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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on General Welfare

Mar 01, 2024


10:00 AM

3 hr 30 min


A hearing on bills aimed at eliminating shelter stay limits and Department of Social Service's manipulation of monthly eligibility reporting for shelters. Discussions include inadequate shelter conditions for immigrants, instability caused by the 30-day shelter rule, and lack of access to essential services like healthcare and employment assistance. Features testimony from migrants in the shelter system, Department of Social Services (DSS), Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO), community and advocacy groups, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Diana I. Ayala opens oversight hearing on the Department of Social Service's monthly eligibility reporting

Council Member Diana I. Ayala initiates an oversight hearing to examine the Department of Social Service's manipulation of monthly eligibility rate reporting and discuss related bills. - Ayala, Deputy Speaker …



3 min


Salif and Babakar on Shelter Conditions and Immigrant Experiences

Salif and Babakar, through a language interpreter, testify about the inadequate conditions in shelters for immigrants. - They report only two bathrooms for 80 to 100 people and the repetitive …



10 min


What are Salif and Babakar's lengths of stay in New York City shelters?

Council Member Diana I. Ayala inquires about the duration of shelter stays for two individuals in New York City. - The inquiry is focused on understanding how long individuals have …



40 sec


How many shelters have Salif and Babakar stayed in?

The testifier has stayed in three to four shelters, with a distinction made between two individuals. - The interpreted response mentions 3 to 4 shelters. - A clarification is made: …



23 sec


Is the reason Salif and Babakar have stayed in 3-4 shelters because related to the 30-day rule?

The issue mentioned by a member of the public is confirmed to be a result of the 30-day rule. - Council Member Diana I. Ayala inquires if the problem is …



11 sec


Do shelter residents meet with social workers for exit strategy planning?

Council Member Ayala's inquiry into interactions between shelter residents and social workers reveals a significant lack of structured exit planning support. - Council Member Ayala asks about shelter residents' access …



5 min


What is the timeframe for accessing another bed after exiting a shelter?

It typically takes about 4 days for individuals to find another shelter after exiting, but the timeframe can vary. - It takes roughly 4 days to find a new shelter …



70 sec


What are the interim accommodations for individuals transitioning between shelters?

Individuals transitioning between shelters sleep at various locations recommended by shelter administrators, available only from 8 PM to 6 AM. - Recommended sleep locations are only available from 8 PM …



130 sec


Has there been a need to sleep on the street or other places due to homelessness?

A testimony panel member confirms experiencing homelessness, leading to sleeping on streets and trains and collecting bottles at night. - The member confirms sleeping out on the street due to …



38 sec


Do individuals often go without food or water, and how do people help?

Individuals often go without food or water, but receive help from kind-hearted people. - Individuals missing meals and lacking water throughout the day is a common occurrence. - People showing …



40 sec


Where are Salif and Babakar staying right now? What challenges do they face with shelter placements?

Salif and Babakar describe, through a language interpreter, their ongoing struggle with securing stable shelter, highlighting the precariousness of their housing situation. - They initially stay in a shelter for …



109 sec


Have Salif and Babakar applied for asylum and was it influenced by city communication?

Salif and Babakar applied for asylum, not due to city shelter service communication, but from their own rights awareness. - They have applied for asylum. - The application process did …



41 sec


Do Salif and Babakar have access to healthcare and health insurance?

Salif and Babakar confirm having access to health care and health insurance.



14 sec


What other services have Salif and Babakar had access to?

Access to services has been limited to identification and health insurance only. - The inquiry concerned additional accessible services beyond IDNYC. - Only identification and health insurance services have been …



26 sec


How is language access provided in shelters?

The interpreter explains that applications are usually done over the phone, with some shelters offering translation and interpretation services. - Applications for shelter services are often completed over the phone. …



68 sec


What happens when someone's 30-day shelter stay ends?

Individuals seeking shelter must visit an office, receive a number, and wait possibly for days to be allocated a new shelter after their initial 30-day stay. - After the 30-day …



3 min


Are work readiness, job programs and other language classes offered in shelters?

Shelter residents do not receive services such as work readiness, job programs, or additional language classes. - Individuals in shelters learn English independently without formal support. - Shelter services do …



66 sec


What technology services are available in the shelters?

Shelters provide single-use metro cards exclusively for appointments, and their use is limited to a few hours. They have WiFi. - Metro cards are distributed by shelters, not by the …



83 sec


What provisions are available at shelters for new arrivals?

The testimony indicates that shelters primarily provide bad food, bad feelings, WiFi, and metro cards, with no mention of education or support services. - The council member inquires about the …



86 sec


How did new arrivals at the shelter receive health care?

New arrivals at a shelter receive health care through recommendations and guidance from immigrants who have been in the shelter longer. - The individual managed to receive health care after …



82 sec


Council Member Shahana Hanif on Proposed Legislation to End Caps on Shelter Stays for Homelessness

Council Member Shahana Hanif advocates for Intro 210, aiming to prohibit caps on shelter stays for those experiencing homelessness, including asylum seekers. - Hanif criticizes the mayor’s 30-60 day shelter …



162 sec


Molly Wasow Park, Commissioner, Department of Social Services on the Mission and Transparency of the Department of Social Services

Molly Wasow Park discusses the Department of Social Services' approach to homelessness, its mission, and its commitment to transparency in light of a DOI report. - Park serves as the …



129 sec


Molly Schaeffer, Interim Director of New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO), on the City's Efforts and Challenges in Supporting Asylum Seekers

Molly Schaeffer details the comprehensive response of New York City to the asylum seeker crisis, emphasizing the city's leadership and the challenges faced. - Schaeffer highlights the provision of shelter, …



9 min


Diana Ayala criticizes asylum seeker policies

Council Member Diana I. Ayala criticizes inhumane asylum seeker policies and data manipulation at the Path Center, demanding more compassionate approaches. - Ayala strongly condemns the treatment of asylum seekers, …



5 min


How does the 30 to 60 day shelter limit rule affect asylum seekers and what is the status of shelter provisions and street homelessness?

More than 178,000 asylum seekers have been served, with over 55,000 notices given to single adults and adult families, resulting in 24% currently in the shelter system due to reapplication. …



4 min


How is NYC tracking and supporting individuals leaving the shelter system?

The New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations emphasizes ensuring safe accommodations for those requiring overnight shelter, addressing safety concerns as needed. - The office operates waiting rooms …



110 sec


What is the true eligibility rate for shelter access, and how is it determined?

Commissioner Park indicates that the investigation revealed the day of eligibility determination was altered to maintain a consistent eligibility rate, but all eligible individuals were sheltered. - Families applying for …



110 sec


Why were homeless individuals declared ineligible on certain days but eligible on others?

The Department of Social Services acknowledges discrepancies in eligibility determinations under the previous administration and commits to transparency and correction. - Previous administration's practices in determining eligibility for shelter services …



44 sec


What changes have been recently made to improve customer experience in the reapplication process at the Department of Social Services?

The Department of Social Services has implemented changes to streamline the reapplication process for those found ineligible for housing services. - The first reapplication can now be conducted over the …



119 sec


How was eligibility rate data used for shelter capacity planning during manipulation?

Eligibility rate data is only one aspect considered in shelter capacity planning, with the number of applications and overall sense of demand being more crucial. - Eligibility data, although a …



76 sec


What impact did manipulation of shelter eligibility rates have on shelter capacity and budgeting?

The manipulation of shelter eligibility rates had a marginal impact on shelter capacity and budgeting due to the challenges faced in the New York City housing market. - The Department …



3 min


Will the Department of Social Services implement the DOI's recommendations for PATH Centers?

The Department of Social Services plans to implement DOI's recommendations, including technological system development and staff training. - The recommendations aim to track the entry and exit of families seeking …



69 sec


What process is being developed for documenting arrival and departure times?

An initial policy and procedure for documenting arrival and departure times is being developed, which will be revised with the introduction of new technology. - Initial policy and procedure development …



16 sec


Will the Department of Social Services track families who intermittently leave Path?

The Department of Social Services (DSS) finds it challenging to implement the recommendation due to the complex nature of family behaviors. - DSS notes discrepancies between the recommendation and actual …



42 sec


Is the Department of Social Services consulting with DOI on compliance, and how are tracking systems for services being improved?

The Department of Social Services confirms ongoing consultations with DOI on compliance matters and reveals ongoing improvement of service tracking systems, similar to those in DMV. - The Department is …



56 sec


Should the tracking of families through the PATH system be fully automated?

Commissioner Molly Wasow Park agrees on the need for more systems modernization within the Department of Social Services, acknowledging current efforts towards system development. - Systems modernization at the Department …



44 sec


Will the automated notification process for family arrivals at PATH be implemented?

The Department of Social Services is working on implementing an automated notification process for family arrivals at PATH, aiming to enhance tracking and assure quality. - Currently, the tracking system …



133 sec


What training and retraining approaches are being implemented by the Department of Social Services?

The Department of Social Services has been conducting retraining to update staff on policies, procedures, and escalation strategies. - Retraining focuses on ensuring staff are up-to-date with existing policies and …



155 sec


How many families are impacted by changes in eligibility criteria?

The Department of Social Services cannot determine the number of families impacted by changes in eligibility criteria due to various valid reasons for holding an eligibility determination. - The Department …



52 sec


What is the protocol for reporting violations to city leadership, and are these reports happening?

The protocol for reporting violations to city leadership involves staff immediately calling leadership, which hasn't been necessary due to no reported violations. - The 10 4 standard outlines this reporting …



31 sec


How many violations have been reported since the investigation, and what has affected their reporting?

Commissioner Molly Wasow Park mentions there might have been one violation reported, emphasizing the pause in standard operating procedures due to an asylum emergency. - There may have been one …



19 sec


How is the PATH monthly eligibility rate calculated, and were there any alterations in the calculation method from 2017 to 2022 to make the homeless crisis seem less severe?

The calculation method for the PATH monthly eligibility rate involves dividing the number of people found eligible by the total number of determinations made, and this method has remained consistent. …



121 sec


What is the PATH program's eligibility rate since the investigation?

The PATH program's eligibility rate varies significantly from 35% to 60% since the investigation. - The eligibility rate swings between 35% and 60%, considered unusual. - Commissioner Molly Wasow Park …



52 sec


What measures have been taken to ensure the safety at Randall's Island and other emergency shelters following a murder incident?

The New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations has enhanced security measures at Randall's Island and other shelters by increasing NYPD presence, adding security cameras, and conducting comprehensive …



42 sec


What are the staff and security ratios at shelters, and what instances of violence have occurred?

Molly Schaeffer acknowledges the need for detailed staff and security ratios at shelters and discusses reviewing these ratios. Incidents of violence at migrant shelters, including assaults and a stabbing, are …



53 sec


What actions is the administration taking to enhance safety at city shelter sites?

The administration acknowledges the need for improved security at city shelters, emphasizing ongoing efforts and challenges. - The administration is evaluating the security at shelters, considering the deployment of metal …



7 min


Are there plans to implement metal detectors for safety in facilities, and how is safety ensured?

The New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO) is conducting a security assessment at all sites, with Randall being a priority, to ensure safety and consider the …



98 sec


How is mental health support provided to migrants after witnessing a violent incident?

Molly Schaeffer confirms that mental health support is available for migrants who witnessed a violent incident, with behavioral health specialists on-site. - Behavioral health specialists are available on-site for migrants. …



42 sec


Council Member Althea Stevens criticizes asylum seeker and shelter policies

Council Member Althea Stevens addresses the New York City Council to express concerns over asylum seekers' support and shelter policies, citing firsthand observations and testimonies. - Stevens references testimonies from …



6 min


Why was the HRA site in the West Bronx closed, and what are the plans to improve service accessibility?

Council Member Althea Stevens questions the closure of a Human Resources Administration (HRA) site in the West Bronx due to a lease issue and the implications for local residents' access …



3 min


What is the impact of the 60-day shelter rule on school stability for children and family relocations?

The 60-day shelter rule aims to prioritize children's education, maintaining 90% of affected children in their schools despite relocations. - Despite challenges, coordination with the Department of Education allows 90% …



6 min


Shahana Hanif states her commitment to sheltering asylum seekers humanely

Council Member Shahana Hanif underscores her commitment to welcoming asylum seekers and addressing the housing crisis in her district despite opposition. - Shows support for the inauguration of a 400-bed …



5 min


How many asylum seekers were placed on the waitlist for overnight shelter beds, and what are the conditions of the waiting areas?

No asylum seekers were rejected for overnight shelter but were placed on a waitlist and offered indoor waiting areas with food and other services. - Exact numbers of asylum seekers …



148 sec


How is data collected and what is the effect of reticketing on asylum seekers in New York City?

The New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO) employs a comprehensive data system for tracking and decision-making, offering a reticketing option to ensure asylum seekers can reach …



155 sec


Does New York City collaborate with other cities on asylum seeker operations?

New York City collaborates with other municipalities on asylum seeker operations to discuss best practices and explore formal resettlement programs. - The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO) holds …



30 sec


Are case management and asylum or TPS application assistance provided at the Saint Brigadier's reticketing center?

Asylum seekers receive case management and legal paperwork support through the entire shelter system, including referral to resources like Action NYC. - Case management is available from the moment an …



50 sec


Shahana Hanif on how the administration is unwilling to describe the conditions of the waiting rooms

Council Member Shahana Hanif criticizes the administration's refusal to address the deplorable conditions of waiting rooms for homeless individuals. - Hanif describes witnessing individuals with untreated injuries due to lack …



81 sec


What happens after 60 days for school-aged children in Manhattan who relocate?

Children who relocate after 60 days in Manhattan can return to the arrival center, reapply, and be placed near their school based on availability and family composition. - Children returning …



39 sec


How is the situation regarding asylum seekers and school support in NYC being managed?

The dynamic situation at the border is causing fluctuations in the number of asylum seekers, but efforts are made to maintain continuity in children's education. - Numbers of asylum seekers …



82 sec


What is being done to use faith-based facilities for asylum seeker operations in NYC, and are current efforts sufficient?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO) is actively engaging faith-based facilities to support asylum seekers, but faces challenges in expediting the process due to safety regulations. - …



120 sec


How many individuals are currently living in New York City without proper housing?

Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the number of individuals living in New York City without proper housing, including those avoiding shelters. - Interim Director Molly Schaeffer states the Mayor's …



38 sec


What is being done about the food issue in New York City's asylum seeker operations?

The New York City Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO) is currently reevaluating its food contracts to find better solutions. - MOASO is in a continuous process of rethinking …



37 sec


Are intake centers still screening and quarantining for COVID-19?

Intake centers continue to screen for communicable diseases, including COVID-19, and quarantine affected individuals. - Screening for communicable diseases is ongoing at intake centers, as emphasized by council member Diana …



29 sec


Nicole Krishtul, Housing Organizer at the New York City Comptroller's Office, on the Detriments of the 30-60 Day Shelter Limitation Policies

Nicole Krishtul testifies against the imposition of 30-60 day shelter limitations in NYC, advocating for better management and support. - Krishtul emphasizes the negative impact of the 30-60 day shelter …



156 sec


Attendee from Interfaith Center of New York on Equipping Houses of Worship to Support Migrants and Facing City-Created Obstacles

A representative from the Interfaith Center of New York testifies about their initiative to equip houses of worship to support migrants and the obstacles they face from the city. - …



3 min


Madelyn Elfenbein, Member of Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, on Ending Shelter Restrictions for Migrants

Madelyn Elfenbein argues for the elimination of shelter restrictions to support migrants, influenced by personal and communal experiences. - Elfenbein discusses the impact of a 60-day shelter limit, which forced …



3 min


Anthony Feliciano, Vice President for Advocacy at Housing Works, on the Challenges and Support for Asylum-Seeking Families in NYC

Anthony Feliciano testifies on the hurdles faced by asylum-seeking families in New York City and the support Housing Works provides. - Housing Works operates two hotels for asylum-seeking families, housing …



172 sec


Council Member Diana I. Ayala thanks witnesses for their bravery in testimony

Council Member Diana I. Ayala opens the meeting with gratitude towards witnesses for their bravery in testifying despite fear of retaliation. - Ayala expresses thanks to two individuals for testifying …



45 sec


Christine Clark, Chief of Litigation and Advocacy at Legal Services NYC, on the Harmful Effects of Shelter Length of Stay Restrictions on Children

Christine Clark discusses the negative impact of shelter length of stay restrictions on newly arrived New Yorkers, especially children. - Clark highlights the cruel and unnecessary nature of these restrictions, …



150 sec


Alexandra Dougherty from Brooklyn Defenders on Access Barriers and Punitive Actions in NYC Shelters

Alexandra Dougherty, representing Brooklyn Defenders, testifies on the increasing barriers and punitive actions in NYC shelters, isolating many New Yorkers. - Discusses the heightened surveillance of families in shelters and …



154 sec


Chris Mann on the Impact of the 30-60 Day Rule Policies on Homeless Families in NYC

Chris Mann, Assistant Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at WIN NYC, testifies on the harmful effects of the 30-60 day rule policies on families experiencing homelessness, particularly on children. …



151 sec


Will Watts, Deputy Executive Director for Advocacy at the Coalition for the Homeless, on the Impact of Shelter Stay Time Limits and Recommendations for Policy Reform

Will Watts highlights the negative effects of time-limited shelter stays and advocates for policy reform. - Watts stresses the Coalition for the Homeless' dedication to defending the right to shelter …



142 sec


Diana I. Ayala on Addressing Migrant Resource Challenges and Misconceptions

Council Member Diana I. Ayala stresses the importance of understanding the complexities in providing resources to migrants and combating misconceptions. - Ayala discusses the misinformation affecting New Yorkers' perception of …



174 sec


Adam Roberts, Policy Director at Community Housing Improvement Program, on Housing Challenges and Legislation for New York's Voucher Holders

Adam Roberts testifies on the difficulties voucher holders encounter in securing housing, advocating for policy changes and implementation of state legislation to address these issues. - Roberts highlights the importance …



147 sec


Venezuelan Migrants on Challenges Accessing Food, Social Services, and Employment

Venezuelan migrants, represented by a language interpreter, share challenges in accessing social services and employment. - Venezuelan migrants struggle to access sufficient food in shelters and job opportunities despite holding …



9 min


Anne Faucet Ambien on the Challenges and Legal Representation of Migrants at Floyd Bennett Field

Anne Faucet Ambien discusses the challenges faced by migrants at Floyd Bennett Field, emphasizing the poor management of mail and the struggle to secure legal representation for political asylum. - …



5 min


Christopher Leon Johnson on the Support for the 30 and 60-Day Migrant Shelter Rule and Concerns Over Migrant Shelter Oversight

Christopher Leon Johnson, a member of the public, advocates for keeping the 30 and 60-day migrant shelter rule and expresses concerns over the lack of oversight in illegal migrant shelters. …



129 sec


Member of the Public on Personal Experiences with Violence in Harlem Shelters and DHS Mismanagement

A member of the public shares a troubling account of violence and issues with the Department of Homeless Services (DHS). - The speaker describes being assaulted in a Harlem shelter …



147 sec


Ameya Biradavolu, Licensed Social Worker, on Challenges Faced by Asylum Seekers in NYC and the Lack of Adequate Support

Ameya Biradavolu, a Licensed Social Worker, testifies about the severe challenges faced by asylum seekers in New York City due to inadequate support and resources. - Describes firsthand experience managing …



5 min pigeon logo

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