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Council Member Kevin Riley introduces bills on renaming Williams Bridge Square and improving 911 accessibility



111 sec

Council Member Kevin Riley introduces two bills: one to rename Williams Bridge Square to Marcus Garvey Park, and another to improve 911 accessibility for the deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf-blind community. He urges his colleagues to support both pieces of legislation.

  • Intro 1157 aims to rename Williams Bridge Square to Marcus Garvey Park, celebrating Jamaican history and culture.
  • Intro 1158 focuses on enhancing 911 accessibility, including reporting on outreach efforts for hiring accessibility experts and public education plans for next-generation 911.
Kevin Riley
Thank you, majority leader.
I am calling on my colleagues on support for two bills I'm introducing today, intro eleven fifty seven, which will rename Williams Bridge Square in my district to Marcus Garvey Park.
Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican board visionary, publisher, journalist, and political advocate who united continents in his lifetime.
I would like to celebrate this piece of legislation with a group in my district called the Jamaican Progressive League in my district for not only their partnership in advocating for this piece of legislation, but also for its deeply committed work to empower our community with health, education, and resources.
I urge my colleagues to sign on to intro eleven fifty seven, enjoying this, rich history.
The last bill I'm asking my colleagues to sign on is intro eleven fifty eight, which is an introduction which will require reporting on the accessibility for the deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf blind community in the implementation of text to 911.
Expanding equity equity and access to culturally competent systems for people with disabilities is crucial for fostering inclusivity and equal opportunities.
In addition excuse me.
This bill requires annual reports to now include information on the outreach efforts for hiring and retaining deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf blind deaf blind accessibility experts.
In addition, by expanding the reporting requirements for the implementation of next generation nine one one, we will be able to access access the tech the techno excuse me, the technology we are using to better understand the interconnected needs of our diverse community.
Until November requires a description of the public education plans for informing people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and deaf blind of the availability of the next generation nine one one.
I encourage my colleagues to support these two pieces of legislation today.
Thank you so much. pigeon logo

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