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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Finance

Mar 04, 2024


10:00 AM

6 hr 42 min


A hearing on the fiscal year 2025 preliminary budget for New York City. Discussions centered around concerns over staffing shortages in revenue-generating roles like assessors, proposed cuts to services like early childhood education and immigrant legal aid, the prudent use of the city's rainy day fund, closing Rikers Island, transparency around asylum seeker costs, and delayed payments to nonprofit providers. There were debates over differing budget projections between the Council, Comptroller's Office, and Mayor's Office. Features testimony from the New York City Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New York City Comptroller's Office, New York City Independent Budget Office (IBO), Department of Finance (DOF), and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Adrienne E. Adams Opens Fiscal 2025 Preliminary Budget Hearing

Council Speaker Adrienne E. Adams initiates the discussion on New York City's Fiscal 2025 Preliminary Budget, highlighting the balanced budget's components and the need for essential services investment. - Adams …



8 min


Justin L. Brannan's Opening Remarks

Council Member Justin L. Brannan highlights changes in revenue projections and the need for accurate financial planning. - Brannan revisits the Finance Committee's skepticism towards the mayor's proposed budgetary constraints, …



3 min


Jacques Jiha, Budget Director, NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget on Fiscal Year 2025 Preliminary Budget

Jacques Jiha outlines the fiscal challenges and solutions for NYC’s 2025 preliminary budget, emphasizing a balanced approach without federal aid. - Jiha discusses strategies to manage the budget amid rising …



15 min


How were exemptions from the 5% PEG requirement determined for NYC agencies?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) determined exemptions from the 5% PEG requirement based on prioritizing public safety, cleanliness, and education, leading to some agencies receiving full …



4 min


What criteria were used to select items for restoration in the NYC budget plan?

The restoration of items in the NYC budget plan is based on the administration's priorities and the potential impact on critical services. - Jacques Jiha explains the restoration involves over …



107 sec


Was consideration given to restoring funding for the library systems to enable 7-day service?

Jacques Jiha explains that while there's a desire to restore funding for agencies like the library systems, financial constraints limit such actions. - The budget director acknowledges the wish to …



72 sec


What happened to the collaboration and interaction between the Mayor's Office and the City Council in the budget discussions?

The discussion reveals a lack of perceived collaboration between the Mayor's Office and the NYC City Council regarding budget priorities. - Jacques Jiha explains the budget priorities align with the …



82 sec


Will there be further peg restorations in the executive plan?

If the economy remains strong, potential discussions about further peg restorations in the executive plan could happen between the council and the NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB). …



39 sec


How are savings generated in the asylum seeker response effort, and what are the critical changes in census trends?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains the strategy to generate savings in asylum seeker response, emphasizing a shift to non-profit providers and focusing on census reduction with policies like 30 and …



164 sec


How do shelter time limit notices contribute to cost reduction in NYC shelters?

Jacques Jiha explains that $1 billion in savings is planned, partly due to a reduction in shelter population through 30 and 60-day time limit notices. - Shelter time limit notices …



76 sec


What are the current NYC shelter exit and reentry assumptions for single adults, adult families, and families with children?

The Budget Director revises the exit and reentry assumptions for various population types, including single adults, adult families, and families with children. - The current forecast assumes 29 households per …



72 sec


What is the current per diem cost of the NYC shelters and what are the future plans for it?

The current per diem cost is $388, with plans to reduce it further by 2025. - The per diem cost is currently about $388. - Plans are in place to …



46 sec


Can OMB provide a breakdown of PEG savings by type and agency?

Jacques Jiha, the Budget Director for the NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), indicates that a detailed breakdown of PEG savings by agency is not currently available, but …



48 sec


How will the administration generate additional savings for asylum seeker response costs?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha states the plan to generate additional savings is under development, focusing on reducing per diem costs and the number of asylum seekers. - The administration is …



67 sec


What is the plan to transition Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRCs) operated by Health and Hospitals (H and H) to the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) to reduce costs?

The NYC administration plans to transition three Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers (HERRCs) from Health and Hospitals (H and H) to the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) to save …



70 sec


Why are NYC's revenue forecasts conservative? Isn't there a concern that an overly conservative revenue estimate will lead to unnecessary service reductions?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains that NYC's conservative revenue forecasting is crucial to avoid mistakes that could necessitate service cuts. - NYC's budget management prioritizes conservative revenue forecasting to prevent …



4 min


What is the amount of new state asylum seeker funding in the governor's budget?

The governor's budget includes approximately $1.1 billion for new state asylum seeker funding for the city. - About $1.1 billion is allocated in the new budget commitment for asylum seeker …



30 sec


Is the state providing enough support, and what are the actual funding amounts received?

Jacques Jiha states that the state is not providing enough support, with the city receiving less funding than expected. - The city should receive a 50.50 share of funding but …



51 sec


How much has NYC received from the federal government so far?

NYC has collected less than $50 million from the federal government out of a $156 million commitment. - Initially, Budget Director Jacques Jiha estimates NYC received about $40 million. - …



64 sec


What changes are necessary if the proposed executive budget remains unchanged?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) faces a $600,000,000 shortfall due to unmet state support and additional costs imposed by state actions. - The shortfall includes a …



62 sec


How does the governor's proposed budget address the expenses for Randall's Island, Creedmoor, and Floyd Bennett Field?

The governor's budget allocates $600,000,000 for Randall's Island, Creedmoor, and Floyd Bennett Field, but faces challenges due to overcapacity issues at Randall's Island and Widmo. - The budget covers the …



70 sec


Will hiring halls be reinstated and will agencies be authorized to rapidly fill vacancies post-hiring freeze?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) commits to expediting review processes for agency hiring within established guidelines and to collaborating on resource provision, though specific plans for …



77 sec


How are high-priority positions treated post-hiring freeze lift?

High-priority positions continue to be treated with exemption from hiring restrictions even after the lifting of the hiring freeze. - A replacing mechanism allows only 1% for every 2 leaving, …



44 sec


Is there a link between staff reductions and the decline in PMMR indicators?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha clarifies that Human Resources Administration (HRA) benefits specialists were not affected by headcount reductions and that around 700 new staff have been hired. - HRA benefits …



63 sec


What progress has been made in reducing SNAP and cash assistance application backlogs?

Jacques Jiha explains that significant progress has been made in reducing the SNAP and cash assistance application backlogs, achieving a 90% and 97% reduction respectively. - The SNAP application backlog …



132 sec


Does the preliminary capital commitment plan fully account for New York City's future capital needs?

The preliminary capital commitment plan is deemed insufficient to fully reflect New York City's future capital challenges due to debt capacity limits. - New York City is operating close to …



111 sec


Does the inclusion of the TFA debt limit increase in the executive budget proposal give confidence to recommit or restore projects?

The response to querying about recommitting or restoring projects due to the TFA debt limit increase in the executive budget is that it remains a proposal, awaiting confirmation in April. …



34 sec


How will new information affect the real property tax forecast and property assessments?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will adjust the real property tax forecast and property assessments based on new information. - The preliminary tax forecast was more …



41 sec


Can savings be found in the city's tax expenditures to address future budget concerns?

The Budget Director, Jacques Jiha, acknowledges the importance of reviewing and potentially modernizing tax expenditures to find savings, but emphasizes challenges, including long-term commitments and the need to collaborate with …



105 sec


Will the expiration of the state and local tax caps impact New York City's tax collection timing?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has not analyzed the impact of the state and local tax (SALT) cap expiration on New York City's tax collection timing …



61 sec


Was SALT expiration factored into the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) tax forecast for Personal Income Tax (PIT)?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) did not include SALT expiration implications in the Personal Income Tax (PIT) forecast. - Council Member Justin L. Brannan asks about the inclusion …



11 sec


How does NYC's debt capacity impact capital project prioritization, and what challenges are faced due to budget constraints?

NYC's limited debt capacity demands prioritization, leading to the pausing of long-standing projects and the funding of new ones, as explained by Budget Director Jacques Jiha. - Due to NYC's …



3 min


How is the NYC mayor handling project funding decisions, and why is communication problematic?

Council Member Diana Ayala expresses concerns over the mayor's project funding choices and the lack of communication with the council. - Ayala discusses receiving notification of two new playground renovations …



5 min


What are the current provisions and future plans for asylum seekers and shelter users in NYC, and how will budget adjustments affect them?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget is changing service models and cutting costs, impacting provisions for asylum seekers and shelter users. - The Office is shifting towards providing …



4 min


What efforts are being made to decrease the shelter census, and how is the budget supporting these efforts?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) allocates an additional $442 million to CityFabs to help reduce the shelter system census, marking a significant budget increase focused on …



3 min


How many households are currently using rental assistance vouchers?

Approximately 36,000 households are currently using rental assistance vouchers. - Jacques Jiha, Budget Director at the NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget, provides the figure. - Council Member Diana …



11 sec


How many individuals are currently deemed eligible and hold shopping letters but can't find housing?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains that 12,000 individuals with vouchers and shopping letters are unable to find housing. - 12,000 individuals currently possess vouchers. - These individuals have been issued …



16 sec


What is being done to address delays and shortages for NYC housing voucher holders?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) addresses challenges and actions regarding housing voucher processing and citywide housing shortages. - NYC faces a significant housing shortage affecting rental …



151 sec


How are shelter provider contract rate changes and savings affecting service providers?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) explains the restructuring of shelter provider contract rates, emphasizing it is not a cut but a redistribution of savings. - OMB's …



3 min


What has been done to address the backlog in SNAP application processing and improve the system for the future?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has reengineered the SNAP application process, including technological investments and state waivers, but faces challenges due to the growing poverty in …



105 sec


How many vacancies exist for the SNAP and cash assistance administration, and what steps are taken to address staffing needs?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget reports the hiring of 700 staff to address vacancies and improve the SNAP and cash assistance application process. - 700 new staff …



109 sec


What is the status and challenges of rolling out the syringe buyback program?

A provider has been identified for the syringe buyback program in high need council districts, but challenges have delayed its rollout. - A provider for the syringe buyback program has …



91 sec


When have the 700 hires in the HRA benefits processing unit been made?

The 700 hires in the HRA benefits processing unit have been made since January 2023. - The inquiry about the 700 hires was raised by Council Member Justin L. Brannan. …



37 sec


What is delaying the $100,000,000 in federal funding and what are the challenges in accessing these resources?

Jacques Jiha explains that the delay in receiving $100,000,000 from the federal government is due to stringent requirements for information not previously collected by the City, complicating the application process. …



151 sec


What are NYC's plans for extending subway safety measures and addressing unlicensed cannabis businesses?

NYC aims to increase subway safety by extending overtime hours and seeks authority to enforce padlock orders on unlicensed cannabis businesses. - NYC plans to extend overtime hours for subway …



176 sec


Is the current funding for DOT sufficient despite its failure to meet the streets plan mandates?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) believes the current funding level for the Department of Transportation (DOT) is sufficient. - Council Member Selvena N. Brooks-Powers expresses concerns …



146 sec


Why was funding for transportation projects reduced in the DOT capital plan, and is there a funding shortfall for critical infrastructure?

The reduction in funding for transportation projects in the Department of Transportation (DOT) capital plan is due to New York City's close proximity to its debt limit, necessitating reallocation of …



115 sec


How is the city's administration estimating subway overtime costs and addressing underbudgeting?

Jacques Jiha from the NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) addresses concerns regarding the city's consistent underbudgeting for uniform workforce overtime costs, citing unforeseen challenges and the promise …



137 sec


Why did the adult literacy program's budget appear to decrease by 50%?

The Budget Director clarifies that the apparent reduction in the adult literacy program's budget is due to one-time discretionary funding, not permanent cuts. - The budget for adult literacy decreased …



81 sec


How are adult literacy providers accommodating the needs of the increasing number of asylum seekers?

Adult literacy providers are currently managing the challenges posed by the diverse languages of asylum seekers. - NYXCD offers a program that provides essential literacy services. - This program is …



27 sec


Can OMB commit to revising the RFP to restore the reduction in the budget for adult literacy programs?

OMB cannot commit to revising funding for adult literacy programs at present, but might reconsider based on future economic conditions and Council priorities. - An addendum allows more providers to …



83 sec


How will the migrant job bank program be implemented, and how will migrants be prepared for these positions?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha indicates ongoing coordination with the state on the migrant job bank program but is unable to provide specific details. - The program aims to fill over …



61 sec


Why are budget cuts (pegs) being implemented on the Department of Cultural Affairs, and what are the implications?

Jacques Jiha explains that budget cuts to the Department of Cultural Affairs are due to a necessary "all hands on deck" approach to address a significant budget gap, despite the …



145 sec


How were the pegs calculated for cultural institutions, and will the council's discretionary funding be impacted?

Jacques Jiha explains that a 3.5% cut was applied to all SIGs for fiscal year 2024, with tiered cuts in subsequent years, but council discretionary funding is not affected by …



3 min


What are the goals of the new pilot program for asylum seekers and why was a no-bid contract chosen?

The pilot program aims to save money by reducing food waste among asylum seekers and ensuring some resources stay in the local economy, with plans to expand if successful. - …



4 min


Does the $53 million contract value include EBT funding for asylum seekers, and can its breakdown be provided?

The $53 million contract value covers all costs, including EBT funding for asylum seekers, and the Budget Director offers to provide a detailed breakdown. - The contract value encompasses various …



56 sec


How does the non-bid DockoGo contract impact the city's services, and when does it expire?

The non-bid contract with DockoGo aims to replace existing city services, but the exact expiration date of the contract is unknown. - The goal of the DockoGo non-bid contract is …



59 sec


Why has the administration not prioritized funding for oversight agencies, and will it restore funding cuts?

The Budget Director states that significant investments have been made in oversight agencies, but acknowledges resource challenges and differing perspectives on adequacy. - Budget Director highlights significant investments made in …



176 sec


What is the cost of transitioning families between accommodations in NYC?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) agrees to analyze and provide information on the cost of transitioning families between accommodations. - Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about …



70 sec


How are savings achieved from funding cuts to older adult centers, and what are the impacts on services and future Request for Proposals (RFPs)?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains there are no current reductions in services despite funding cuts to older adult centers and mentions discussions on future RFPs are ongoing without final decisions. …



3 min


How is the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) addressing budgetary constraints affecting the intake of new case management clients?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) commits to cooperating with the NYC Department for the Aging to address budget issues impacting new case management client intake. - The program …



37 sec


Does the administration plan on increasing funding for case management, and by how much and when?

The Budget Director indicates case management is considered adequately funded but they remain open to future assessments. - Jacques Jiha states the current funding for case management is seen as …



20 sec


Why is case management considered adequately funded?

Jacques Jiha states that case management is seen as adequately funded due to the absence of complaints about funding. - Jacques Jiha confirms the current funding level is considered adequate. …



12 sec


Are there wait lists for case management services, and how is funding being allocated to address them?

Jacques Jiha acknowledges the existence of wait lists for case management services and explains efforts to accommodate needs within financial constraints. - Jiha confirms awareness of wait lists for case …



48 sec


How do federal funds impact NYC school food menus, and what changes have been made?

Budget adjustments and the introduction of federal resources are made to accommodate increased cafeteria usage and student consumption, not due to budget cuts. - $60 million of city funds were …



150 sec


Will OMB increase funds for School Construction Authority and address teacher shortage to meet class size law?

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) faces challenges in funding the School Construction Authority (SCA) and hiring 9,000 teachers to comply with the state class size law. - OMB …



140 sec


Why is there a 14% cut to the early childhood budget and how is NYC addressing the upcoming federal fiscal cliff?

Council Member Rita Joseph questions the 14% cut to the early childhood budget and the NYC's plan for the upcoming federal fiscal cliff, focusing on seat vacancies and lack of …



3 min


Why does Health and Hospitals (H & H) have a substantial budget for asylum seeker services in fiscal 2025?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget explains that Health and Hospitals (H & H) requires a large budget for asylum seeker services due to the city's lack of …



72 sec


Was the $1 billion reduction in the Health and Hospitals budget anticipated?

The Budget Director admits the $1 billion reduction in the Health and Hospitals budget was not anticipated but was necessary for savings. - Jacques Jiha confirms there was no anticipation …



21 sec


How is the 20% preliminary Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) amount set?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sets a 20% preliminary Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) amount by assessing potential cost savings through limiting contracts, managing down …



38 sec


Will there be additional pegs to asylum seekers services under Health and Hospitals (H and H)?

The Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) anticipates an additional 10% peg for asylum seeker services under Health and Hospitals (H and H). - Budget Director Jacques Jiha confirms …



19 sec


Why are H and H hospitals excluded from distressed hospital funding without a specific reason?

The state did not provide a specific reason for excluding H and H hospitals from distressed hospital funding. - Jacques Jiha confirms the state's lack of explanation for excluding H …



83 sec


How much funding is annually allocated to the distressed hospital fund, and could HNH hospital receive any of it if they meet the criteria?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha states that $150 million is allocated annually to the distressed hospital fund, but the Health and Hospitals (HNH) has not received any portion despite meeting the …



78 sec


Were the headcount reductions within DOH MH proposed by the department, and what impact will these have on disease prevention programs?

Jacques Jiha explains the headcount reductions were proposed by DOH MH due to long-vacant positions and emphasizes flexibility in addressing future health needs. - The reductions pertained to positions that …



123 sec


How does the NYC administration plan to support CUNY students amidst significant budget cuts?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains the administration's approach to managing the $189,000,000 budget cut, focusing on minimizing impacts on programs by targeting fringe benefits. - The administration aims to work …



7 min


What is the administration's vision for New York City and how do proposed budget cuts align with this vision?

NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director addresses the administration's vision for a safe, clean city, but concerns are raised about budget cuts' impact on essential services. - …



6 min


What are the DOE and DYCD budget figures for FY 24-25 summerizing program, and why is DOE's budget increasing while DYCD's decreases?

The Office of Management and Budget provides budget figures for the DOE and DYCD for FY 24-25 for the summerizing program, highlighting an increase for DOE and decrease for DYCD. …



152 sec


What state mandate is the $180,000,000 increase for foster care in fiscal 2024 related to, and how was the funding amount determined and utilized?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha indicates that the $180,000,000 increase for foster care in fiscal 2024 is driven by state mandates, with funding based on fiscal year projections and aims towards …



92 sec


Why is the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD) facing major budget cuts, and what implications does this have?

Council Member Linda Lee raises concerns about significant budget cuts to the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD), emphasizing its importance in serving over a million New Yorkers with …



167 sec


How is the fiscal 2025 budget addressing youth-specific mental health services, and how does it compare to fiscal year 2024?

The fiscal 2025 budget includes significant investments in youth-specific mental health services, with an introduction of three major initiatives. - The mental health access digital hub receives a baseline funding …



83 sec


How has the opioid settlement fund been utilized, and can potential underspending support addiction programs?

The Budget Director commits to discussions on optimal use of opioid settlement funds. - Council Member Linda Lee asks about the expenditure of the opioid settlement funds, citing an approximate …



38 sec


What is the proposed capital budget for Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) for fiscal year 2025, and how much is allocated for affordable housing?

The proposed capital budget for Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) in fiscal year 2025 is $2,122,000,000, but the allocation for affordable housing remains unspecified. - Council Member Chi Ossé inquires …



3 min


How is the NYC administration utilizing the Build Back Better Act's funds for housing?

The NYC administration is actively seeking grants from the Build Back Better Act to address the housing shortage. - The Biden administration allocated $1 billion for infrastructure and housing, with …



109 sec


Will the reductions in the Commission on Human Rights Law Enforcement's budget be reversed in the executive budget?

The Budget Director cannot commit to reversing the reductions in the Commission on Human Rights Law Enforcement's budget but notes that if economic conditions improve, it may be possible. - …



63 sec


Why are smaller agencies facing budget cuts despite their minimal impact on the city's overall budget?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha explains that due to the scope of fiscal challenges, all agencies are required to contribute, with smaller agencies receiving exemptions if unable to absorb the cuts. …



59 sec


What are the plans for addressing the Equal Employment Practices Commission's (EEPC) staffing and budget issues?

Budget Director Jiha signals a willingness to collaborate with the council on potential staffing and budget enhancements for EEPC if required. - Budget concerns and the need for additional staffing …



123 sec


How does the requirement to set aside funding for borough-based jails affect the current budget's flexibility?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha discusses the challenges of capital planning due to reserved funding for borough-based jails, impacting the city's budget flexibility. - The city's capital planning capacity is approximately …



169 sec


Can changing the timeline increase capital budget flexibility for other projects?

Budget Director Jacques Jiha confirms that changing the timeline would indeed offer more flexibility to allocate more funds to other projects. - Council Member Nantasha Williams asks about the potential …



15 sec


Has the OMB allocated necessary funding to the DCP and HPD for the fair housing plan, and how will it use 5-year production targets?

The OMB has not yet provided detailed plans or funding specifics for the DCP and HPD to implement the fair housing plan as required by Local Law 167 of 2023. …



95 sec


How much funding is currently set aside for the borough-based jail project?

$8,000,000,000 was initially planned for the borough-based jail project, with an additional $4,000,000,000 added. - Jacques Jiha states that the total funding set aside is now $12,000,000,000. - The initial …



15 sec


What is NYC's contribution to the pilot for reconstructing and renovating swim pools?

NYC's Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is contributing to a pilot for reconstructing and renovating swim pools, but detailed information on the contribution is pending. - Jacques Jiha …



29 sec


What steps will OMB take to resolve the public administrator's office's funding and connectivity issues?

OMB commits to collaborating with Council Member Riley to address the public administrator's office's connectivity and funding challenges. - Council Member Riley discusses the public administrator's office's lack of access …



58 sec


What are the cost shifts and increased contributions from New York City to Albany?

Lincoln Restler confirms with Jacques Jiha that New York City's payments to the state have significantly increased, describing it as an unfair financial burden. - Over the last decade, cost …



141 sec


Why were Department of Buildings (DOB) inspector positions reduced despite preliminary exemptions, and will these cuts be reversed?

Jacques Jiha from the Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) intends to clarify and address the unintended reductions in Department of Buildings (DOB) inspector positions. - Council Member Lincoln …



57 sec


Why is the city cutting the budget for decarbonization projects, and what impact does this have on meeting environmental goals?

Council Member Lincoln Restler raises concerns about significant budget cuts to decarbonization efforts, questioning the city's ability to meet its environmental commitments. - The Decast capital plan faces a $1 …



94 sec


What are the concerns about the NYC administration's engagement with the council on debt limit and infrastructure, and how does the administration respond?

Council Member Restler criticizes the administration's lack of engagement and decision-making regarding the debt limit and infrastructure, while Budget Director Jiha explains the reasons behind debt capacity issues. - Restler …



3 min


What justifies the NYPD's overtime spending amid increasing response times?

Council Member Lincoln Restler challenges the allocation of $1 billion in overtime to the NYPD due to increasing response times for crimes, contrasting it with cuts to libraries and early …



99 sec


How is the Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) affecting the Women Forward NYC initiative and its funding for asylum seekers?

The Women Forward NYC initiative retains its $43,000,000 funding despite agency budget reductions, and $11,000,000 is allocated for asylum seekers' legal services in the preliminary budget. - The Program to …



171 sec


What is the new cost estimate for the broad based jails, and what drives the increase?

The new cost estimate for the city's broad based jails is $15,000,000,000, mainly driven by rising construction costs, including steel prices. - The initial cost estimate was $8,700,000,000, but it …



56 sec


How are Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) savings calculated, and is there a misalignment in salaries for certain positions?

Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) savings are calculated from spending reductions and lower than budgeted headcounts, but concerns arise over salary competitiveness for positions like investigators and research assistants. …



113 sec


What is the status of service providers invited back to Rikers Island without new contracts?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is assessing the Department of Correction's (DoC) needs before deciding on the continuation and funding of programs at Rikers Island. - …



67 sec


Is there a plan to restore funding to compost workers and community organizations?

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) believes that a citywide sanitation program is more effective than smaller, community-driven initiatives, despite cuts to outreach and communication budgets. - …



145 sec


Brad Lander, New York City Comptroller, on the City's Preliminary Budget, Economic Recovery, and Strategic Investments

Brad Lander, New York City Comptroller, critiques the preliminary budget and economic conditions while offering recommendations for strategic investments and improved transparency in budget processes. - Highlights issues of transparency …



18 min


Did the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) seek approval before entering into a contract with Mokify, and what was the review process?

The New York City Comptroller confirms that HPD sought approval for a $53,000,000 contract with Mokify, which underwent a comprehensive review for emergency procurement. - The review assessed the emergency …



79 sec


What adjustments are pension fund managers making to investment strategies amidst high inflation and elevated interest rates?

New legislation allows NYC pension funds to diversify investments into private markets, aiming for additional returns in the current economic climate. - Brad Lander, New York City Comptroller, explains legislative …



114 sec


How are this year's pension investment returns performing?

The fiscal year 23 ended with pension investment returns up 8%, surpassing the 7% goal set by the state. - Fiscal year 23 concluded with an 8% increase, exceeding the …



51 sec


What is the impact of New York City's general obligation bond ratings on its debt service obligations?

The reaffirmation of New York City's general obligation bond ratings at double A by S&P Global and Fitch is not expected to significantly impact the city's debt service obligations. - …



75 sec


Is there a correlation between headcount reductions and the decline in PMMR indicators?

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander confirms a correlation between headcount reductions and declines in some Preliminary Mayor's Management Report (PMMR) indicators. - Lander highlights the Housing Preservation and Development …



106 sec


Has there been improvement in the processing of SNAP benefits by the HRA?

The New York City Comptroller has not specifically examined the HRA's SNAP benefits processing improvement claims. - Comptroller Brad Lander mentions that the Human Resources Administration (HRA) was not included …



26 sec


How can the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) better budget for uniformed officers' overtime?

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander suggests improving overtime budgeting by scheduling on-duty staff for planned events. - Lander highlights excessive overtime for planned events as a key issue. - …



74 sec


How are emergency contracts allocated and which circumstances warrant them?

Emergency contracts are allocated based on unforeseen circumstances, with efforts to contain costs and ensure appropriate bidding even when traditional procurement methods are infeasible. - The New York City Charter …



176 sec


What is the status of the mental health bed initiatives for detainees at Rikers Island?

The mental health bed initiatives for detainees with health issues at Rikers Island are experiencing delays, with only Bellevue Hospital moving forward. - The outposted beds are for detainees at …



70 sec


Was the mayor's $5.88 billion budget cut and its impact on decarbonization efforts appropriate?

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander suggests the mayor's $5.88 billion budget cut was a mistake after Governor Hochul's debt capacity increase. - Comptroller Brad Lander acknowledges the administration's initial …



119 sec


Why does the New York City Comptroller's office have a different financial outlook from the City Council's projections?

The New York City Comptroller's office and the City Council have differing financial projections due to varying views on job growth and revenue, along with accounting for unbudgeted costs. - …



3 min


What strategies are suggested to manage spending on claims and settlements, especially NYPD lawsuits?

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander details strategies to reduce the city's payouts for claims and settlements, with a focus on crash claims and potential future strategies for NYPD settlements. …



98 sec


How does the New York City Comptroller's office handle pre-litigation settlements?

The New York City Comptroller's office is responsible for pre-litigation settlements, saving both the city and claimants money. - The office can offer a settlement up to a year after …



73 sec


What are the impacts of reducing alternatives to incarceration programs on decarceration plans such as the closed Rikers plan?

Council Member Althea Stevens and Comptroller Brad Lander discuss the negative impacts of cutting alternative to incarceration programs on decarceration efforts including the closed Rikers plan. - Council Member Althea …



85 sec


What resources are needed to address NYC's housing crisis?

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander discusses the multifaceted nature of the housing crisis and the critical need for more production across income levels, city subsidies, and program expansion. - …



130 sec


Louisa Chafee, Director of the New York City Independent Budget Office, on the Financial Outlook and Operational Challenges Facing New York City

Louisa Chafee reviews the preliminary budget for New York City, detailing fiscal outlooks, operational challenges, and the impact of proposed budget cuts. - IBO forecasts a $6 billion surplus for …



7 min


What challenges does the New York City Independent Budget Office face in tracking asylum seeker costs, and how can transparency be improved?

The New York City Independent Budget Office highlights significant challenges in tracking costs related to asylum seekers, including a lack of detailed procurement information and an opaque system. - Emergency …



53 sec


What assumptions are made regarding census growth, and how are costs estimated?

The Independent Budget Officer's Office updates cost estimates with assumptions on population decline and per diem costs. - The cost estimates were updated in December, considering a 20% cost reduction …



91 sec


What analysis exists on the asylum cost adjustments in the preliminary plan?

The New York City Independent Budget Officer's Office is still examining factors behind the cost decline in asylum support, noting an alignment with their projections. - The office is analyzing …



61 sec


What are the key takeaways from the most recent Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) analysis?

The most recent Program to Eliminate the Gap (PEG) analysis shows a 7% net increase in the 2024 budget, despite restorations and adjustments. - Some PEGs were fully or partially …



92 sec


What does the Independent Budget Office forecast for the future of commercial real estate in New York?

The Independent Budget Office (IBO) forecasts a continued growth in the value of Manhattan office buildings, albeit at a reduced rate compared to pre-pandemic levels. - The IBO does not …



65 sec


What analysis has been conducted on 3K seat availability and its effects on New York City families?

The Independent Budget Officer’s Office is requesting data to analyze the availability and distribution of 3K seats, amid concerns of a supply and demand mismatch. - Council Member Lincoln Restler …



4 min


What is the nature of job additions in NYC, and how do they impact the economy?

Sarah Parker addresses concerns about the types of jobs being added in New York City, emphasizing the rise in low-wage jobs and their effect on the local economy and household …



158 sec


Preston Niblack, Commissioner, NYC Department of Finance on the Fiscal Year 2025 Preliminary Budget and Department Innovations

Preston Niblack, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Finance, outlines the preliminary budget for fiscal year 2025, with focus on customer service improvements and future plans. - Niblack, joined by …



10 min


Will the change in assessments between the tentative and final role differ from the typical 1% to 1.5% reductions this year?

The NYC Department of Finance does not anticipate any unusual factors that would lead to a change in assessments between the tentative and final role differing from the typical 1% …



31 sec


Is there a flight to quality observed in the Department of Finance's real property tax data?

Preston Niblack confirms a flight to quality trend in the office market according to real property tax income and expense data, with a preference for modern, high-end office spaces. - …



98 sec


Have sales of higher-end homes slowed like mainstream home sales?

The Department of Finance observes a market downturn affecting home sales, including a 3.4% decrease in market value for Class 1 properties. - The pandemic initially caused a surge in …



65 sec


What insight does the Department of Finance have on vacancy rates?

The Department of Finance reports a significant fall in vacancy rates this year, contributing to rising rents and supporting incomes. - Vacancy rates are falling dramatically, with measurements slightly different …



89 sec


What profiles exist for locations or buildings with varied vacancy rates?

Commissioner Preston Niblack states that the NYC Department of Finance can provide information on the profiles of locations or buildings with varying vacancy rates, also highlighting changes in their classification …



36 sec


What is the current staffing level for Department of Finance employees assigned to SCRIE applications, and is it sufficient?

The Department of Finance has 27 active employees for SCRIE applications, with efforts to fill 9 vacancies and improve processing efficiency. - The current active headcount is 27, with an …



136 sec


How many New Yorkers are eligible for SCRIE and DRIE?

The NYC Department of Finance estimates approximately 135,000 New Yorkers are eligible for SCRIE and DRIE. - Council Member Justin L. Brannan inquires about the eligibility of New Yorkers for …



9 sec


What is the ballpark participation rate for SCRIE and DRIE??

The ballpark participation rate is around 55% for SCRIE and DRIE. - Council Member Justin L. Brannan inquires about the ballpark participation rate. - Preston Niblack, Commissioner of the NYC …



6 sec


Is the current participation rate for benefits typical, and how is awareness raised?

Preston Niblack highlights that the current benefits participation rate is a result of years of effort to increase it, contrasting with lower rates decades ago. - Niblack recalls the participation …



101 sec


How is additional revenue estimated with each new city auditor, and what titles will be included in the November plan?

The NYC Department of Finance confirms having a revenue estimation formula for each new city auditor and outlines titles included in the November plan. - Revenue is estimated by type …



86 sec


What legal changes are necessary for NYC to close illegal marijuana shops?

The city seeks state-level legal authority to empower sheriffs to close illegal marijuana shops. - Currently, the legal authority to close illegal shops lies with the state, not the city. …



72 sec


How many illegal marijuana shops have been raided and what impact have warning letters to landlords had in FY 2023?

Approximately 1,800 illegal marijuana shops have been raided in FY 2023, with over 90 landlords responding positively to warning letters. - Since the joint compliance task force's inception, around 1,800 …



59 sec


What is the sheriff's office role in electronic monitoring, and are there any backlogs in screening?

The NYC Sheriff’s office plays a key role in the electronic monitoring program by screening defendants and monitoring compliance, with no current backlogs in screening. - The sheriff’s office determines …



3 min


What are the reasons behind the processing delays for SCRIE applications, and how is the budget supporting improvements?

The Department of Finance now processes SCRIE applications within 4 days, achieving improvements through hiring, automation, and a change in income definition. - A backlog previously drove up average processing …



89 sec


What is the collection rate for sheriff's joint compliance task force fines, and how would lien sales impact city revenue?

The council member inquires about the collection rate of fines issued by the sheriff's joint compliance task force, the uncollected $2.1 billion, and the potential revenue from lien sales, while …



6 min


Is the Department of Finance prioritizing the hiring of assessors, and how are city tax auditors, Deputy Sheriffs, and principal administrative associates being recruited?

The Department of Finance outlines its recruitment priorities, focusing on city tax auditors, Deputy Sheriffs, and principal administrative associates, rather than assessors. - City tax auditors are the immediate priority, …



112 sec


Maria Policarpo on the Need for Additional Assessors and Its Impact on NYC's Revenue and Property Valuation

Maria Policarpo discusses the staffing crisis among NYC assessors and its repercussions on revenue collection and property valuation. - Policarpo, representing DC 37 Local 1757, highlights over a 25% reduction …



143 sec


Carolyn Conroy on Prioritizing Budget for Immigrant Services and the Impact of Austerity Measures

Carolyn Conroy, the Senior Director for Policy and Program at the New York Immigration Coalition, addresses the city council to argue against austerity measures and for increased budget allocation to …



132 sec


Ana Champeny on Risks to New York City's Fiscal Health and Recommendations for Budget Management

Ana Champeny of the Citizens Budget Commission testifies on the city's fiscal challenges and offers budget management recommendations. - Champeny addresses chronic under-budgeting and the fiscal cliff resulting from funding …



132 sec


Hailey Nolasco, Director of Government Relations at the Center for Justice Innovation, on Supporting Community-Based Programs for Public Safety

Hailey Nolasco advocates for continued support and funding of community-based programs for public safety in spite of financial constraints. - Expresses gratitude for past council support and relief at the …



135 sec


Sarita Daftary, Co-Director of Freedom Agenda, on Advocating for Closing Rikers Island and Reallocating Funds

Sarita Daftary, Co-Director of Freedom Agenda, testifies on the financial and humanitarian issues of Rikers Island, highlighting the need for its closure and reallocating funds. - Daftary emphasizes that New …



158 sec


What is the annual cost to keep a person on Rikers Island?

It costs $556,000 to keep a person on Rikers Island for a year.



5 sec


How many people are currently on Rikers, and what are the challenges and solutions for staffing and hiring at DOF?

There are about 6250 people currently on Rikers Island, and Maria Policarpo, President of DC 37 Local 1757, outlines staffing challenges and potential solutions at the Department of Finance (DOF) …



5 min


Lisa Rivera, President and CEO, New York Legal Assistance Group, on the Funding Crisis in Legal and Social Services

Lisa Rivera outlines the financial challenges facing legal and social services, advocating for increased investment in the FY 25 budget. - Rivera highlights the New York Legal Assistance Group's impact …



4 min


Sierra Kraft, Executive Director of the Immigrant Children Advocates' Relief Effort (ICARE), on Improving Legal Representation for Unaccompanied Immigrant Minors

Sierra Kraft advocates for enhanced legal support for unaccompanied immigrant minors facing deportation in New York City. - ICARE provides free legal representation for immigrant children, contributing to a 90% …



130 sec


Marianela Diaz on the Critical Underfunding and Supporting Needs of the Human Services Sector in New York City

Marianela Diaz highlights the severe underfunding of the Human Services Sector in New York City and proposes solutions. - Diaz serves as the Campaign and Policy Manager for the Human …



128 sec


Tanya Krupat on the Osborn Association's Initiatives and Funding Needs for Arrest to Reentry Support

Tanya Krupat, Vice President of Policy and Advocacy at the Osborn Association, testifies on the organization's efforts in supporting individuals from arrest through reentry and outlines their funding requests. - …



135 sec


Sienna Fontaine from Make the Road New York on Opposing Budget Cuts to Essential Services

Sienna Fontaine, General Counsel at Make the Road New York, testifies against the proposed budget cuts to essential services impacting immigrant and working-class communities. - Fontaine presents the broad reach …



153 sec pigeon logo

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