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Council Member Won Asks Ask About Metrics Regarding MWBE Inclusion in Capital Projects



122 sec

The discussion shifts to the analysis of capital projects and the top line metrics used to assess MWBE participation. While deferring to the Department of Design and Construction (DDC) for specifics, the speaker highlights the use of Local Law 1 numbers and the broader 1 NYC metric for holistic MWBE inclusion. This chapter underscores the importance of data-driven decisions and collaboration with agencies to enhance MWBE engagement in city contracts, revealing a sophisticated approach to scrutinizing MWBE performance.

Speaker 2
And can you thank you for your explanation for what you're responsible for at mocks, SBS, for mocks itself, what are the top line statistics that you capture and analyze for capital projects.
Speaker 6
So in terms of capital projects, I would perhaps to DC regarding anything specific to capital.
From from our perspective, our top line that we analyze is is that local L1 number and the 1 NYC number that you've garnered spoke about.
1, routed in or, you know, based in 6129, Very specific, has specific inclusions and exclusions, and 1 NYC's intended to capture the much more holistic use of nonmayor of nonlocal o one.
Those are the top line metrics that are always going to drive it.
However, you've gone and brought up a really a really accurate point of this kind of m w b comp stat gigs.
We're diving down in everything.
We have for our award method 72 data using real live data to be able to say how many of these is generate contracts are you giving out and when and being able to interact with the agency's eye.
So we have those 2 top line data points that will always matter to us.
Those are the real indicators of success.
But we drilled down with agencies in many regards, whether it be AM's non competitive small purchases, I call it AM 72 purchases, whether they PQL list.
We're working very closely with some of our agencies right now regarding more MWDB, only PQL list closely with Jeep Garnier's team.
Speaker 2
I wanna
Speaker 5
It's bound Oh.
To expand on on what Charles is indicating.
We're currently having internal conversations about employing a information technology platform that will not only allow us to track MWD Awards, but to attract MWD payments as well.
Speaker 2
Thank you. pigeon logo

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