencies, ensuring seamless backend technology integration. - 311 operates primarily as a call center for public requests. …



31 sec


How does 311 complaint handling work across different city departments and NYCHA?

Complaint handling via 311 varies across departments due to differing complaint volumes and demands, and NYCHA's integration with 311 is complex. - 311 operates across various city departments, including NYPD …



3 min


Does the School Construction Authority (SCA) have to report to the state of New York?

The School Construction Authority (SCA) reports to the state, leading to more flexible operations and high-quality reporting on project budgets and schedules. - Public authorities like the SCA require state …



71 sec


Lincoln Restler on Issues with the 311 Reporting System and Its Impact on Accountability

Council Member Lincoln Restler criticizes the 311 reporting system for automatically closing complaints and misdirecting them, affecting real-time response data. - Restler reveals that complaints made through the 311 app …



70 sec


How is understaffing affecting city agencies' ability to achieve their goals?

Council Member Lincoln Restler highlights the negative impact of understaffing on city agencies, notably in health department inspections, tuberculosis control, and building department response times. - Many agencies report understaffing …



3 min


Does the city track total headcount and how are staff shortages addressed?

The Mayor's Office confirms they track total headcount, acknowledging complexity due to temporary employees, and the project management team focuses on hiring and tracking strategies to address staff shortages. - …



56 sec


What actions is the Mayor's Office of Operations taking to address staffing and city service concerns?

The Mayor's Office of Operations focuses on supplying data to leadership for informed decisions regarding staffing and city service impacts, with specific attention on Deputy Mayor Ison-Williams' efforts. - The …



4 min


How would expanding staffing in certain city government teams impact their effectiveness?

Expanding the project management team offers potential to significantly improve city government operations. - The size of the project management team directly affects its capacity to address issues. - Both …



139 sec


What efforts are being made to address the delays in processing SNAP and cash assistance applications?

The Mayor's Office of Operations acknowledges the crisis in processing SNAP and cash assistance applications, citing staff attrition, increased demand, and hiring efforts as key factors. - The ops project …



4 min


What explains the discrepancy in occupancy rates reported by NYCHA's metrics and Ops' metrics?

Director Dan Steinberg acknowledges the need to track the actual number of vacant apartments and mentions NYCHA's upcoming comprehensive review. Council Member Lincoln Restler highlights the urgent issue of around …



4 min


How can the trend of decreased bike and bus lane installations be reversed and their prioritization reinstated?

The Mayor's Office of Operations acknowledges the decrease in bike and bus lane installations and expresses pride in maintaining Vision 0, emphasizing cross-agency collaboration and data-driven strategies. - Operations emphasizes …



5 min


Is the Mayor’s Office of Operations working with the Department of Education (DOE) and SEA on meeting new class size reduction mandates?

The Mayor’s Office of Operations is not currently working on class size reduction strategies with the DOE but highlights an increase in teacher hiring. - Council Member Restler notes an …



103 sec


How does the Chief Efficiency Officer's role differ from the Mayor's Office of Operations?

The Chief Efficiency Officer collaborates with the Mayor’s Office of Operations, contributing specifically to customer service measurements and employing Lean Six Sigma for process improvements. - The Chief Efficiency Officer's …



178 sec


What are the distinctions between the Mayor's Office of Operations and the newly created office in terms of their work focus?

The Director of the Mayor's Office of Operations explains that the new office specializes in process improvements and reform, complementing their broader project management role. - The new office focuses …



3 min


How have citizen satisfaction measures and the Mayor's Management Report (MMR) improved, and what are the ongoing challenges?

The Mayor's Office of Operations discusses improvements in citizen satisfaction measures and the Mayor's Management Report (MMR), highlighting ongoing challenges in linking budget allocations to service outcomes. - The team …



165 sec


Does the Department of Transportation have detailed traffic data contributing to slowdown response times?

Dan Steinberg confirms that the Department of Transportation has detailed traffic data indicating widespread congestion across major corridors in all five boroughs. - The DOT employs a sophisticated system called …



107 sec


Anne K. Callagy on Systemic Failures in Public Assistance Application Processes

Anne K. Callagy, Government Benefits Director at Legal Aid Society, presents detailed criticism of the Human Resources Administration's (HRA) handling of public assistance applications, highlighting the systemic failures in ensuring …



6 min


Michael DeMarco, President of Local 1455 DC37, on Impact of Staffing Shortages on Revenue Collection and Public Safety

Michael DeMarco discusses how staffing shortages among New York City traffic employees affect revenue collection from parking meters and public safety. - DeMarco represents NYC traffic employees who ensure the …



138 sec


What is the status of the litigation affecting the processing of essential benefits in New York City?

The city's Human Resources Administration (HRA) is working to reduce its backlog of essential benefit applications due to a preliminary injunction, but concerns remain over how this reduction is being …



125 sec


What indicators should be tracked for the Mayor's Management Report, and how can the HRA's technological challenges be addressed?

Council Member Lincoln Restler and Anne K. Callagy from the Legal Aid Society discuss improving the Mayor's Management Report through enhanced indicators and addressing the HRA's technological issues to better …



162 sec


What is the total membership count of Local 1455 DC37, and how significant is the current staffing shortfall?

Local 1455 DC37 normally operates with over 300 members, but it currently faces a shortfall of around 60 positions. - Michael DeMarco, President of Local 1455 DC37, notes the total …



60 sec


How does being short sixty employees affect revenue related to parking meters?

A shortage of sixty employees impacts city revenue by delaying the collection and repair of parking meters. - Two key roles affected are those involved in collecting quarters from parking …



78 sec


What factors influence the timeframe for fixing ticket meters, and how does staffing impact these projects?

Michael DeMarco explains that retrofitting meter projects and staffing issues contribute to prolonging the time necessary to repair ticket meters, with projects potentially taking up to four years to complete …



160 sec


What responsibilities does Local 1455 DC37 have regarding street safety in NYC?

Local 1455 DC37 is responsible for highway and all street signs in the five boroughs, along with painting lines and tree markings on streets. - Local 1455 DC37 specializes in …



83 sec


Council Member Lincoln Restler concludes hearing with forward-looking statements

Council Member Lincoln Restler concludes the hearing, underscoring its role as a foundation for upcoming budget discussions. - Restler expresses gratitude to attendees for their participation. - He highlights the …



18 sec pigeon logo

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