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Chair Crystal Hudson Introduces SCRIE Legislation



75 sec

Council Member Crystal Hudson opens the committee on aging meeting with a welcome and introduction of the day's agenda. The committee is set to vote on a proposed introduction sponsored by Council Member Eric Denowitz concerning the Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption Program (SCRIE). Hudson highlights the importance of the legislation for New York's older residents and acknowledges the contributions of staff and committee members.

Speaker 1
Thank you so much, and good after, good morning.
And welcome to today's aging committee vote.
I'm council member, Crystal Hudson, committee chair, and my pronouns are she her.
Shortly, the committee will vote on a proposed pre considered introduction sponsored by council member Eric Denowitz, which would require Department of Housing Preservation And Development, or HPD, to provide application forms pre populated with applicant information for the senior citizen, rent in increase exemption program, also known as SCREET to potentially eligible Mitchell LAMA residents.
The committee last held a hearing on this introduction 2 weeks ago.
I appreciate the administration's input on this important piece of legislation that can close the screen enrollment gap and allow more older New Yorkers to age in place with dignity.
Thank you to my colleagues and aging committee members.
I would also like to thank my staff, Casey Addison and Andrew Wright, an aging committee staff, Christopher Pepe, Chloe Rivera, Julia Hernandez, and Samuel Hamid.
I'd like to acknowledge that we've been joined by council members Zweng Lee, Salam, Steve Stevens, Williams, Schulman, Dennoids, and Banks.
And I'll I'll now turn it over to council member, Denowitz, for brief remarks. pigeon logo

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