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Introduction of new legislation on various topics



163 sec

Speaker Adams introduces several pieces of new legislation on various topics.

  • Introduction 289-A: Requires DOT to create a searchable bicycle infrastructure map
  • Introduction 689-A: Eliminates certain green building fees for 1-3 family homes
  • Introduction 384-A: Creates an Office of the Homeowner Advocate within HPD
  • Introductions 5-A, 6-A, and 750-A: Increase measures against lead-based paint hazards
Adrienne Adams
There will be several pieces of legislation on today's agenda.
Introduction two eighty nine a sponsored by council member Carlina Rivera will require the Department of Transportation to create and regularly update a searchable bicycle infrastructure map with all bike lanes in New York City.
The map must contain information about current or planned obstructions on bike routes and feature the location of open streets, bike parking infrastructure, and micro mobility stations, and information on how to report bike lane issues.
Thank you to our staffers Mark Chen, Samuel Breitbart, Kevin Kotowski, and John Vasile.
Introduction six eighty nine A sponsored by public advocate Jumani Williams would eliminate the Department of Building permanent filing fees related to certain green building projects for one to three family homes.
Green building projects would include projects or renovations that will produce from utilization of renewable resources, a decrease in carbon emissions in at least half of the building's prior admissions.
Thank you to our staffer, Taylor Zaloney.
Introduction 384A sponsored by majority Brooks Powers would create an office of the homeowner advocate within the Department of Housing Preservation and Development to provide information, resources, and assistance to homeowners.
The office of the homeowner advocate would also be required to report annually on homeowner inquiries received, actions taken to address these inquiries, and make recommendations for services for homeowners that are not currently available.
Thank you once again to staff member Taylor Zaloni.
In continuation of the council's efforts to legislate against the harms of lead based paint, we will vote on several bills sponsored by deputy speaker Diana Ayala to increase inspection, remediation, and enforcement against these hazards.
Introduction 5A would require building owners to produce records of lead based hazard inspections, investigations, and remediation work including x-ray fluorescence testing after August 2025.
Introduction 6A would expand the remediation requirement for lead based hazards for turned over units to include remediation prior to turnover where a child under six years old resides.
And introduction seven fifty A would shift the city's inspection process to be more proactive by requiring HPD and DOHMH to annually identify and inspect buildings where children live and where there might be a risk of exposure to lead based hazards given a building's violation history.
Thank you again Taylor Zaloni. pigeon logo

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