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Testimony by Brian Lozano from Tech NYC: Evaluating Proposed E-Bike Legislation



108 sec

Brian Lozano, representing Tech NYC, addresses the Council to express the organization's perspectives on the proposed e-bike legislation.

He highlights the rapid growth of the e-bike and delivery workforce and the necessity for education, safety certification, and a battery trade-in program.

Lozano supports Pre-Introductions 0065 and 0067 for enhancing education but criticizes Introductions 0068 and 0072 as redundant and potentially burdening delivery platforms with costs. He emphasizes the importance of evaluating the impact of recently implemented laws and minimum wage funds allocated for e-bike expenses before considering new measures.

Speaker 38
Good afternoon.
Speaker 39
Good afternoon.
Afternoon, chairman and council members.
I'm Brian Lozano testifying behalf of Tech NYC, a nonprofit member based organization representing over 800 tech tech companies in New York.
As the delivery workforce is rapidly grown and New Yorkers look to ebikes for commuting and personal use, number of ebikes has also increased.
Unfortunately, the ebikes and batteries of varying quality have been sold resulting in some devastating circumstances.
TechnoIC applauds the city council's quick and thoughtful response for establishing an ebike and battery trade in program, requiring safety certifications and education about battery safety.
For the pro proposals being discussed today, tech NOI sees ports preintroduction 00650067, which will help increase education requirements for ebike related businesses.
However, 00680072 are redundant to its exist existing laws and lack clarity.
These bills required delivery platforms to provide safety equipment certified ebikes and batteries to delivery workers.
Tech NYSE agrees with the goal to increase access to safety equipment and certified batteries, but these proposals would place the cost on delivery platforms without determining which platform would should be held responsible.
This is inconsistent with the realities of delivery workers.
56% of whom use more than one delivery from also known as multi apping.
Additionally, the recently implemented delivery worker minimum payroll includes over $2 per hour for expenses, which was calculated to include the purchase of new ebikes and at least one battery per year.
These bills would add significant costs that would be passed on to customers and impact the volume of orders to rest fronts.
Given that the recently passed ebike and battery trade in laws was only implemented in October, we believe it is important to understand the effectiveness of the new law in combination with the funds set aside for delivery workers out of the new minimum wage when considering this measure.
Thank you for your consideration.
Speaker 1
Thank you. pigeon logo

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