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Council Member David Carr Explains His Vote Against Overriding the Mayor's Vetoes
97 sec
Council Member David Carr explains his vote against the overrides of the mayor's vetoes, emphasizing concerns over the safety implications of the bills on punitive segregation and placing administrative burdens on police officers.
Carr argues against Intro 586a and the approach to punitive segregation, providing rationale from his experiences and views on maintaining order and discipline in city jails, along with potential impacts on police effectiveness.
Speaker 18
Speaker 19
Permission to explain my vote.
Speaker 1
Permission, Transit.
Speaker 19
Thank you.
I'll be opposing the overrides today because I believe that the enactment of these 2 bills will have the effect of making the uniform and non uniform personnel of some of our agencies as well as members of the public less safe.
The bill with respect to punitive segregation is mistaken because there's only so many options that our corrections officers and staff have to maintain order and discipline in a city jail.
Unlike our police who when they address a problem have the ability to take someone out of that situation and bring them to a jail to await punishment and trial, That option has already been utilized by those who are in the jail awaiting trial.
And so having punitive segregation is an important disciplinary tool to ensure that we have order in our city jails.
And that is why I'm opposing this particular piece of legislation.
And with respect to intro 586a, I think we've come a long way since I first came here to this body as a staffer in 2014.
At that time, progressive leaders of this body were pushing for civilization.
Of positions in the NYPD in order to get our uniform personnel off of desks, out of desks, and out of the precincts, and into the streets doing real police work.
And now we seem to be undoing that good work by placing an undue administrative burden on our officers that will be taking their attention away from their jobs and creating a perverse incentive not to engage in the basic encounters that further investigations, which makes all of us less safe.
And so for those reasons, I'm opposing both of these bills today, and I vote no and all.
Thank you.