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166-11 91st Avenue Special Permit: Presentation



4 min

Richard Lobel delivers a presentation on the 166-11 91st Avenue Special Permit.

The special permit is in order to waive height restrictions in the downtown Jamaica district.

Speaker 4
Thank you, Chair Riley, council members.
Once again, Richard Lobel of Sheldon Lobel.
PC for the applicant, 16611 91st Avenue LLC.
We're here today for the special permit as you see before you're on the screen.
Next slide.
Unlike rezoning applications, which we've previously bought brought before the council as well as earlier today.
This is for a special permit So the downtown Jamaica district regulations provide for certain height limitations for properties on narrow streets.
This is a provision, section 11560, which would allow the granting of a special permit in order to waive those height restrictions.
By way of background, this is as far as our office was able to discern the only property that is affected by this condition is clearly an unintended consequence of the special district regulations that resulted in a high cap on this otherwise buildable site.
And so city planning has been supportive of this application as is evidenced by their approval.
We also have the approval of the community board and of the Queensboro president's office.
The modification here would allow at the development site the provision of a building with roughly 13 stories as will be described later.
And importantly, and pursuant to the special permit, the modification is necessary to provide 1 density and scale as contemplated in the special downtown Jamaica district and 2 provide much needed housing in the Jamaican neighborhood of Queen's District 12.
Importantly, in addition to the special permit that sought as we approach city planning with this application, found there to be a true opportunity here, which was to map the site with mandatory inclusionary housing, which would provide for mandatory inclusionary on a site which otherwise would not require that.
So despite the fact that this is not a rezoning action with the special permit itself, with the mapping of NIH, you get the additional benefit of allowing affordable units where none would have been required had they built as of right.
So we really have what is seen as a win win in this application The next slide provides the statistics behind the development.
Again, this would be a building with 13 stories plus seller.
The underlying zoning is C45x as will be demonstrated on the area map.
This is pervasive in the area, and the building here at 19,000 square feet plus or minus residential with 1500 square feet of community facility, height at a 139 feet, There would be no parking as it would be waived.
The units would be 28 units of which 8 would be affordable when prior to this time none would be required to be affordable.
The next slide is the zoning map.
I think this really well demonstrates the nature of the area.
Again, they shade it and gray the downtown Jamaica special district.
And the C4five x, which extends here for quite a number of blocks and is also on the site.
The C4five x allows for the underlying square footage at a 6 and a height at 13 stories as would be permitted in this district.
Absent this narrow lot condition.
So the special permit really allows for just the merely the reinstatement of the height and Bulcus would be permitted otherwise.
The next slide is a tax map, which highlights in red the proposed development site.
As well as the area of the proposed MIS text amendment, roughly 36100 square feet of which the applicant site is 34100 square feet.
The next slide is the area map, which really demonstrates why the special permit is appropriate here.
Again, density in the area reflects the C4 5x.
In fact, the building immediately to the right, a large pink rectangle in the C4 5x is producing a site with roughly 12 stories on a 124 feet and 462,000 square feet of floor area.
This will be a massive site But interestingly, because our site is now being tapped with an NIH district, we will benefit from NIH on this site.
Whereas other sites in the area do not necessarily benefit.
In addition of those property of those of the the parcel of the units created in that parcel, 614 dwelling units to be created with 284 parking spaces, clearly sufficient parking for the area.
The next several slides demonstrate photographs, which primarily show the hulking large building to the east of us as has been discussed.
And the slides after that demonstrate the site itself.
Again, a contextual building of 13 stories with a greater than required rear yard of 25 feet and a mix of studios, ones and twos throughout the property, inclusive of community facility, on the ground floor, feel free to page through those plans and materials.
And with that, I am happy to answer any questions as is the applicant team.
Speaker 1
Thank you, Richard. pigeon logo

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