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Council Member Marmorato Asks Dr. Morse About Breast Imaging Crisis



100 sec

Council Member Marmorato addresses the current breast imaging crisis, asking Dr. Michelle Morse for updates on initiatives to increase mammography capacity. Dr. Morse acknowledges the lack of specific initiatives but notes the mobile mammography van's role as a gap filler. She emphasizes efforts to eliminate costs related to preventative care and the importance of reducing the uninsured rate for better mammography access. Marmorato also mentions organizing events with mobile vans to improve community access.

Speaker 9
So I just want to let you know that I have a 24 year career in breast imaging, and we are in a breast imaging crisis.
Here in the city and in the state.
When your tagline is early detection is the keto survival, there is no reason why women of the city should have to wait months for screening mammography appointment.
Is there any initiative that you have set up where we can increase the amount of facilities or increase, like, how these practices operate, whether they can increase their appointment time or amount of appointments you have anything set up in place for that?
Speaker 4
Thank you so much for that question council member, and I was not aware of that expertise, but wonderful.
We do not currently have any initiatives to increase the capacity and infrastructure around mammography in the city.
However, we do see the mobile mammography van as kind of a gap filler and one way to try to bring the services to where the people are.
But currently, we don't have any initiatives to expand that capacity.
I will also say, that the more we can reduce any cost sharing or any co pays or fees that people have to potentially pay related to preventative care is very helpful.
And I would also say that part of our goal around mammography access is still reducing the rate of uninsured for New Yorkers to 0.
Nobody should be without health insurance, and that would also help with access to mammography.
Speaker 9
I also have an event set up in my community with the mobile vans.
I'm gonna try to do a couple of them throughout the year because I understand the importance.
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