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Council Member Joseph Discusses Education Reforms
81 sec
Council Member Joseph introduces two key pieces of legislation focused on education reform. The first bill amends the administrative code to require the NY Department of Education to report on actual class sizes and expand reports on special programs within public schools. Additionally, Resolution 13 is proposed to designate the second Friday of March as Social Emotional Learning Day in NYC, emphasizing the role of social and emotional competencies in student success.
Speaker 11
Thank you, madam speaker, majority leader and colleagues.
I'm honored today to propose 2 pieces of legislation.
1 being local law, amending the New York City and administrative code to require the New York's require New York City Department of Education to report actual class sizes and expand reports on the number of students and special programs in New York City Public Schools.
This is a reintroduction from our last legislative session.
Your support in this bill is greatly appreciated.
The other one is Resolution 13, which Centimeters leaves a co prime sponsor, will designate 2nd Friday March annually as social emotional learning day in New York City, recognizing the importance of ensuring that pre kindergarten through 12 way public school students acquire the social emotional competency needed to succeed in life.
Both pieces of legislation are crucial for the well-being of our New York cities.
So school students as a forever educator and a chair of the committee on education.
I know firsthand the importance of non crowded classrooms and aiding students learn.
Additionally, It is imperative that we prioritize social emotional learning to equip our students with the necessary skills to succeed within the community and beyond.
Thank you for your support in passing both legislation soon.
Special thanks to the legislative team and my staff for their work in this process.
Thank you, majority leader.
Speaker 1
Council member Jose followed by council member Riley And Benjamin.