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City Council Meetings

Jun 25, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

A hearing on 14 bills related to pedestrian infrastructure, traffic calming measures, jaywalking enforcement, cycling data reporting, and notification requirements before street changes. Discussions centered on improving pedestrian safety through proposals like raised crosswalks near schools, illuminated crosswalk signals, bollard installation policies, planted medians, transparency around traffic device requests, decriminalizing jaywalking to address disproportionate enforcement against Black and Latino New Yorkers, and requiring community notification before parking removal or bike lane additions. Debates arose over the potential burdens and logistics of certain mandates versus prioritizing pedestrian safety infrastructure. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Transportation, NYPD, advocates, and the public.

2 hr 22 min

Jun 12, 2024


11:00 AM

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions

A hearing on the proposed designation of the Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as a scenic landmark in the Bronx. Discussions focused on the engineering, historical, and cultural significance of preserving the aqueduct and its surrounding parkland for future generations. Features testimony from the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission and community groups like Friends of the Aqueduct. The public hearing gathered input on the landmark designation in Council Member Sanchez's district.

40 min

Jun 11, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on General Welfare

A hearing on improving services and policies for families with children residing in New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS) shelters. Discussions centered around challenges faced by these families such as language barriers, lack of childcare during the intake process, inadequate food quality and cultural sensitivity, disruptions due to frequent transfers between shelters, and difficulties obtaining immigration documentation and legal aid. The hearing explored potential legislative reforms like providing shelter intake navigators, opening additional borough-based intake centers, ensuring access to eligibility specialists at shelters, and partnering with community organizations. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Homeless Services, nonprofit shelter providers, advocates, impacted parents, and the public.

2 hr 31 min

Jun 10, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Technology

A hearing on cybersecurity and regulation of biometric identification technologies like facial recognition in New York City. Discussions focused on evaluating the city's cybersecurity measures, proposed legislation banning use of facial recognition by businesses (Intro 217) and residential buildings (Intro 425), and restricting sale of geolocation data (Intro 539). Council members expressed disappointment over lack of transparency from the administration on agencies using these technologies and its stance on regulating private sector use. Privacy advocates argued the technologies are biased, invasive and threaten civil liberties, while business groups stated facial recognition enhances security and is highly accurate across demographics. Issues around public notification, opt-out mechanisms, data retention policies and enforcement measures were debated. Concerns were raised about cybersecurity resources for underserved community organizations. Features testimony from the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation, privacy advocacy groups, business associations, and the public.

3 hr 44 min

May 30, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Housing and Buildings

A hearing on the J51 Tax Program and Introduction No. 654, which would reauthorize the J51 tax abatement program to incentivize repairs and upgrades to multifamily buildings. Discussions focused on targeting benefits to low-income housing, enforcement mechanisms, eligibility criteria, compliance monitoring, impact on decarbonization efforts, outreach plans, and program metrics. Features testimony from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), affordable housing advocates, and the public.

2 hr 14 min

May 21, 2024


09:30 AM

Committee on Finance

A hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 executive budget for New York City's three public library systems and the Department of Cultural Affairs. Discussions centered on proposed budget cuts that would force reduced operating hours, staffing cuts, fewer programs and services, and delays to capital projects for libraries as well as reductions in funding for cultural organizations and institutions. Library and cultural leaders testified about the devastating impacts these cuts would have on accessibility, programming, maintenance of facilities, and the overall ability to serve communities across the five boroughs. Featured testimony from the presidents of the Brooklyn Public Library, New York Public Library, Queens Public Library, Department of Cultural Affairs Commissioner, and the public.

5 hr 32 min

May 20, 2024


09:30 AM

Committee on Finance

A hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 Executive Budget for the New York City Department of Sanitation and Department of Parks and Recreation. Discussions focused on initiatives to overhaul waste management like containerization and curbside composting, concerns over budget cuts impacting park maintenance and staffing levels, and calls to increase funding for environmental programs and open spaces. Featured testimony from the Department of Sanitation, the Department of Parks and Recreation, park worker unions, community composting groups, environmental advocates, and the public.

8 hr 4 min

Apr 25, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Civil Service and Labor

A hearing on pay disparities in New York City's municipal workforce. Discussions centered on findings from the council's pay equity report showing persistent gender and racial wage gaps, with women and people of color concentrated in lower-paying job titles despite equal pay within the same titles. Other focuses included the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 pandemic headcount reductions on female employees of color, barriers to career advancement, need for job training amid automation risks, and improving promotional opportunities. The administration outlined efforts around minimum qualifications, targeted recruitment, career counseling, and an upcoming pay equity analysis, while the council proposed legislation on career counseling, workplace culture surveys, CUNY educational partnerships, public exam promotion, and awarding training points. Features testimony from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), Mayor's Office of Equity and Racial Justice, Equal Employment Practices Commission (EEPC), labor unions including CWA 1180, and the public.

2 hr 40 min

Apr 25, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Technology

A hearing on improving the functionality and accessibility of New York City's 311 service. Discussions centered around adding new service request categories like noise from sirens, rooftop activity complaints, and dog run maintenance issues. Other proposed bills aimed to enhance the 311 mobile app with multi-language support, video call capability, better location mapping services, and options to submit photos/videos with requests. The hearing explored ways to make the 311 system more modern, efficient, user-friendly and hold agencies accountable. Features testimony from the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) which oversees the 311 operations.

2 hr

Apr 19, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation

A hearing on New York City's lobbying laws and reforms to increase transparency and restrict conflicts of interest. Discussions focused on closing loopholes that allow former senior officials to immediately lobby after leaving office, preventing political consultants and fundraisers from lobbying candidates they worked for, extending post-employment lobbying bans to more positions like the mayor's chief of staff, enforcement challenges due to limited staffing, improving lobbying disclosures, and concerns over constitutional speech rights. Features testimony from the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB), City Clerk's Office, Campaign Finance Board (NYC CFB), and the public.

2 hr 51 min

Apr 17, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

A hearing on enforcement of the NYC Fair Workweek Law covering scheduling practices in the fast food, retail, and utility safety industries. Discussions focused on the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection's (DCWP) enforcement metrics, long case resolution times often exceeding a year, numerous unresolved Starbucks worker complaints, and measuring the law's impact on worker wellbeing beyond monetary settlements. Featured testimony from DCWP, advocacy groups, impacted workers, researchers, and the public.

1 hr 22 min

Apr 17, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Small Business

A hearing examining rising storefront vacancy rates and trends across New York City's commercial corridors. Discussions focused on efforts by the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) to track and analyze vacancy data, to identify driving factors like high rents and retail theft, and to deploy tools like grants for community needs assessments and storefront improvements. Concerns were raised about unregulated rent increases displacing small businesses, illegal operations masking true vacancy levels, and landlords withholding vacant properties. Proposals included zoning amendments to permit more commercial uses, vacancy taxes, activating vacant spaces through art installations, and providing assistance to businesses opening in high-vacancy areas. Features testimony from SBS, business groups, and the public.

1 hr 49 min

Apr 16, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Economic Development

A hearing on helicopter noise and safety in New York City. Discussions centered on legislation to restrict non-electric helicopter operations at city-owned heliports, require noise monitoring and public reporting, establish a state helicopter noise tax, and urging the FAA to ban non-essential helicopter flights over NYC. Features testimony from the NYC Economic Development Corporation, Department of Environmental Protection, helicopter industry representatives, community advocacy groups, and the public.

3 hr 54 min

Apr 08, 2024


10:30 AM

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

A hearing on City of Yes Zoning for Economic Opportunity, a sweeping proposal to update zoning regulations to provide more flexibility for businesses to open, operate and expand across New York City. Discussions focused on modernizing outdated zoning rules, reducing vacancies, supporting economic growth and recovery, potential negative impacts on residential neighborhoods from increased commercial activity, enforcement challenges, and erosion of neighborhood character. Features testimony from the Department of City Planning and the public.

7 hr 13 min

Apr 04, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Aging

A hearing on enhancing interagency coordination to better serve older adults in New York City and Introduction 689 to codify the Cabinet for Older New Yorkers. Discussions focused on the Cabinet's origins, structure, recent initiatives like anti-ageism training, and focus on housing, healthcare and transportation. Concerns were raised about issues like repairs at older adult centers, transportation barriers, and gaps in relocation assistance during evictions. Features testimony from the NYC Department for the Aging, advocates like AARP, LiveOn NY, legal service providers, and the public.

2 hr 5 min

Apr 03, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

A hearing on the JFK Airport redevelopment program, a $19 billion investment aimed at transforming JFK. Discussions focused on ensuring transparency, equity, and accountability throughout the process, the city's lease agreement with the Port Authority, efforts to meet the 30% MWBE contracting goal, community engagement, addressing impacts like noise pollution and traffic congestion on surrounding neighborhoods, and reviewing progress reports on challenges like inefficient terminals and limited transit access. Features testimony from the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC), public officials, and the public

2 hr 6 min

Apr 02, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Veterans

A hearing examining the needs of veterans who served during the Cold War era. Discussions centered on establishing formal days to honor the service of Korean War, D-Day, and Cold War veterans, extending property tax exemptions to Cold War era veterans in NYC, increasing funding for veteran services and outreach efforts, and addressing barriers in accessing benefits like VA healthcare and pensions faced by this underserved group. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Veterans Services, veteran organizations, advocates, and the public.

2 hr 4 min

Mar 28, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Land Use

A vote. The committee unanimously passes modifications to three rezoning proposals in Queens and Brooklyn to enable new mixed-use residential developments - adjusting zoning maps, zoning text, and affordability options for properties on 12th Street, Steinway Street, and Avenue X.

4 min

Mar 28, 2024


11:00 AM

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions

A hearing on land use applications for several affordable housing projects by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) in the Bronx and Harlem. Discussions focused on unit mixes, affordability levels, amenities, community feedback incorporation, and measuring housing impact metrics. Featured testimony from HPD, Genesis Companies, Settlement Housing Fund, Fulcrum Properties, and the Beechwood Organization.

52 min

Mar 11, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on General Welfare

A hearing on the FY2025 preliminary budget for the Department of Social Services (DSS), Human Resources Administration (HRA) and Department of Homeless Services (DHS). Discussions focused on efforts to reduce SNAP and cash assistance application backlogs through staffing increases and technology improvements, concerns over rising denial rates, challenges with rental assistance programs and housing placements amidst rising homelessness, the city's response to the asylum seeker crisis including emergency shelter operations, food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic, workforce development program adjustments, and strained nonprofit providers facing contracting delays and calls for increased compensation. Features testimony from DSS Commissioner Molly Wasow Park and the public.

5 hr 42 min

Mar 08, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Aging

A hearing on the fiscal 2025 preliminary budget for NYC Aging. Discussions cover the role of NYC Aging in providing senior services despite budget cuts and inadequate state and federal funding, the Home Delivered Meals program, transportation for seniors, the Silver Corps program, and programs for formerly-incarcerated older adults. Features testimony from NYC Department for the Aging Commissioner Lorraine Cortes-Vasquez and members of the public."

3 hr 14 min

Mar 08, 2024


11:30 AM

Committee on Technology

A hearing on the Fiscal Year 2025 preliminary budget for the Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI), discussing its allocation towards personnel, technology contracts, and projects including the Big Apple Connect public safety IT services and technology platforms for asylum seeker support. The hearing also covered upgrades to security at the Public Safety Answering Center and enhancements to the city's data center network. and the mayor's. Features testimony from OTI and the public.

2 hr 15 min

Mar 08, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Criminal Justice

A hearing on Fiscal 2025 preliminary budget focusing on criminal justice, focused on budgets for the Department of Probation and the Department of Correction. Discussions include alternatives to incarceration, inconsistencies in agency testimony, increased youth incarceration rates, staffing levels and overtime concerns at DOC, and plans for Rikers Island's closure by 2027. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Probation, Department of Correction, Board of Correction, community and advocacy groups, and the public.

6 hr 37 min

Mar 07, 2024


01:30 PM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation. Notably at this meeting, council members pay tribute to former council member Paul Vallone, who recently passed.

1 hr 8 min

Mar 07, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Economic Development

A vote. The committee passes a bill requiring cruise ships docking in NYC to use shore power, aiming to reduce diesel emissions and improve air quality.

8 min

Mar 07, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Housing and Buildings

A vote. The committee votes on legislation aimed at facilitating the installation of electric vehicle supply equipment in parking lots and garages.

7 min

Mar 07, 2024


10:30 AM

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

A vote. The committee passes a bill amending compensation for for-hire vehicle drivers from advertising in their vehicles.

4 min

Mar 07, 2024


10:30 AM

Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections

A vote. The NYC City Council Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Elections approves the appointments of Milton Williams and Amy Mallard to the New York City Conflict of Interest Board for a 6-year term.

2 min

Mar 07, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Finance

A vote. The committee votes on the City Council's Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget.

4 min

Mar 07, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Health

A vote. The committee votes to name the Queens Animal Care Center after recently-passed Paul Vallone, a former city council member. Features heartfelt tributes from council members and Vallone's family.

31 min

Mar 07, 2024


09:00 AM

Committee on Civil Service and Labor

A vote on a resolution to call on the state to increase wages and improve working conditions for home care aid workers. Features testimony from the public, where discussions emphasize the severe home care worker shortage in New York, the demanding nature of the work, low wages, and the necessity of legislative changes for better compensation and working conditions.

33 min

Mar 06, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Education

A hearing on the challenges of remote learning in NYC public schools, highlighting issues faced during remote learning day during a snowstrom on February 13, 2024. Discussions focused on the Department of Education's (DOE) and IBM's technical failures that led to login issues. Features testimony from the NYC Department of Education, IBM, community organizations, and the public.

2 hr 24 min

Mar 06, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Housing and Buildings

A hearing on the 2023 Housing and Vacancy Survey's recent findings, illuminating New York City's exacerbating housing crisis with a vacancy rate at a historic low of 1.4%. Deliberations revolved around the essential function of rent regulation in protecting tenants, the impacts of housing shortages on affordability, homelessness, and the need for a multi-pronged strategy addressing supply, tenant protection, and affordability through income supports and vouchers. Features testimony from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), legal service and tenant advocacy groups, and the public.

2 hr 26 min

Mar 05, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Hospitals

A hearing on New York City's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and the Health and Hospitals Corporation's five-year plans, focusing on services for asylum seekers, sickle cell disease treatments, conditions for medical residents, and public health concerns amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Features testimony from NYC Health and Hospitals and the public.

2 hr 48 min

Mar 05, 2024


12:00 PM

Committee on Land Use

A vote. The committee votes on various land use proposal across New York City.

6 min

Mar 05, 2024


11:30 AM

Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation

A hearing on the Fiscal 2025 preliminary budget for New York City, focusing on city agency budgets, staffing, operations amid fiscal challenges, and the impact of budget cuts city services. Discussions cover decarbonization initiatives, legal services, administrative trials and hearings, election preparedness, and records management. Features testimony from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), the New York CIty Law Department, the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH), the NYC Board of Elections, the Department of Records And Information Services (DORIS), and the public.

5 hr 31 min

Mar 05, 2024


10:00 AM

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions

A hearing on a proposal for constructing a new 547-seat primary school in the Riverdale neighborhood of the Bronx. Features testimony from the NYC School Construction Authority (SCA) and the public.

14 min

Mar 05, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Immigration

A hearing on the Fiscal 2025 preliminary budget for New York City, focusing on its implications for immigrant services amidst a surge in asylum seekers. Discussions cover the importance of sustainable funding for long-term immigration legal services, adult literacy, childcare vouchers, and coordination among city agencies for effective service delivery. Features testimony from the Mayor’s Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), the Mayor’s Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and representatives from various organizations advocating for increased budget allocations to address the escalating demands for immigrant services.

4 hr 53 min

Mar 04, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Finance

A hearing on the fiscal year 2025 preliminary budget for New York City. Discussions centered around concerns over staffing shortages in revenue-generating roles like assessors, proposed cuts to services like early childhood education and immigrant legal aid, the prudent use of the city's rainy day fund, closing Rikers Island, transparency around asylum seeker costs, and delayed payments to nonprofit providers. There were debates over differing budget projections between the Council, Comptroller's Office, and Mayor's Office. Features testimony from the New York City Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB), New York City Comptroller's Office, New York City Independent Budget Office (IBO), Department of Finance (DOF), and the public.

6 hr 42 min

Mar 01, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Parks and Recreation

A hearing on water safety and access to swimming pools in New York City, focusing on strategies to enhance public access to swimming education, address the lifeguard shortage, and develop aquatic culture and infrastructure. Features testimony from the New York City Parks Department, non-profit organizations, community groups, and the public.

1 hr 50 min

Mar 01, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Environmental Protection, Resiliency and Waterfronts

A hearing on New York City's decarbonization efforts focusing on boosting solar photovoltaic and battery storage capacities. Discussions include potential strategies for expanding solar and battery storage and legislative proposals aimed at accelerating deployment. Features testimony from NYC's Chief Decarbonization Office at Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS), community and advocacy groups, and the public.

1 hr 48 min

Mar 01, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Governmental Operations, State & Federal Legislation

A hearing examining the Preliminary Mayor's Management Report (PMMR) and city accountability, spotlighting transparency and efficiency in government operations. Concerns addressed included rising NYPD response times, increasing jail populations, and challenges due to budget cuts and staffing shortages. Features testimony from the Mayor's Office of Operations, the Legal Aid Society, Local 1455 DC37, and the public.

2 hr 45 min

Mar 01, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on General Welfare

A hearing on bills aimed at eliminating shelter stay limits and Department of Social Service's manipulation of monthly eligibility reporting for shelters. Discussions include inadequate shelter conditions for immigrants, instability caused by the 30-day shelter rule, and lack of access to essential services like healthcare and employment assistance. Features testimony from migrants in the shelter system, Department of Social Services (DSS), Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (MOASO), community and advocacy groups, and the public.

3 hr 30 min

Feb 29, 2024


01:00 PM

Subcommittee on COVID & Infectious Diseases

A hearing on declining childhood vaccination rates in New York City, focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine immunizations among kindergarten children, the resurgence of diseases such as measles, and efforts to boost HPV vaccination coverage. Discussions include strategies for increasing vaccination access and compliance, the importance of vaccinations for public health and social justice, and addressing disparities in vaccine coverage. Features testimony from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the public.

1 hr 2 min

Feb 29, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Small Business

A hearing on enhancing and supporting Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) in New York City, focusing on the important role of BIDs in promoting local commerce, the challenges they face, especially post-pandemic, and methods for their development and support through the Department of Small Business Services (SBS) initiatives and grants. Features testimony from the Department of Small Business Services, executives from various BIDs, and the public.

1 hr 26 min

Feb 29, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Education

A hearing on implementing the state class size law in New York City school. Discussions cover issues around how schools will comply, the influence of class size on instruction quality, the need for more classrooms, teacher shortages, and the continuation of a loan forgiveness program for aspiring NYC teachers. Features testimony from NY state senators, the NYC Department of Education, school superintendents, and the public.

4 hr 30 min

Feb 29, 2024


11:00 AM

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions

A hearing on the Brownsville Arts Center and Apartments proposal in Brooklyn. Features testimony from the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), building developers, arts organizations, and the public.

1 hr 26 min

Feb 29, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

A hearing on discrimination in financial services and its impact on people of color, access to credit, consumer protection against predatory lending practices, and legislation to combat discrimination and increase transparency in financial practices. Features testimony from the Commission on Human Rights and the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection."

1 hr 9 min

Feb 29, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Fire and Emergency Management

A hearing on fire safety in residential buildings, particularly in the wake of the Twin Parks North West tragedy. The hearing addressed disparities in fire incidents within marginalized communities, the rising frequency of fires caused by lithium-ion batteries, and legislative efforts to improve fire safety standards. Features testimony from the the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), Department of Buildings (DOB), and the public.

3 hr

Feb 28, 2024


01:30 PM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation.

43 min

Feb 28, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

A vote. The committee votes on legislation regarding lithium-ion battery safety and street vending regulation.

8 min

Feb 28, 2024


10:30 AM

Committee on Finance

A vote. The committee votes on property tax resolutions and a revenue budget modification affecting New York City.

3 min

Feb 27, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Civil Service and Labor

A hearing on optimizing the NYC municipal service exam system, focusing on adopting a band scoring method for competitive civil service titles to improve the exam process's equity, efficacy, and accessibility. Discussion covered modernization efforts by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) to enhance the exam system, challenges such as exam result waiting times, barriers to access for applicants, and plans to make civil service exams more inclusive. Features testimony from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) and the public.

1 hr 11 min

Feb 27, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Higher Education

A hearing on streamlined college acceptance for New York City Public High School graduates, focusing on collaborations between CUNY and NYC Public Schools to enhance students’ path to college. The discussion included an automatic acceptance program for high achievers, simplified application processes, and the use of AI and personalized letters to inform students about post-secondary opportunities. Features testimony from CUNY, NYC Public Schools, and the public.

2 hr 14 min

Feb 27, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections

A hearing on Amy Willard and Milton Williams' nominations to the New York City Conflict of Interest Board. Discussions included the nominees' legal backgrounds, the importance of public trust in government, conflict of interest evaluations, training city employees on ethics, and potential improvements to prevent ethical violations. Features testimony from Milton Williams, Amy Millard, and the public.

52 min

Feb 27, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Oversight and Investigations

A hearing addressing the corruption scandal within the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), focusing on proposed improvements to its micro-purchase contracting process amidst allegations of rampant bribery among employees. Features testimony from NYCHA officials and the Department of Investigation, alongside testimonies from NYCHA residents and advocates for public housing.

3 hr 1 min

Feb 27, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Technology

A hearing on open data compliance, focusing on advancements and operations of the NYC Open Data Program. Discussions included initiatives to improve data accessibility and quality, public engagement efforts, staffing levels, interagency collaborations, dataset prioritization and release processes, and management of public feedback. Features testimony from the NYC Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI), advocates from BetaNYC and Reinvent Albany calling for increased resources and agency accountability, and the public

1 hr 41 min

Feb 27, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Aging

A hearing on the needs of immigrant and older adults in New York City, focusing on the growth of the aging immigrant population and the urgency for increased support and investment in services to allow aging with dignity and in community. Discussions highlighted affordable housing, access to culturally competent healthcare, social isolation, mental health struggles, language barriers, and the need for more data to inform policy and improve services. Features testimony from NYC Department of the Aging, community organizations, and the public.

2 hr 57 min

Feb 27, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management

A hearing on New York City's organic waste management and composting initiatives with discussions on the role of compost programs in achieving sustainability and waste reduction goals. Topics include the expansion of the city's curbside composting program, the need for enhanced public education on composting practices, and concerns over recent budget cuts impacting community composting efforts. Features testimony from the Department of Sanitation, environmental advocates, community composting organizations, and the public."

2 hr 16 min

Feb 27, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Land Use

A vote. The Committee on Land Use approves modifications related to the 230 Kent Avenue Rezoning Proposal in Brooklyn. The proposal focuses on the development of a new mixed-use residential building with approximately 40 units, featuring zoning map and text amendments to include only the development site excluding adjacent property owned by Con Ed, striking MIH option 2 in favor of option 1 which mandates 25% of units for households earning 60% AMI or less.

3 min

Feb 26, 2024


02:00 PM

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

A hearing on four zoning proposals: terminating a restrictive declaration for a mixed-use building at 88-08 Justice Avenue in Elmhurst, Queens; the Jennings Hall Expansion (a senior housing development) in Williamsburg, Brooklyn; a mixed-use industrial/office building at 21-17 37th Avenue in Ravenswood, Queens; and a contentious residential tower at 231 East 94th Street in Yorkville, Manhattan. Discussions focused on allowing commercial use, addressing the need for affordable senior housing, rezoning for contemporary neighborhood needs, and concerns about building height, shadows, parking, and affordability levels. Features testimony from the applicants and the public.

1 hr 45 min

Feb 26, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

A hearing on for-hire vehicle driver compensation for advertising inside their vehicles: a bill aiming to ensure a minimum of 25% of advertising gross revenue goes to the drivers, alongside setting a licensing fee for advertising companies at $500. Features testimony from the public.

10 min

Feb 26, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries and International Intergroup Relations

A hearing on book banning across the country, emphasizing libraries' defense of free access to diverse literature and resistance to censorship. Discussions included libraries' strategies against book bans, their importance in democracy and cultural inclusivity, and the impact of city budget cuts on these efforts. Featured testimonies from the president of the New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Public Library, PEN America, American Library Association, and the public.

2 hr 4 min

Feb 26, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Public Safety

A hearing on NYPD's investigation procedures and wrongful convictions. Discussions focused on improving transparency, accountability, and evidence-based practices to prevent wrongful convictions, and legislative reforms. Features testimony from NYPD and the public.

2 hr 58 min

Feb 23, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Children and Youth

A hearing on the Department of Youth & Community Development (DYCD)'s Family Support Services exploring fatherhood programs, adult literacy, crime prevention, and efforts to fill Neighborhood Advisory Boards (NABs) and promote under-publicized services. Features testimony from DYCD and the public.

1 hr 54 min

Feb 15, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Economic Development

A hearing on the expansion of shore power at NYC's cruise terminals, particularly in Red Hook, Brooklyn with testimony from the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and the public.

3 hr 5 min

Feb 14, 2024


11:00 AM

Subcommittee on Landmarks, Public Sitings and Dispositions

Presentations, hearings, and testimony on the Timbale Terrace project in East Harlem and landmark designations for Joseph Rodman Drake Park, Barkin Levin Office Pavilion, and the Modulator Building.

1 hr 21 min

Feb 14, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure

A hearing on improving access to Minority and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) in infrastructure projects with testimony from the Department of Design and Construction (DDC), Department of Transportation (DOT), the NYC Comptroller, and the public.

3 hr 43 min

Feb 14, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Women and Gender Equity

A hearing on disparities in women's health, focusing on care inequities, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer. Features testimonies from the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOH) and the public.

1 hr 38 min

Feb 08, 2024


01:30 PM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation. Notably at this meeting, the council votes to allow legal action against the mayor for not implementing the CityFHEPS voucher program.

1 hr 5 min

Feb 08, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Aging

A vote. The committee passes a bill making it easier for older adults to submit Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) applications in Mitchell-Lama housing.

4 min

Feb 08, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Women and Gender Equity

A vote. The committee passes a bill establishing a support program for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.

3 min

Feb 08, 2024


10:30 AM

Committee on General Welfare

A vote. The committee passes a resolution to sue the mayor for not implementing the CityFHEPS voucher program.

3 min

Feb 08, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Health

A vote. The committee passes the Population Health Agenda Bill unanimously, aiming to enhance life expectancy through a 5-year plan with the Department of Health (DOH).

5 min

Feb 08, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Finance

A vote. The committee passes a finance transparency resolution.

4 min

Feb 06, 2024


01:30 PM

Committee on Land Use

A vote. The committee disapproves the 962 Pacific rezoning proposal, lays over the the 230 Kent Avenue proposal, and passes the Whitestone Lanes and 2226 Third Avenue proposals.

5 min

Feb 06, 2024


01:00 PM

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

A vote. The committee disapproves the 962 Pacific rezoning proposal and passes the Whitestone Lanes and 2226 Third Avenue proposals.

18 min

Jan 31, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

A hearing on bills affecting street vendors, lithium battery safety, and street vending on bridges with testimony from NYPD, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the public.

3 hr 42 min

Jan 31, 2024


10:00 AM

Committee on Health

A hearing on a bill requiring the Department of Health (DOH) to develop a healthy population agenda.

9 min

Jan 30, 2024


01:30 PM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation. Notably at this meeting, the council votes to override the mayor's vetoes of the How Many Stops Act and a bill banning solitary confinement.

2 hr

Jan 30, 2024


12:30 PM

Committee on Criminal Justice

The committee votes to override mayor's veto on banning solitary confinement, with remarks from council members.

25 min

Jan 30, 2024


12:00 PM

Committee on Public Safety

The committee votes to overrides the mayor's veto of the How Many Stops Act, with remarks from council members.

24 min

Jan 30, 2024


11:00 AM

City Council Stated Meeting

The council faces procedural objections by Council Member Yeger as they begin proceedings to override the mayor's vetoes, and vote to adjourn for committee review.

24 min

Jan 29, 2024


11:00 AM

Committee on Women and Gender Equity

An unattended hearing on a bill establishing a support program for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.

1 min

Jan 26, 2024


01:00 PM

Committee on Aging

A hearing on legislation that helps older adults submit Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) applications.

12 min

Jan 23, 2024


11:00 AM

Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises

Presentations, hearings, and testimony on rezoning and special permits for several sites, including 962 Pacific Street, Whitestone Lanes, 2226 Third Avenue, 166-11 91st Avenue, and 230 Kent Avenue.

2 hr 17 min

Jan 18, 2024


11:00 AM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation.

26 min

Jan 03, 2024


12:00 PM

City Council Stated Meeting

The Stated Meeting happens every 2 weeks (4 weeks in summer), when the council votes on and introduces new legislation. Notably at this meeting, Adrienne Adams is re-elected Speaker of the NYC City Council.

1 hr 9 min