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New York City Council

Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection

Jan 31, 2024


01:00 PM

3 hr 42 min


A hearing on bills affecting street vendors, lithium battery safety, and street vending on bridges with testimony from NYPD, the Department of Transportation (DOT), and the public.

Meeting chapters

Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.


Chair Julie Menin Opens Hearing on Street Vending and Lithium Ion-Powered Mobility Safety

Julie Menin, as the newly appointed chair of the Committee on Consumer and Worker Protection, opens her first hearing with a focus on street safety and vending regulation. She outlines …



5 min


NYC DOT's Testimony Regarding Street Vending and Lithium Ion-Powered Mobility Device Legislation

Margaret Forgione, 1st Deputy Commissioner at NYC DOT, articulates the Department's positions on pending legislation concerning street vending and powered mobility devices. The administration opposes vending on bridge walkways due …



6 min


Council Member Brewer Makes a Statement Regarding Street Vending Bill

Council Member Gale Brewer provides an overview of her informal statement on street vending legislation. She commends the administration's efforts to clear the Brooklyn Bridge for safety, discusses the ongoing …



94 sec


NYPD's Testimony Opposing the Bill Allowing Vending on City Bridges

Deputy Inspector Kevin Kane of the NYPD delivers testimony on behalf of Commissioner Edward Cabana, expressing strong opposition to Preconsidered Intro 71, which proposes allowing vending on portions of city …



3 min


Chair Julie Menin Questions DOT on Trade-In Program Proposal

Chair Julie Menin inquires about the Department of Transportation's (DOT) stance on Council Member Feliz's proposed legislation, focusing on a comprehensive package to enhance delivery worker safety. The discussion revolves …



96 sec


Chair Menin Asks About DOT's Concerns on Sidewalk Vending Bill

Chair Julie Menin questions the Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding Council Member De La Rosa's bill proposal to expand the sidewalk footprint for vendors. The DOT shares its concerns about …



56 sec


Majority Leader Farias Asks DOT About Sidewalk Vending Clear Path Policy

Majority Leader Amanda Farias seeks clarification from the Department of Transportation regarding sidewalk vending legislation and its potential impact on the existing 12-foot pedestrian clear path policy. The inquiry addresses …



55 sec


Majority Leader Farias Questions DOT on Bridge Vending Prohibition Rationale

Majority Leader Amanda Farias questions the Department of Transportation on the rationale behind the city's decision to prohibit vending on all city bridges, explicitly focusing on safety concerns. This discussion …



79 sec


Majority Leader Farias Asks About Overcrowding Management on Brooklyn Bridge

In response to Majority Leader Amanda Farias's inquiry, the Department of Transportation (DOT) and NYPD discuss their collaborative efforts to manage overcrowding on the Brooklyn Bridge following the vendor removal. …



137 sec


Majority Leader Farias Asks About License Rate Among Brooklyn Bridge Vendors

Majority Leader Amanda Farias questions the Department of Transportation (DOT) on the licensing status of vendors historically operating on the Brooklyn Bridge. The DOT does not have this data.



40 sec


Council Member Abreu Asks DOT About Enforcing App Workers' Device Bill

Council Member Abreu questions the Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding the enforcement of Council Member Feliz's bill. The bill mandates app companies to supply workers with devices at no cost …



156 sec


Council Member Restler's Statement: Vending on the Brooklyn Bridge

Council Member Lincoln Restler voices his concerns about the current broken system of vending, emphasizing the need for more licenses and better regulations. He commends the Department of Transportation's efforts …



4 min


Council Member De La Rosa's Statement: Clarifying Sidewalk Vending Rules

Council Member De La Rosa emphasizes streamlining vending rules to ensure vendors and pedestrians can coexist. She acknowledges the need to clarify siding regulations, maintain standards for licensed vendors, and …



117 sec


Council Member Feliz's Statement: Advocating for Safe E-Bikes Legislation

Council Member Feliz emphasizes the need for delivery app companies to provide certified e-bikes to workers without them. Highlighting a crisis caused by uncertified e-bikes, including fires and fatalities, he …



137 sec


Council Member Feliz Asks About Funding for E-Bike Exchange Program

Council Member Oswald Feliz discusses with the Department of Transportation (DOT) the development of a proposed exchange program for certified e-bikes and batteries, focusing on funding mechanisms. The conversation explores …



154 sec


Council Member Krishnan' Statement: Decriminalizing Street Vending

Council Member Krishnan emphasizes the importance of decriminalizing street vending in New York City. Highlighting his own proposed bill, Krishnan emphasizes the need for a regulated and supportive vending system …



119 sec


Council Member Feliz Questions DOT's Management and Capacity

Council Member Oswald Feliz raises concerns about the Department of Transportation's (DOT) capability to manage its existing responsibilities while adding new ones. Highlighting issues like responsiveness and effective management, Feliz …



4 min


Council Member Sanchez's Statement on Reforming Street Vending

Council Member Sanchez delivers a statement on the need for reform in New York City's street vending system. Acknowledging the challenges vendors face, she highlights that a significant portion operates …



109 sec


Testimony by Mohammad Attia from the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center: Advocating for a Fair Vending System

Mohammad Attia, Managing Director of the Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center, addresses the City Council. He extends appreciation for the opportunity to testify, underscoring the organization's role …



171 sec


Testimony by Ahmed Hassan, a Street Vendor: Advocating for Vending on the Brooklyn Bridge

Ahmed Hassan, a street vendor, shares his testimony advocating for designated vending areas on the Brooklyn Bridge to cater to tourists, drawing from global examples. He emphasizes the detrimental impacts …



74 sec


Testimony by Karina Kaufman Gutierrez, Deputy Director of the Street Vendor Project: Advocating for Safe and Fair Street Vending

Karina Kaufman Gutierrez, Deputy Director of the Street Vendor Project, testifies in support of street vending reforms. She highlights the challenges faced by vendors due to existing regulations and supports …



3 min


Testimony by Mohammed Awad, Leadership Board Member of the Street Vendor Project: Seeking Space and Justice

Mohammed Awad, a street vendor and leadership board member of the Street Vendor Project, shares his journey and challenges in vending since 2010. Immigrated from Egypt, Awad has worked alongside …



109 sec


Council Member Brewer Asks Street Vendor Project About Vending Mix on Brooklyn Bridge

Council Member Gale Brewer inquires about the ideal mix of vendors on the Brooklyn Bridge, navigating through concerns of overcrowding and types of vending that could be permitted. The Street …



113 sec


Council Member De La Rosa Questions Street Vendor Project on Sidewalk Space

Council Member De La Rosa seeks clarification from the Street Vendor Project regarding her bill aimed at increasing sidewalk space for vendors. Through a series of questions, she addresses misconceptions …



5 min


Council Member Krishnan's Inquiry into Decriminalizing Street Vending

Council Member Krishnan queries the Street Vendor Project on the ramifications of criminalizing street vending. The discussion sheds light on the detrimental impact of misdemeanor charges on vendors, particularly immigrants, …



158 sec


Council Member Sanchez Asks About Siting Clarification in Intro 1253

Exploring Intro 1253, Council Member Sanchez co-sponsors a bill aimed at clarifying siting regulations for street vendors. The discussion delves into the enforcement approach of the Department of Sanitation, focusing …



168 sec


Testimony by Rob Burns of NYC BID: Balancing Street Vending and Pedestrian Accessibility

Rob Burns, serving as the President of the East Midtown Partnership and co-chair of the New York City Business Improvement District (BID) association's working group on Street Funding, testifies on …



145 sec


Testimony by Lisa Sorin, Bronx Chamber of Commerce: Concerns Over Expanding Vendor Presence

Lisa Sorin, President of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce, presents her testimony, opposing the proposed bill stating that it allows vendors to indiscriminately expand their presence on city streets. Sorin …



169 sec


Testimony by a Member Of the Public: Against T75, Claiming it's a Real Estate Power Grab

A member of the public critiques T75, labeling it a real estate power grab disguised as a safety initiative. The testimony points out that the bill could lead to obstructions …



96 sec


Testimony by Jose Masaquiza: A Vendors' Perspective on Working on the Brooklyn Bridge

Jose Masaquiza, representing street vendors specifically working on the Brooklyn Bridge, shares his testimony on the economic impact of being removed from the bridge and his support for the bill …



3 min


Testimony by Alvia Pilla: A Vendor's Struggle and Plea for the Brooklyn Bridge

Alvia Pilla, a street vendor previously operating on the Brooklyn Bridge, testifies about the economic hardships she's faced following the city's restrictions on vendors in the area. Pilla shares how …



4 min


Testimony by Brian McGinn of the 34th Street Partnership: Opposing T75 and T74

Brian McGinn, representing the 34th Street Partnership, outlines his opposition to bills T75 and T74 during the City Council hearing. McGinn emphasizes the potential safety risks these bills pose to …



171 sec


Testimony by Ed Wesley from Jackson Heights Beautification Group: Challenges with Street Vendors

Ed Wesley, representing the Jackson Heights Beautification Group, addresses the City Council to express the community's concerns over the overwhelming presence of street vendors and e-bike delivery congestion in Jackson …



156 sec


Testimony by Alexandria Sica: Balancing Vendor Opportunities with Community Quality of Life

Alexandria Sica, representing the Dumbo Improvement District, voices concerns over proposed vending regulations, particularly those allowing vendors to set up in front of sidewalk obstructions. Highlighting the importance of maintaining …



111 sec


Testimony by Regina Meyer: Concerns from the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership on Bill T75

Regina Meyer, President of the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, voices her opposition to Bill T75 at the City Council hearing. Meyer highlights the partnership's efforts in transforming downtown Brooklyn into a …



134 sec


Testimony by Jane Rosman: Garment District Alliance's Objections to Bill T75

Jane Rosman, representing the Garment District Alliance, expresses strong opposition to Bill T75, which proposes allowing vending carts to be placed 2 feet from the curb in high pedestrian traffic …



120 sec


Testimony by Ligia M. Guallpa from the Workers' Justice Project: Supporting Safe Street and Device Legislation

Ligia M. Guallpa, the Executive Director of the Workers' Justice Project, presents testimony in support of a package of bills focused on street and device safety. Particularly backing Intro 065, …



157 sec


Testimony by Alejandro Morales from the Workers' Justice Project: Advocating for Safety and Support

Alejandro Morales, representing the Workers' Justice Project and leader of Los Deliveristas Unidos, shares insights on the transformative industry shift from traditional bikes to e-bikes, driven by the demands of …



151 sec


Testimony by a Member of the Worker's Justice Project: Advocating for Worker Protections Amid Street Safety Measures

A member of the Worker's Justice Project emphasizes the importance of coupling street safety initiatives with worker protections. Highlighting the need for education and holding apps accountable for providing essential …



4 min


Council Member Feliz's Asks to Workers' Justice Project about E-Bike Safety Bill

Council Member Feliz questions the Workers' Justice Project about his bill mandating app companies to provide certified e-bikes for delivery workers. The discussion covers the organization's preference for a public-private …



158 sec


Testimony by Hayley Prim from Uber: Discussing Worker Safety and New Regulations

Hayley Prim from Uber testifies on preconceived introduction 7268, expressing lingering concerns about bills that might impact delivery worker flexibility and access. Despite issues with the wage roll structure reducing …



154 sec


Testimony by Josh Bocion from Grubhub: Concerns Over Proposed Bills

Josh Bocion, Senior Manager of Government Affairs for Grubhub, expresses opposition to the proposed bills preconsidered 68 and preconsidered 72, citing potential job losses and flaws within the legislation. Highlighting …



137 sec


Testimony by Cassandra Perez-Desir from DoorDash: Concerns Over Proposed E-Bike Bills

Cassandra Perez-Desir, Head of Government Relations for DoorDash, addresses concerns about the proposed bills Intros 0072 and 0068. Perez-Desir emphasizes the financial burden these bills impose on the food delivery …



138 sec


Testimony by Brian Lozano from Tech NYC: Evaluating Proposed E-Bike Legislation

Brian Lozano, representing Tech NYC, addresses the Council to express the organization's perspectives on the proposed e-bike legislation. He highlights the rapid growth of the e-bike and delivery workforce and …



108 sec


Testimony by Mosik Perkins: A DoorDash Dasher's Perspective on E-Bike Legislation

Mosik Perkins, a DoorDash delivery worker utilizing an e-bike, shares her personal story of overcoming disability challenges through delivery work. Perkins raises concerns about proposed e-bike legislation, highlighting how the …



108 sec


Testimony by Dawn Eldridge: The Impact of E-Bike Legislation on Small Businesses

Dawn Eldridge, a restaurant owner in Greenpoint, voices concern over the proposed e-bike bills T72 and T68, highlighting the negative consequences they could have on her business. She discusses the …



138 sec


Testimony by a 360 Machine Street Vendor: A Personal Account

A street vendor testifying before the City Council shares his experiences capturing photographs and videos on the Brooklyn Bridge using a 360 machine. He highlights his reliance on the digital …



120 sec


Testimony by Francisco Calderon: Seeking Solutions for Brooklyn Bridge Vendors

Francisco Calderon, a street vendor and member of a vendor advocacy organization, shares his experiences working on the Brooklyn Bridge. Addressing the committee, Calderon acknowledges crowd control issues on the …



147 sec


Testimony by William Calderon, a 360 Machine Street Vendor: A Personal Account

William Calderon testifies before the City Council about the financial and familial impact of the Brooklyn Bridge's closure to vendors. With a 360 camera setup, Calderon shares his experiences and …



77 sec


Testimony by Jiang Wuqiao, A Street Vendor: A New Immigrant's Struggles

Jiang Wuqiao, a recent Chinese immigrant, shares her harrowing journey to the United States and the challenges she faces now as he tries to survive. Her testimony details her past …



5 min


Testimony by Eric Nava Perez from the Street Vendor Project: Advocating for Decriminalization and System Reforms

Eric Nava Perez, senior organizer at the Street Vendor Project, advocates for the decriminalization of street vending, improved siting rules, and bridge vending. Highlighting grievances from vendors across New York …



155 sec


Testimony by Wajid Shah: Advocating for Disabled Veterans' Rights on the Brooklyn Bridge

Wajid Shah, a disabled veteran, addresses the City Council to advocate for the rights of disabled veterans to vend on the Brooklyn Bridge. He challenges the city's ban on vendors …



144 sec


Testimony by Lars Lopez: Supporting Vendor Bills and the Right to Vend on the Brooklyn Bridge

Lars Lopez, a general merchandise vendor and member of the Street Vendor Project, testifies in support of bills 1264 and 1253, aimed at regulating general vendors and part of the …



100 sec


Testimony by Sonia Perez: Advocating Decriminalization and Permit Reform for Street Vendors

Sonia Perez, a member of the Street Vendor Project and the Street Vendor Advisory Board, testifies before the City Council, urging support for the reintroduction of a bill to decriminalize …



4 min


Testimony by Elisa Nankode: A Street Vendor's Appeal for Support

Elisa Nankode, an Ecuadorian immigrant and street vendor, shares her testimony about the hardships she faced working on the Brooklyn Bridge. Nankode narrates her experience of losing her products to …



3 min


Testimony by Salvio Romero: A Disabled Veteran's Inquiry on Brooklyn Bridge Vending Closure

Vietnam disabled veteran Salvio Romero addresses the City Council to question the closure of Brooklyn Bridge for vendors, particularly impacting veterans. While unable to provide a direct answer, council members …



71 sec


Testimony by Mamadu, a Street Vendor: Discussing Challenges and Seeking Regulation on Brooklyn Bridge Vending

Mamadu, a longtime street vendor on the Brooklyn Bridge, shares his testimony before the City Council. He reflects on the challenges faced by vendors due to the lack of consistent …



105 sec


Testimony by Floribert Diaz, a Street Vendor: Overcoming Challenges as a Street Vendor in the Bronx

Floribert Diaz shares his testimony on the struggles he faces as a street vendor in the Bronx. Diaz discusses the direct impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on his health and …



178 sec


Testimony by Vicente Pineda, a Street Vendor: A Plea for Support and Fair Treatment

Vicente Pineda, a long-time street vendor from Fordham Road in the Bronx, shares his decades-long experience and the struggles faced by vendors. Speaking on behalf of the vending community, Pineda …



3 min


Testimony by Carla De Jesus Rodriguez, a Street Vendor: A Call for Licensing Support

Carla De Jesus Rodriguez, a dedicated street vendor located at Westchester Avenue and White Plains in the Bronx, shares her struggles after being unable to work due to missing permits. …



126 sec


Testimony by Alejandra Marine, a Street Vendor: Empowering Street Vendors Through Legislation

Alejandra Marine shares her transition to street vending in the Bronx after COVID-19 resulted in job loss, highlighting the importance of proposed legislative changes in bills 1270, 1264, 1253, and …



116 sec


Testimony by Anna Leon: Advocating for Her Services As a Way to Enhance Tourism

Anna Leon testifies before the City Council, sharing her experiences and the value she brings to New York City as a photographer and videographer on the Brooklyn Bridge. With over …



161 sec


Testimony by Soleda Monroy: Advocating for Brooklyn Bridge Vending

Soleda Monroy shares her testimony before the City Council, advocating for the bill that would allow vendors, including herself, to legally operate on the Brooklyn Bridge. Highlighting her role as …



135 sec


Testimony by MD Rahman: A Food Vendor's Struggle on the Brooklyn Bridge

MD Rahman, a food vendor from Bangladesh, shares his experience of selling hotdogs, cold water, and soda on the Brooklyn Bridge for over 15 years. Rahman discusses the impact of …



135 sec


Testimony by Manuel Castro: A Vendor's Perspective on Brooklyn Bridge Vending

Manuel Castro, a street vendor, shares his experience and support for the proposal allowing vending in designated areas on the Brooklyn Bridge. Castro, who has worked on the bridge for …



146 sec


Testimony by Maria Chango: A Vendor's Plea from Brooklyn Bridge

Maria Chango, a street vendor from Ecuador, shares her testimony supporting the proposal for vending on the Brooklyn Bridge. After experiencing eviction from her vending location, Chango highlights the dire …



65 sec


Testimony by Christopher Leon Johnson: Apology and Critique of Current Vending Policies

Christopher Leon Johnson begins his testimony with an apology for a previous incident involving the Workers' Justice Project and then moves on to criticize the influence of non-profits on City …



126 sec


Testimony Dispute: Recording Rights and Regulations

A member of the public debates with Chair Julie Menin about the right to record during the City Council hearing, specifically addressing the use of a tripod. The individual ultimately …



67 sec


Testimony by Raul Rivera: Advocating for Vendor Rights Against Real Estate Pressures

Raul Rivera, a TLC driver advocate, voices his support for bill 0075, highlighting the challenges food vendors face in areas like Hudson Yards due to real estate pressures. He criticizes …



139 sec


Interstitial: Announcing Turn to Zoom Panelist and Return to In-Person Panelists

This brief segment transitions the City Council hearing to a Zoom testimony from panelist Thomas Ferruzia. Following Ferruzia's contribution, the hearing will revert to additional in-person panelists for their testimonies.



7 sec


Testimony by Tom Ferrucci from The Broadway League: Perspectives on Street Vending Regulations

Tom Ferrucci, representing The Broadway League, delivers a testimony on proposed street vending regulations. While expressing no position on Intros 0065 through 0072, The Broadway League opposes Intros 0074 and …



149 sec


Testimony by Christian Casablanca: A Vendor's Economic Impact and Plea

Christian Casablanca, previously a Brooklyn Bridge vendor, shares his testimony about the economic impact of vending closures on his livelihood. Selling mainly artistic souvenirs, Casablanca recounts how this job was …



5 min


Testimony by Luis Davimen Dossa: A Vendor's Experience and Support for the Brooklyn Bridge Bill

Luis Davimen Dossa, a vendor and member of the Street Vendor Project (SVP), shares his testimony in support of the bill allowing vending on the Brooklyn Bridge. Highlighting his work …



3 min


Testimony by a Brooklyn Bridge Vendor: Advocating for Vending Legislation

A Brooklyn Bridge vendor using a 360-degree filming machine advocates for a bill that would legalize vending on the bridge. Highlighting the challenges faced by immigrants in finding employment, the …



114 sec


Testimony by Francisca Jimenez: The Struggles of a Single Mother Vendor

Francisca Jimenez, an immigrant and single mother from Ecuador, shares her story of vending on the Brooklyn Bridge and how recent restrictions have impacted her livelihood. Selling as a vendor …



3 min pigeon logo

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