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Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.

New York City Council

Committee on Education

Mar 06, 2024


01:00 PM

2 hr 24 min


A hearing on the challenges of remote learning in NYC public schools, highlighting issues faced during remote learning day during a snowstrom on February 13, 2024. Discussions focused on the Department of Education's (DOE) and IBM's technical failures that led to login issues. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Education, IBM, community organizations, and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Council Member Rita C. Joseph opens oversight hearing on remote learning failures in NYC public schools

Council Member Rita C. Joseph, Chair of the Education Committee, addresses the remote learning challenges faced by New York City Public Schools during a snowstorm. - Joseph welcomes attendees to …



143 sec


Intekhab Shakil, Chief Information Officer, New York City Public Schools on Enhancing Technology for Remote Learning

Intekhab Shakil, recently appointed CIO of New York City Public Schools, presents his vision for enhancing the school system's technology infrastructure. - Shakil has over two decades of experience with …



3 min


Scott Strickland on Remote Learning Preparation and Challenges During a Citywide Remote Learning Day on February 13, 2024

Scott Strickland, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Strategy Governance at New York City Public Schools, provides a detailed account of the preparation for and execution of the first citywide remote …



12 min


Jumaane Williams, NYC Public Advocate, on the Impact of COVID-19 on Education and the Ensuing Digital Divide

NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams discusses the significant disruption in learning caused by COVID-19, focusing on the transition to virtual learning and the deepening of digital divide. - Calls attention …



3 min


How did the DOE communicate with IBM about technical issues and did IBM meet its contractual obligations?

The DOE communicated a technical issue to IBM at 1 PM the day before it became critical, using email and Slack, and IBM is asked to file a proactive service …



4 min


What is the status and details of New York City public schools' contract with IBM regarding system capacity?

New York City public schools' contract with IBM, initiated around 2018, involves an annual renewal process, with a system capacity that was initially stated at 400 but increased to accommodate …



5 min


Can all students have the same start time without staggered times?

The Department of Education and IBM are working to eliminate the need for staggered start times, aiming for uniformity as quickly as possible. - Council Member Gale A. Brewer expresses …



66 sec


What alternative login methods were developed and later removed for District 75 and 79 students?

The New York City Department of Education (DOE) developed an alternative pictorial-based login method for Districts 75 and 79 students, which was later removed due to excess system capacity issues. …



116 sec


How does the DOE communicate with families of limited English proficiency about remote learning?

The NYC Department of Education (DOE) outlines their communication strategy for families with limited English proficiency regarding remote learning through principals and superintendents, and by providing translated templates. - Communication …



73 sec


Who performs the translation services for New York City public schools?

Translation services within New York City public schools are executed by the office of translations.



11 sec


Who did families with issues report to on the day of remote learning issues?

Families with issues on a day with remote learning issues would report to their school principal.



13 sec


Is the information shared about remote learning standardized?

Emma Vadehra confirms that the information shared about remote learning is standardized.



11 sec


How many students still lack devices and internet access for remote learning?

Emma Vadehra details the DOE's distribution of approximately 2 million devices for remote learning but does not provide a specific number of students still lacking access. - Approximately 700,000 devices …



178 sec


Do all students have access to a device from the Department of Education or their school?

Emma Vadehra confirms that all students have access to a device, either from the Department of Education or their school, especially in emergencies. - Council Member Shahana K. Hanif asks …



22 sec


Do schools assign homework requiring devices on non-remote days?

Kimberly Ramones clarifies that not all homework on non-mandated remote days requires a computer or device, depending on the day's lesson. - Homework assignments may involve manual processes. - Some …



30 sec


Can students borrow devices for homework assignments requiring one?

Kimberly Ramones indicates the need to confirm schools' practices regarding device loans for homework. - Shahana K. Hanif asks about the availability of device loans for students. - Kimberly Ramones …



20 sec


What training is available for parents, especially for those with limited English proficiency, to understand school updates?

New York City Public Schools provide training and resources to parents, including those with limited English proficiency, to help facilitate understanding of school updates and communications. - Intekhab Shakil introduces …



94 sec


How are translation issues affecting the Bangladeshi community's understanding of DOE materials?

The NYC Department of Education acknowledges the need to address Bangla translation issues after concerns are raised about their legibility for the Bangladesh community. - Council Member Shahana K. Hanif …



80 sec


What is the size of the Office of Translation?

Emma Vadehra does not provide the size of the Office of Translation but offers to follow up.



12 sec


Are the devices provided to students for home use Wi-Fi enabled?

Deputy Chief Information Officer Scott Strickland confirms that all devices sent home with students are Wi-Fi enabled. - Scott Strickland, Deputy Chief Information Officer for Strategy Governance at New York …



11 sec


What are the final attendance rates citywide and by district, focusing on lower income areas post-remote learning day?

The final citywide student attendance rate post-remote learning day is 82.9%, with detailed district data pending. - The preliminary citywide student attendance rate on a remote learning day was reported …



56 sec


When did NYC Public Schools first purchase services from IBM, and what role does the Office of Technology & Innovation (OTI) play?

Scott Strickland explains the NYC Public Schools' purchases of services from IBM date back to at least 2018 through a master contract held by the Office of Technology & Innovation …



30 sec


Has the capacity been 400 transactions-per-second number been in place since 2018?

Scott Strickland confirms the user login capacity of 400 transactions per second has been constant since 2018, despite the shift to remote learning. - Strickland is initially unsure but believes …



61 sec


Why are 2018 transaction-per-second numbers still used in procuring services after the pandemic introduced remote learning?

NYC Public Schools acknowledge the need to update their procurement strategy to increase transaction per second (TPS) capacity. - Eric Dinowitz questions the reliance on 2018 transaction numbers for service …



156 sec


When was the decision to eliminate snow days announced, and how is the Department of Education preparing for remote learning challenges?

The conversation reveals previous shortcomings in remote learning logistics on snow days and discusses ongoing efforts for improvement. - Council Member Eric Dinowitz questions the announcement date for no more …



4 min


Has IBM recommended contract increases, and at what cost to NYC?

NYC officials acknowledge IBM's recommendation for a contract increase to expand service capacity, though specific costs remain unclear. - IBM suggests a contract change to provide more consistent and fair …



55 sec


Was the recommendation for auto scaling made before or after the snow day?

Emma Vadehra clarifies that the recommendation for auto scaling was made last week, preceding the snow day. - The recommendation concerned turning the TPS to auto scaling. - This decision …



20 sec


Will auto-scaling automatically adjust to bandwidth needs?

The Chief Information Officer confirms auto-scaling is expected to adjust automatically to bandwidth needs, pending testing and validation. - Auto-scaling is supposed to adjust as bandwidth expands. - Proper testing …



17 sec


What does the 2018 contract's stipulation on transaction capacity for New York City Public Schools entail?

Council Member Shekar Krishnan confirms that the 2018 contract stipulates a transaction capacity of 400 per second, which is still in effect. - The 2018 contract with IBM specifies a …



35 sec


Can IBM's system handle more than 400 logins per second in case of emergencies like snow days?

Council Member Shekar Krishnan raises concerns over IBM's system capacity for logins per second under the current contract, fearing it might not be sufficient for emergencies such as snow days. …



53 sec


How many logins were successfully processed on February 13th, and what issues arose?

Deputy Chief Information Officer Scott Strickland reveals that on February 13th, the system processed over 1,000,000 logins, but issues occurred with 100,000 successful logins in 10 minutes causing system overload. …



125 sec


Why was IBM not involved in the Snow Day preparation tests and simulations?

IBM's systems were used in Snow Day preparation simulations, but there was no direct consultation or separate notification to IBM prior to the event. - Deputy Chief Information Officer Scott …



103 sec


Was IBM notified about the snow day, and were senior officials informed?

Notifications about the snow day were sent to IBM contacts at the working level, with no confirmation on whether senior officials were informed. - Notification to IBM occurred a day …



147 sec


Will the contract need adjustment to support the specified users per second capacity?

An adjustment to the contract with IBM is assumed to be necessary to support the specified users per second capacity. - Emma Vadehra indicates that an adjustment is assumed necessary, …



63 sec


What suggestions has IBM made regarding operations?

Emma Vadehra shares that IBM's primary suggestion involves auto scaling, but details are yet to be finalized. - The NYC Department of Education receives a recommendation about auto scaling from …



30 sec


What is the Department of Education's response to the mayor’s comments blaming parents for login issues?

The Department of Education (DOE) expresses regret for issues related to remote learning login and the mayor’s blame on parents, focusing on improvements to prevent future problems. - Emma Vadehra …



130 sec


What measures were taken for special needs students to ensure they could log on effectively?

Schools across New York City made concerted efforts to accommodate special needs students, ensuring they could log on both in school and at home. - School leaders and teachers actively …



81 sec


Was support for special needs students assessed on the 13th?

New York City Public Schools did not have specific data to assess support for special needs students on the 13th. - They lack specific data regarding support for special needs …



42 sec


How quickly does the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) respond to parents' tickets?

Intekhab Shakil, the Chief Information Officer of New York City Public Schools, indicates an inability to answer about the Department of Information Technology (DoIT)'s response times to parents' tickets. - …



31 sec


Who was impacted by the New York City public schools system outage?

All New York City public school teachers and students may have been impacted by a system outage, as the problem was not limited to any specific locality or level. - …



43 sec


How many staff members are in the division of instructional and information technology at New York City Public Schools, and what are their roles?

The division of instructional and information technology at New York City Public Schools is staffed by a total of 641 full-time equivalents, including a leadership team of 8 and around …



83 sec


How many vacancies are there in the Division of Instructional and Information Technology (DID)?

Deputy Chief Information Officer, Scott Strickland, confirms there are 7 vacant positions in the Division of Instructional and Information Technology (DiiT) - Council Member Rita C. Joseph queries about the …



16 sec


How have recent vacancy reductions impacted the Division of Instructional and Information Technology (DIIT)?

The last impact of vacancy reductions on the Division of Instructional and Information Technology (DIIT) was in January 2022, with no impacts from recent rounds. - The Department of Education's …



19 sec


What is the budget for remote learning in New York City Public Schools, and does it fall under DIIT?

Remote learning expenses in New York City Public Schools are not categorized separately within DIIT, covering costs for hosting, licenses, and system development. - Remote learning costs are integrated within …



50 sec


What were the initial challenges in deploying remote learning software?

The initial challenges in deploying remote learning software included ensuring student access, device distribution, setting up teacher remote work capabilities, and technology development. - Ensuring all students could access learning …



78 sec


What is the warranty and useful life for current devices in New York City Public Schools?

New York City Public Schools' current devices, including iPads and Chromebooks, come with a 3-year warranty and a 3-year useful life, extendable to 5 years in some cases. - Devices …



26 sec


How prepared is NYC for online testing in schools?

NYC schools are preparing for online testing, including SATs, PSATs, and state tests for 3rd and 8th graders, by ensuring adequate bandwidth and device distribution. - Deputy Chief Information Officer …



98 sec


Has the NYC Public Schools' testing system been tested for glitches?

NYC Department of Education confirms thorough preparations and testing for the school's testing system to prevent glitches. - Preparations started last year with 127 schools participating in a pilot program …



107 sec


Did IBM recommend increasing Transactions Per Second (TPS) during 2022 contract negotiations, and what could have been different on February 13 with IBM's involvement in system testing?

Scott Strickland admits not knowing specifics about IBM's recommendation to increase Transactions Per Second (TPS) during 2022 contract negotiations and suggests the February 13 incident might have been avoided with …



62 sec


How are staggered start times distributed and how many can access the system at once?

The NYC Department of Education is working with IBM to distribute staggered start times by grade level and increase system accessibility. - The staggered start times are organized by grade …



77 sec


What proportion of the OTPS budget is allocated to contracts in fiscal 2024, 2025, and the out years?

Most of the Division of Information Technology's (DIIT) Other Than Personal Services (OTPS) budget is allocated to contracts or purchase orders with third parties. - The budget covers expenses such …



66 sec


What do simulation tests reveal about potential system issues, and what steps are taken for improvement?

Simulation tests reveal potential system issues, including login problems and system performance under load, leading to improvements with IBM's assistance. - Simulation tests evaluate both educational logistics, like student and …



145 sec


Will parents or students be involved in future simulation tests for NYC Public Schools?

NYC Public Schools plan to conduct initial simulations in a lab environment with the possibility of involving parents or students in user testing. - Initial simulations to be done in …



99 sec


Did students with disabilities receive remote special education services on February 13? Are there future plans for remote instruction for Pre-K and 3-K students?

New York City Public Schools indicate that students with disabilities and early childhood students had resources for remote instruction on February 13, but not all may have received services. - …



72 sec


Vanessa Hunt, Senior State Executive at IBM, on The Response to Remote Learning Login Issues in New York City Public Schools

Vanessa Hunt discusses IBM's handling of a significant remote login issue in the New York City Department of Education, ensuring continuous student and teacher access. - Hunt outlines IBM's longstanding …



4 min


Was IBM prepared for the New York City Public School's student login surge on February 13?

IBM received notification late on February 12 about the expected student login surge and was asked to monitor the situation the following morning. - IBM was informed the afternoon before …



40 sec


What was IBM's response on the morning following a reported issue with the DOE system?

IBM's technical support team was immediately mobilized, contributing to a swift recovery of the DOE system. - The IBM technical person had the product support team on standby, which was …



29 sec


When was the system completely stabilized, and how does this relate to DOE's remote learning challenges?

The system was stable at 10:15, with IBM believing the DOE agrees, but other remote learning issues may have affected logins. - IBM monitored the system, declaring it stable at …



35 sec


Did IBM find the Department of Education's notice for switching to remote learning adequate?

IBM acknowledges that the Department of Education's notice for switching to remote learning was not adequate, but has since worked on a strong communication plan to prevent such issues in …



19 sec


What's the expected turnaround time to implement IBMs action plan without issues?

The implementation of IBM's action plan can be quick, requiring behavioral changes for a smooth process. - Vanessa Hunt states that both short term and long term recommendations have been …



20 sec


How frequently do IBM and New York City Public Schools communicate about IBM's services?

IBM maintains regular communication with New York City Public Schools regarding service provisions. - Vanessa Hunt from IBM states they were in frequent contact with the previous Chief Information Officer …



26 sec


Was IBM in communication with the interim acting prior to February 13?

IBM is unaware of any communications with the interim acting prior to February 13.



10 sec


When was the New York City Public Schools' contract with IBM last negotiated, and what recommendations has IBM offered for contract amendments?

The initial contract between New York City Public Schools and IBM was negotiated in 2019, with annual renewals, and discussions on preventing future issues have been ongoing without concrete contract …



74 sec


What was the difference in remote learning preparations between the poor air quality day on June 9, 2023 and the snow day on February 13, 2024?

Vanessa Hunt indicates a lack of detailed knowledge regarding the specific preparations but notes a significant difference in user volume due to the clerical day on June 9, resulting in …



39 sec


What steps does IBM plan to take to improve its collaboration with New York City Public Schools?

IBM outlines a short-term plan to address technical and behavioral issues in New York City Public Schools, ensuring better remote learning experiences. - IBM's short-term plan includes detailed, step-by-step directions …



41 sec


Were IBM's senior executives informed about snow day preparations?

IBM's senior executives were not informed about the snow day preparations by the Department of Education's (DOE) leadership. - Technical staff from DOE was in touch with IBM's technical staff …



47 sec


Is the 400 transactions per second rate adequate for NYC schools' remote learning needs?

The 400 transactions per second (TPS) rate has been sufficient in the past, but for additional remote learning days, it is not adequate. - Vanessa Hunt from IBM confirms the …



75 sec


Would a higher Transactions Per Second (TPS) contract have prevented the February 13th issues?

Vanessa Hunt from IBM confirms that an auto-scaling contract would have prevented the February 13th problems. - IBM's product has a default 400 Transactions Per Second (TPS) limit. - An …



60 sec


Would an auto scaling contract have improved troubleshooting for the 400 transactions per second issue?

Vanessa Hunt from IBM confirms that an auto scaling contract would have improved troubleshooting for the 400 transactions per second issue. - Council Member Shekar Krishnan inquires about the effectiveness …



16 sec


What was IBM's biggest frustration during the system failure?

Vanessa Hunt highlights the disappointment felt by families and the frustration at IBM being solely blamed for the technology failure. - The primary frustration was the impact on parents, families, …



59 sec


What is the estimated cost to expand the contract?

Vanessa Hunt of IBM cannot publicly discuss the contract's cost but promises to provide details later to Council Member Rita C. Joseph. - Vanessa Hunt, a Senior State Executive at …



9 sec


Was the communication tone on February 12th regarding potential remote learning days urgent, and could more urgent communication have helped IBM prevent system issues?

Vanessa Hunt from IBM agrees that improved communication could have led to a better outcome in handling system issues. - Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez asks about the urgency of …



65 sec


What would have been the impact of being overprepared for remote learning?

In a scenario where remote learning wasn't needed, being overprepared would have ideally resulted in more thorough planning and simulations, enhancing the system's capacity management. - Vanessa Hunt of IBM …



56 sec


Natasha Quiroga on Remote Learning Challenges and the Digital Divide During the Pandemic

Natasha Quiroga details the exacerbation of educational inequities through remote learning and the digital divide, emphasizing its impact on New York City's vulnerable student populations. - Quiroga highlights how InsideSchools …



3 min


Molly Senack, Advocate, Center for Independence of the Disabled New York on Remote Learning Challenges for Students with Disabilities

Molly Senack highlights the remote learning challenges faced by students with disabilities, emphasizing the need for accessible related services. - Senack addresses the impact of remote learning on both disabled …



3 min


Kesi Gordon, Senior Manager of Education Policy at the New York Immigration Coalition, on the Challenges of Remote Learning for Immigrant Students

Kesi Gordon discusses the systemic challenges immigrant students face with remote learning in New York City. - New York City Public Schools' transition to remote learning did not account for …



3 min


Aracelis Lucero, Executive Director of Masa, on the Challenges and Solutions for Immigrant Families in Remote Learning

Aracelis Lucero, Executive Director of Masa, addresses the systemic obstacles immigrant families encounter in education, focusing on remote learning. - Lucero highlights the significant barriers immigrant families in the South …



3 min


Ellen McHugh on Enhancing Remote Education for Students with Disabilities

Ellen McHugh, an experienced special needs advocate, addresses the NYC City Council on the challenges faced by students with disabilities in remote learning, emphasizing the need for better accessibility and …



3 min


How are services for students with IEPs and English language learners impacted by remote learning?

Advocates highlight the lack of services for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), special needs, and English language learners during remote learning, emphasizing challenges in data collection and service delivery. …



6 min


Tanesha Grant, Executive Director of Parents Supporting Parents NY on Challenges and Necessities of Remote Learning Access

Tanesha Grant, Executive Director of Parents Supporting Parents NY, discusses the challenges in providing equitable remote learning access and digital resources to students. - Addresses the lack of digital access …



162 sec


Paulette Healy, Member of District 75 Community and Disability Advocate, on the Digital Divide and the Impact on Students with Disabilities

Paulette Healy highlights the ongoing digital divide affecting New York City families, particularly its impact on students with disabilities during remote learning days. - Emphasizes the need for continued access …



3 min pigeon logo

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