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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Immigration

Mar 05, 2024


10:00 AM

4 hr 53 min


A hearing on the Fiscal 2025 preliminary budget for New York City, focusing on its implications for immigrant services amidst a surge in asylum seekers. Discussions cover the importance of sustainable funding for long-term immigration legal services, adult literacy, childcare vouchers, and coordination among city agencies for effective service delivery. Features testimony from the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), the Mayor’s Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and representatives from various organizations advocating for increased budget allocations to address the escalating demands for immigrant services.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Alexa Avilés opens Committee on Immigration meeting on New York City's Fiscal 2025 Preliminary Budget

Council Member Alexa Avilés reviews the city's response to the growing number of asylum seekers and the Fiscal 2025 preliminary budget's implications for immigrant services. - Avilés highlights the arrival …



6 min


Manuel Castro, Commissioner, Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) on Immigration Support Services and Response to Humanitarian Crises

Manuel Castro presents an overview of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs' (MOIA) key initiatives and services supporting New York City's immigrant communities, with a focus on the past fiscal …



11 min


Molly Schaeffer, Interim Director, Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) on the Comprehensive Response and Budget Impact of NYC's Asylum Seeker Operations

Molly Schaeffer discusses the operations and budget of the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations in response to the migrant crisis. - New York City has provided support to over …



5 min


What are the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) focuses on serving immigrant populations with various programs, especially immigration legal services, language access, and English learning. - MOIA has a limited scope …



128 sec


How is the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) distributing its workload among its team?

Commissioner Manuel Castro describes the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)'s staffing distribution across several departments, emphasizing the importance of outsourcing and partnerships. - Legal services are mainly outsourced, with …



110 sec


How is the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) staff distributed across agencies?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) staff is distributed across three agencies, amounting to a total of 61 positions. - MOIA's budget encompasses positions within the mayor's office, the …



5 min


What are the three priority recommendations adopted and implemented by the city, as driven by the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs?

Manuel Castro outlines the three priority recommendations adopted and implemented by the city: advocating for Temporary Protected Status (TPS), enhancing the capacity of immigrant-serving nonprofits, and leading advocacy efforts for …



6 min


What direct services does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) provide?

Commissioner Manuel Castro outlines the direct services provided by the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), including immigration and legal services, English learning, and general support services. - MOIA offers …



111 sec


What additional funding is the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) seeking, and what are its needs?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) has not yet requested additional funding but plans to discuss its specific needs with city officials. - MOIA is currently in the process …



69 sec


What additional funding does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) need for legal services?

Commissioner Manuel Castro acknowledges the inability to serve all non-citizens due to funding constraints, targeting those most in need. - Commissioner Castro states current funding is insufficient to serve the …



114 sec


What concrete numbers are being advocated for increased legal services?

Council Member Alexa Avilés inquires about specific funding amounts being advocated for legal services, but Commissioner Manuel Castro indicates that his office typically does not provide concrete budget numbers for …



99 sec


Who funds 'We Speak NYC', and is it part of the adult literacy funding or housed under DYCD?

Jasniya Sanchez clarifies that the funding for 'We Speak NYC' is housed under DCAS, not part of adult literacy funding, and not under DSS as corrected. - Funding is not …



58 sec


What staff and resources are allocated for legal services at the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) has three staff dedicated to legal services and is looking to fill three program manager vacancies. - MOIA collaborates with various agencies and …



138 sec


Is there an RFP or a concept paper that's been issued for immigrant legal services?

Tom Tortorici confirms the issuance of a concept paper for the MOIA Legal Support Centers program and describes its general parameters. - A concept paper, in collaboration with HRA, is …



113 sec


What feedback was received on the concept paper, and how is it being considered?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) confirms receiving and actively considering feedback on the concept paper. - Feedback on the concept paper has been received and is under active …



35 sec


How does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) incorporate feedback from legal professionals and community organizations?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) actively incorporates feedback from legal professionals and community organizations, aiming to improve their model and approach. - MOIA regularly interacts with contracted immigration …



108 sec


How does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) manage its programs, and have there been any instances of corrective action in contracts?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) ensures timely management of its programs through routine invoice processing, deliverable achievement, provider support, and internal feedback mechanisms to overcome barriers; no corrective …



74 sec


What is the New York City citizenship program and who oversees it?

The New York City citizenship program offers naturalization application assistance to immigrants and is currently supervised by the Department of Social Services (DSS). - Provides naturalization application assistance through a …



43 sec


Has the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) requested additional funding for Action NYC?

The Commissioner of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) acknowledges not requesting additional funding for Action NYC due to early budget talks. - Manuel Castro clarifies that no additional …



44 sec


Has the pilot program for distributing prepaid debit cards to asylum seekers started?

The pilot program for distributing prepaid debit cards to asylum seekers has not started but is expected to begin in the next couple of weeks. - Molly Schaeffer confirms the …



50 sec


Where can the program's debit cards be used, and what restrictions are in place?

Interim Director Molly Schaeffer explains that program debit cards are strictly limited to grocery, deli, and botaca purchases, primarily for food and baby supplies. - Debit cards can only be …



70 sec


How long will the pilot program for debit cards run before deciding on its expansion?

The duration of the pilot program for debit cards is determined by data monitoring and the usage by 500 households. - Molly Schaeffer states the plan to work with the …



30 sec


Have you been consulted on the criteria to select 500 households for the pilot?

Molly Schaeffer explains that the selection involves families in the HANYC program staying in hotel rooms citywide, providing both cost savings and choice in food supplies. - The selected families …



76 sec


Are there any line items for the pilot program in the FY 25 budget?

Molly Schaeffer confirms there are no line items for the debit card pilot program in the FY 25 budget. - Council Member Erik Bottcher asks about the inclusion of line …



12 sec


Why did the administration choose an emergency contract for the debit card program?

The administration pursued an emergency contract for the debit card program to start saving money as quickly as possible. - An emergency contract was chosen to expedite cost savings in …



39 sec


Is the claim that the program will save $7,200,000 true, and based on what information?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations estimates monthly savings from the program at $600,000 and discusses adjustments to DocGo contracts and the new vendor's track record. - Molly Schaeffer …



110 sec


Was the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) included in the Adult Literacy RFP conversation, and how do agencies cater to specific communities without MOIA's involvement?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) was not included in the Adult Literacy RFP conversation, and Commissioner Manuel Castro suggests each agency has its process for catering to specific …



44 sec


What adult literacy services do the shelters offer, and how many students have been served?

Details on the start dates, locations, and number of students served in adult literacy services remain unclear, as Molly Schaeffer must follow up with specifics. - Originally, five sites were …



38 sec


What are the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) serving numbers and the qualified countries list?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) does not have a ready list of countries served under TPS but offers personalized assessments for eligibility. - Individuals seeking TPS can …



46 sec


How many applications has the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) filed so far, and what does this include?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) has filed over 37,000 applications, covering various services beyond TPS work authorization. - Over 37,000 applications have been filed, indicating a broad …



26 sec


How does the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) track success rates, and how many have been successful?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) does not require asylum seekers to report back on the success of their applications. - Individuals are not obligated to inform OASO …



47 sec


How does the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) assist with employment for asylum seekers?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) assists with employment by collaborating with Small Business Services (SBS) and referring individuals to state work programs. - OASO refers individuals with …



26 sec


How many people has the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) referred to state partners and Small Business Services (SBS)?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) has referred approximately ten thousand people to their state partners and Small Business Services (SBS). - About ten thousand individuals have been …



14 sec


How is outreach conducted for informing communities about humanitarian parole and TPS paper assistance?

Molly Schaeffer describes the outreach efforts towards asylum seekers within the shelter system, emphasizing on-site inquiries and connections to legal support upon their arrival. - The Mayor's Office of Asylum …



46 sec


What are the effects of the 30 to 60 day rule on asylum seekers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, and humanitarian parole recipients?

Molly Schaeffer outlines efforts to support asylum seekers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) recipients, and humanitarian parole recipients in light of the 30 to 60 day rule. - Over 60% of …



57 sec


What are the details of the debit card program for families in shelters?

The debit card program provides hotel rooms to asylum seekers for 28 days and is designed for 500 families in the pilot phase. - The program offers hotel room accommodations …



35 sec


How was the $600,000 savings determined, and are there other ongoing savings analyses?

Molly Schaeffer states she needs to consult with OMB colleagues to explain the $600,000 savings and confirms ongoing efforts to find other savings. - Schaeffer mentions the necessity to confer …



31 sec


What measures are leading to decreased spending on asylum seekers, and how is the city ensuring service consistency?

The decrease in spending on asylum seekers results from reprocuring contracts, reducing non-essential staffing, and optimizing efficiencies. - Contracts are reprocured, and services are renegotiated for better costs. - Non-essential …



4 min


What updates are there on the city's legal service efforts for asylum seekers and budget allocations?

Molly Schaeffer provides detailed updates on asylum application efforts and budget allocations for the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO). - Over 37,714 asylum, work authorization, and Temporary Protected …



152 sec


What is the status and challenges of obtaining state and federal funding for asylum seeker support in NYC?

The process of obtaining state and federal funding for NYC involves complicated paperwork, particularly with restrictive federal guidelines making it difficult for cities to draw down funds. - Council Member …



86 sec


How many nonprofits are involved, and how many are based outside New York City?

Molly Schaeffer states they will provide details later on the number of nonprofits involved and how many are not from New York City. - Council Member Gale A. Brewer inquires …



48 sec


Can the 60-day notice procedure for asylum seekers be eliminated, and what are its costs?

Council Member Gale A. Brewer raises concerns about the impact and costs of the 60-day notice procedure for asylum seekers, with a focus on family welfare and financial efficiency. - …



147 sec


How does the debit card system work without DocGo providing food, and what are the plans for RFPs and fund allocation for asylum seeker services?

Council Member Gale A. Brewer questions the workings of the debit card system without DocGo catering and seeks details on Request for Proposal (RFP) opportunities and the redistribution of saved …



117 sec


Why has there been a decrease in IDNYC cards issued and in the program's budget for fiscal year 2024?

The decrease in IDNYC cards issued and the program's budget for fiscal 2024 remains unexplained by MOIA, which defers to the Department of Social Services (DSS) for answers. - IDNYC …



122 sec


Why are there delays in appointment availability for IDNYC, and what measures are being taken to improve access?

The delay in appointments for IDNYC is primarily due to an increased demand, and efforts are in place to assist communities in navigating the system. - Increased demand for IDNYC …



140 sec


How is the administration promoting enrollment in IDNYC for long-time immigrants in the city?

The NYC Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) aims to reach all immigrant communities, focusing on partnership and outreach to long-time residents. - MOIA liaises with community organizations serving long-term …



57 sec


Why was funding for asylum seekers' legal services not included in FY 25, and how will the state's commitment address the need?

The state has committed funds for asylum seekers' legal services, and efforts are underway to expand these services. - The state has committed some money for legal services for asylum …



108 sec


How often does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) meet with the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) meets with the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) almost daily to discuss asylum seekers' legal services needs and other immigrant services. …



33 sec


Does the committee have oversight over the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and will its Interim Director testify at the budget hearing?

The Interim Director of the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) is unsure if the committee has oversight over OASO and commits to testifying at the budget hearing pending …



46 sec


What are the specific roles of the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and how do they differ from MOIA?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) specifically addresses the rapid influx of asylum seekers by coordinating and managing appropriate shelter operations and advocating for this population, distinguishing its …



45 sec


What is the current budget for the Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) and what are the staffing projections?

The Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)'s preliminary budget for fiscal 2024 is $1,700,000 with 10 current staff members, and plans for expansion are underway. - The Personal Services (PS) …



53 sec


Who does the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations report to, and how often do they meet?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations reports to the mayor's chief of staff, with frequent meetings every other day or more. - The Office of Asylum Seeker Operations reports …



75 sec


Is there a long-term plan for the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) has a strategic plan but acknowledges the need for flexibility in response to changing circumstances. - OASO released a strategic plan in …



53 sec


Is there any duplication of effort in coordinating with MOIA at the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?

There is no duplication of effort, as the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) and MOIA's team collaborate closely and coordinate frequently. - The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker …



37 sec


Has there been communication between OMB and MOIA about creating a full agency for immigrant affairs?

There has been no communication between OMB and MOIA regarding the creation of a full agency for immigrant affairs since Manuel Castro joined the administration.



52 sec


Should a full agency for immigrant affairs be established in NYC?

The concept of creating a full agency for immigrant affairs is under consideration, focusing on improving long-term operations for asylum seekers and streamlining services. - Molly Schaeffer, Interim Director at …



68 sec


What is the current and projected budget for the asylum seeker application help center in fiscal 24?

The asylum application help center has $11 million included in the preliminary budget for fiscal 24, with an additional $40 million committed by the state. - $11 million is allocated …



105 sec


What are the details of the mail retention policy for asylum seekers in NYC shelters, and how will important mail be identified?

Shelters in NYC will be implementing a policy to indefinitely retain important mail for asylum seekers, including items from the federal government. - Molly Schaeffer confirms the plan to keep …



135 sec


What data is collected on the asylum application help center and who has access to the data at the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations' (OASO) help center?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) collects applications, accomplishments, and general information about asylum seekers to follow up for further assistance, ensuring data protection and having 125 application …



70 sec


Are attorneys from for-profit organizations receiving payments for application assistance?

Interim Director Molly Schaeffer confirms that some for-profit attorneys are paid and discusses university engagements in asylum application assistance. - Some attorneys are doing pro bono work, while others are …



33 sec


What outcomes resulted from universities' engagement in asylum application assistance, and are there plans for program expansion?

The universities have participated in asylum application assistance, resulting in 120 application assistances and the involvement of 25 lawyers, with plans for further expansion. - Universities including NYU, Columbia, and …



89 sec


Does the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) meet with the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MoIA) to discuss legal services for asylum seekers?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) confirms meeting with the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MoIA) to discuss legal services for asylum seekers. - Council Member Alexa Avilés …



14 sec


How does OASO collaborate with nonprofit organizations on volunteer recruitment?

OASO has engaged in meetings with nonprofit legal organizations to address collaboration on volunteer recruitment. - Molly Schaeffer confirms meetings with nonprofit legal organizations. - These meetings aim to listen …



19 sec


What concerns do legal nonprofits have, particularly regarding representation and funding?

Molly Schaeffer discusses challenges faced by legal nonprofits, focusing on the balance between providing representation and procedural help amid increasing demand. - The primary challenge is managing the influx of …



42 sec


How is the RFP process for legal services being addressed amid critiques, and what are the efforts to resolve funding disparities between nonprofit and profit providers?

Officials explain that the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for legal services is still under development, with community feedback shaping the final document, and efforts are underway to address funding …



6 min


Is there a plan to increase legal services funding and expand non-profit legal assistance in 2025?

Officials discuss plans to increase legal services and move towards non-profit partnerships, but no specific increase for fiscal 2025 is in the preliminary budget. - The Mayor's Office for Immigrant …



3 min


What is the budget for the Asylum Seeker Legal Assistance Network (ASLAN) program and will its funding level continue in the coming year?

The Asylum Seeker Legal Assistance Network (ASLAN) initiative is allotted $5 million for fiscal years 2023 and 2024, with ongoing discussions about future funding levels. - The budget for the …



43 sec


What is the funding request from the federal government for legal services?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations is actively advocating for more federal funding and legal aid improvements, though no specific funding amount was provided. - The office is engaging …



74 sec


Are there ongoing discussions with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to increase funding for immigration legal services?

Molly Schaeffer confirms that the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) is in regular communication with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the state to increase funding …



21 sec


How has the collaboration been between the help center and legal service nonprofit providers, and what improvements have been suggested?

The Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) collaborates with nonprofit legal service providers through roundtable meetings, joint clinics, and shared suggestions for process improvements. - Roundtable meetings and nonprofit staff …



100 sec


What resources are available through the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) for providers, and can providers use the space at help centers?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) does not provide direct resources but coordinates potential aids and offers limited space for provider use. - OASO lacks a contract, tax, …



152 sec


How is the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) addressing critiques related to the quality and linguistic accessibility of asylum applications?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) emphasizes increasing bilingual staff and maintaining quality in the asylum application process despite critiques. - OASO prioritizes hiring bilingual staff and using …



3 min


Are asylum application processes and language access adequately managed? How effective are follow-up callbacks?

The administration addresses the complexity of asylum application processes, emphasizes language access improvements, and acknowledges the challenges in tracking the success of follow-up callbacks. - Asylum application completion is not …



3 min


Who covers reticketing costs and what is the current spending on reticketing services?

Molly Schaeffer explains that reticketing options are available in all shelters and at the arrival center, with the city spending approximately $7.6 million on over 28,000 tickets. - Reticketing services …



90 sec


Which providers have been reimbursed for reticketing, and are there any outstanding invoices?

Groups handling reticketing have been reimbursed, but clarification on outstanding invoices is pending. - Interim Director Molly Schaeffer confirms groups have been reimbursed for reticketing efforts. - Council Member Alexa …



25 sec


What is the duration and budget for the $1,000 monthly support pilot for 500 families?

Council Member Avilés seeks clarity on the budget and duration of the $1,000 monthly support pilot for 500 families, leading to a discussion on the program's unclear financial allocations. - …



148 sec


Was the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) consulted on the adult literacy RFP contract?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) was not consulted about the adult literacy Request for Proposals (RFP) contract, despite their involvement in immigrant-related initiatives. - Council Member Alexa Avilés …



83 sec


What metrics and performance measures exist for Action NYC, and how is it performing?

Metrics and performance measures for Action NYC exist and show the program outperforms its targets and has robust engagement. - Metrics for Action NYC are available but not included in …



144 sec


What updates are available on the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) hotlines' performance and services?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) updates on its hotlines, which provide legal and immigration-related information, highlighting their vital role in supporting NYC immigrants. - MOIA operates two main …



5 min


What are the fiscal year 2024 and 2025 budgets for We Speak NYC, and how is the program evolving?

The fiscal year 2024 budget for We Speak NYC is $873,000, while for fiscal year 2025, it sees a reduction to $617,665 due to budgetary adjustments, with the program undergoing …



4 min


How is the immigrant English learning program implemented in NYC libraries?

The program offers flexible curriculum and technical assistance for English learning classes aimed at empowering immigrants, with funding and technical support for libraries and Community Based Organizations (CBOs). - The …



3 min


What are the budget allocations for language services in fiscal years 2024 and 2025, and how fully staffed is the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)?

Language service budgets decrease over fiscal years 2024 and 2025, while the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) aims to be fully staffed. - Fiscal year 2024 is budgeted at …



3 min


What are the primary languages in need of translation services in NYC, and how does the city address language accessibility for immigrant communities?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) identifies Chinese and Spanish as the two most needed languages for translation services, with initiatives to address gaps and improve language access policies. …



3 min


Who holds the master contract for language services in New York City?

The Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) holds the master contract for language services, and it oversees procurement for the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA). - DCAS is responsible …



67 sec


How is the American DreamWorks initiative implemented to connect asylum seekers with jobs, and what is its budget?

The American DreamWorks initiative, lacking detailed budget information, connects authorized asylum seekers with jobs through a portal for businesses and workforce centers. - The initiative operates without a specified budget, …



176 sec


How will the administration address xenophobia against migrants and asylum seekers?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) prioritizes the safety, security, and upliftment of migrants and asylum seekers, and is open to collaboration on addressing xenophobia. - Interim Director …



63 sec


How is the migrant job bank supporting work-eligible individuals?

City agencies are collaborating with the state to connect work-eligible individuals to the migrant job bank, ensuring access to job resources and support for non-English speakers. - City works closely …



5 min


How many changes of address applications has the city helped file since 2022, and are these applications prioritized at the help center?

The Mayor’s Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) offers help with change of address forms but lacks precise numbers on how many have been filed since 2022. - OASO's help …



35 sec


What does "change of venue forms" mean for asylum seekers wanting to leave NYC?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) assists with "change of venue forms" for asylum seekers wanting to leave NYC, which includes reticketing services. - "Change of venue forms" …



14 sec


Who has access to the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) help center, and how is eligibility determined?

Access to the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) help center is appointment-based, primarily serving individuals currently in OASO's care. - Access is granted to staff and individuals with …



97 sec


How many interpreters and translators are available at the help center, and what is the budget for them?

The specific number of interpreters and translators at the help center and their budget require follow-up for detailed information. - The council member inquires about the number of interpreters and …



33 sec


What are the budget allocations for the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) and the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?

The budget for the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) is confirmed at $742,000 for six staff members, while the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) has an allocation …



47 sec


Where are individuals requiring long-term legal representation referred, and how is this process managed?

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) facilitates referrals for individuals needing long-term legal representation, with the process tailored to specific case needs and available resources. - The Mayor's Office …



112 sec


What percentage of the need for legal support among non-citizens can currently be met?

Manuel Castro, Commissioner for the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), indicates that the need for legal support among New York City's non-citizens is vast, mentioning approximately 1.1 million individuals …



62 sec


What information is required from an individual to make an appointment?

Interim Director Molly Schaeffer does not provide specific details on the required information for making an appointment. - Molly Schaeffer, from the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), promises …



20 sec


Are certain people or types of appointments given priority in the system?

Molly Schaeffer, Interim Director of the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), confirms that due to resource constraints, certain appointment types are prioritized based on application type. - Prioritization …



33 sec


What is the current prioritization in the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) has shifted its focus back to asylum, emphasizing efforts in that area while still addressing Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and work eligibility …



29 sec


Are there special providers at the center to assist with youth cases, including those eligible for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS)?

Specialized care and comprehensive legal representation for youth cases, including eligibility for other forms of relief like Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS), are being explored. - Pilot programs, such as …



90 sec


Which providers are working with the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) on immigration cases?

Tom Tortorici explains that the CN schools team, action advisory, and hospitals team handle the highest number of cases, with most youth-focused immigration legal services under HRA and the office …



33 sec


Are asylum seekers receiving comprehensive legal intake for U visas and other immigration benefits at help centers?

Asylum seekers receive legal intake at help centers focusing mainly on asylum TPS or work authorization, with referrals for other needs. - The focus is primarily on asylum TPS or …



129 sec


How is eligibility for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) determined in shelters?

Eligibility for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is initially determined through screening questions at shelters. - Eligibility is assessed for individuals self-reporting as Venezuelan and present before a specified time. - …



37 sec


Do individuals seeking asylum need to request a specific application type upon arrival?

A cohesive effort between shelter staff and the federal government streamlines the application process for asylum seekers upon arrival. - The process does not require individuals to request a specific …



29 sec


What kind of information must legal service providers report to city agencies?

Molly Schaeffer, Interim Director at the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), is unsure of the specific metrics required for legal service providers to report to city agencies. - …



35 sec


How do people in upstate locations access legal services and what is the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations' role in it?

The state funds $20 million for legal and case management support, facilitating access to legal services for people in upstate hotels, with the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) …



44 sec


How is the city protecting new arrivals from legal service fraud?

The city is actively combating legal service fraud targeting new arrivals by collaborating with the Department of Consumer Worker Protections (DCWP) and establishing a hotline for outreach and information. - …



3 min


Monique Francis, Interim Executive Director, CUNY Citizenship Now on Impact of City Council Funding on Immigrant Legal Services

Monique Francis highlights the transformative effect of City Council funding on CUNY Citizenship Now's services for immigrants. - Funding has enabled the legal status legalization and promotion of citizenship for …



161 sec


Meetu Dhar, Managing Attorney for Community Events at CUNY Citizenship Now on Expanding Services for NYC's Immigrant Community

Meetu Dhar, highlights CUNY Citizenship Now's efforts to expand legal services for immigrants in New York City in response to changing policies and increased demand. - CUNY Citizenship Now provides …



137 sec


Liza Schwartzwald on Prioritizing Immigration Issues and Funding in NYC's Budget

Liza Schwartzwald urges NYC to prioritize immigration issues and fund related programs in the upcoming budget, emphasizing the harm of austerity measures on vulnerable communities. - Schwartzwald criticizes the use …



171 sec


Margaret Martin and Kelly Agnew Barajas on Supporting New York's Immigrant and Refugee Communities

Margaret Martin and Kelly Agnew Barajas advocate for improved support and coordination for New York's immigrant and refugee communities. - Highlight the diverse and impactful services offered by Catholic Charities …



5 min


Harold Solis, Co-Legal Director at Make the Road, New York, on Budget Cuts Affecting Immigrant New Yorkers

Harold Solis testifies against the fiscal year 25 budget cuts that impact immigrant New Yorkers. - Solis represents Make the Road, New York, voicing the concerns of 27,000 members on …



3 min


Alexa Avilés discusses the NYC City Council's efforts to maintain and increase funding for adult literacy and services for immigrants

Alexa Avilés discusses the NYC City Council's efforts to maintain and increase funding for adult literacy and services for immigrants. - Alexa Avilés commends the community organizations' work and acknowledges …



3 min


Carlos Talasa on the Rise of ICE Detentions and Defending Detained Immigrant New Yorkers

Carlos Talasa testifies about the critical work of the Bronx Defenders in defending detained immigrant New Yorkers and the alarming increase in ICE detentions. - The Bronx Defenders, in collaboration …



167 sec


Ellen Pachnanda, Director of Immigration Practice at Brooklyn Defender Services, on Budget Needs for Serving Immigrant New Yorkers

Ellen Pachnanda discusses Brooklyn Defender Services' budget requirements to continue supporting the immigrant community in New York City. - Ellen Pachnanda emphasizes the organization's role in defending against ICE detention …



124 sec


Deborah Lee on Increasing Trends of Detention and Deportation and Legal Aid Society’s Efforts

Deborah Lee testifies about the escalating detention and deportation of New Yorkers, the resumption of deportations to Venezuela, and Legal Aid's challenges and efforts in providing legal support. - Lee …



149 sec


Tania Mattos, Interim Executive Director of UnLocal, on the ProSe Plus Project and the Rapid Response Legal Collaborative

Tania Mattos, representing UnLocal, emphasizes the nonprofit's direct legal services for undocumented immigrants in New York and expresses concerns over proposed budget cuts. - Mattos testifies about UnLocal's ProSe Plus …



3 min


Marc Valinoti on the Impact of Funding Cuts on Immigrant and Domestic Violence Services

Marc Valinoti highlights the critical impact of funding cuts on immigrant and domestic violence services provided by Nimik, including the termination of the Action NYC program. - Valinoti serves as …



168 sec


Alexandra Rizio, Managing Attorney at Safe Passage Project, on Legal Representation for Immigrant Children Facing Deportation

Alexandra Rizio, the Managing Attorney at Safe Passage Project, advocates for increased funding to provide immigrant children facing deportation with free legal representation. - Rizio emphasizes the severe challenge immigrant …



3 min


Ira Yankwitt, Executive Director, Literacy Assistance Center on the Impact of Adult Literacy Funding Practices

Ira Yankwitt outlines the adverse effects of the current Request for Proposals (RFP) structure on adult literacy programs in New York City. - Critiques the RFP by the Department of …



176 sec


Lena Cohen, Representative from United Neighborhood Houses, on Addressing Adult Literacy and Supporting Immigrant Families

Lena Cohen highlights critical issues affecting New York City's immigrant population, focusing on adult literacy education and supports for immigrant families. - Cohen brings attention to the nearly 1,000,000 adults …



165 sec


Sierra Kraft, Executive Director, Immigrant Children Advocates' Relief Effort (ICARE) Coalition on Advocating for Legal Services for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children

Sierra Kraft, Executive Director of the Immigrant Children Advocates' Relief Effort (ICARE) Coalition, testifies about the urgent need for increased funding to provide legal services to unaccompanied immigrant children in …



162 sec


Sophie Dalsimer on Restoring and Enhancing Funding for the Immigrant Health Initiative

Sophie Dalsimer advocates for the restoration and enhancement of funding for the immigrant health initiative, highlighting its critical role in saving lives and improving health outcomes. - Dalsimer emphasises the …



134 sec


Vladimir on Challenges and Support for LGBTQ+ Immigrants in New York City

Vladimir, the Director of Policy and Government Affairs at the LGBT Community Center in New York City, highlights the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ immigrants and advocates for increased support. - …



3 min


Abigail Dorcin, Organizing Manager at La Colmena, on Support Services for Immigrants and Workers on Staten Island

Abigail Dorcin outlines the support services provided by La Colmena for immigrants and workers on Staten Island. - La Colmena focuses on empowering immigrants through education, culture, and organizing, specifically …



128 sec


Vianey Romero-Mendez, Director of Programs, Mixteca on Supporting the Latinx and Indigenous Immigrant Community

Vianey Romero-Mendez discusses Mixteca's role in aiding the Latinx and indigenous immigrant community in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, and greater New York City. - Romero-Mendez highlights Mixteca's provision of guidance through …



136 sec


Ana Galiana on Her Journey as an Immigrant and the Impact of Mixteca

Ana Galiana shares her journey from immigrant to advocate, emphasizing the crucial support received from Mixteca. - Galiana discusses her challenges as a single mom and immigrant, including language and …



134 sec


Dmitri Daniel Glinski, President and CEO, Russian-Speaking Community Council, on Support for Exiles and Funding for Community-Based Organizations

Dmitri Daniel Glinski advocates for the recognition and support of exiles from dictatorships and the funding needs of their community-based organizations in New York. - Glinski emphasizes the challenges faced …



4 min


Rex Chen, Immigration Director at Legal Services NYC, on Comprehensive Support for Asylum Seekers

Rex Chen addresses the multifaceted support provided to asylum seekers by Legal Services NYC, which includes a broad range of services beyond legal assistance. - Legal Services NYC assists asylum …



178 sec


Melissa Chua on Budget Cuts Affecting Immigration Legal Assistance

Melissa Chua, Co-Director of the Immigration Protection Unit at the New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG), discusses how proposed budget cuts will significantly impact legal assistance for immigrants. - Highlights …



3 min


Oriana Shulevitz Rosado on Funding for Long-Term Immigration Legal Services in NYC

Oriana Shulevitz Rosado advocates for increased funding for long-term immigration legal services in New York City. - Represents Immigrant ARC, a coalition of 80 member organizations providing legal services across …



3 min


Carolyn Cohen on Supporting Immigrant Communities in NYC

Carolyn Cohen from the Chinese American Planning Council (CPC) discusses the importance of funding and supporting immigrant-centric programs in NYC. - Cohen emphasizes the need for increased investment and stable …



3 min


Mohammed Q Amin, Founder and Executive Director of the Caribbean Equality Project, on Support and Challenges for Caribbean LGBTQ Immigrants

Mohammed Q Amin calls for increased support for Caribbean LGBTQ immigrants in New York City, addressing their unique challenges. - Represents the Caribbean Equality Project, advocating for over 4,000 Afro …



3 min pigeon logo

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