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Aziz Bara In Support of Compensation Received By For Hire Vehicle Drivers for Advertising on the Interior of Their Vehicles



3 min

Aziz Bara, identifying himself as a for-hire vehicle driver and the organized director for the independent drivers guild, testifies on the compensation received by for higher vehicle drivers for advertising on the interior of the vehicles. He is joined by Andrew Greenback, the policy director, and other supporters who are delayed at security. Bara discusses a preconstituted introduction by a council member aiming to amend local law 33 of 2024 concerning the aforementioned compensation. He outlines the advocacy of the Independent Drivers Guild for drivers' rights to place ads in and on their vehicles, criticizes the TLC's 2019 decision to restrict this for ride share drivers while allowing medallion owners to continue, and expresses support for the amendment that seeks to ensure drivers receive a minimum of 25% of the gross revenue from such advertising. He requests future considerations for rooftop advertising to achieve complete parity with medallion owners.

Speaker 3
Good morning.
Chair Brooks Bar, members of the transportation committee.
My name is Aziz Bar.
I'm a 4 hire vehicle driver.
And the organized director for the independent drivers guild.
I'm joined here by Andrew Greenback, who is our policy director.
And by few IDG folks drivers supporters, but unfortunately, they are stuck, you know, trying to clear the security.
To get here.
Thank you for this opportunity to testify regarding a preconstant intro by council member failures.
That would amend local law 33 of 2024 with regard to the compensation received by for higher vehicle drivers for advertising on the interior of the for higher vehicles.
IDG has long advocated for the right of ride share drivers to be permitted to place exterior and interior advertising on and within their vehicles ever since TLC's.
Bizarre and unjust decision in August 2019.
When TLC took this revenue enhancing ability away from app based rideshare drivers.
But at the same time, they allowed medallion owners to continue receiving this revenue.
We cannot thank majority leader Fariusina for working with IDG on her original bill.
Intro 11:39:8 that restored a ride share driver's ability to supplement their income from entry advertising while providing some industry parity for our hardworking rideshare drivers.
This amendment would simply address some remaining concerns that were unable to be addressed before the end of the 2023 session.
This preconceived bill would amend local low 33 of 2024 to clarify that any driver of a 4 hire vehicle with an approved tablet in their vehicles will receive a minimum of 25% of the gross.
Revenue generated by such tablets in their vehicles.
Inserting the word minimum before 25% established that drivers will have a regular and predictable minimum share of the revenue while providing the opportunity opportunity for the market to play a role in any future increases.
As such, it will allow the interior advertising provider to compete for driver services and inserting the word gross before revenue would ensure that drivers get a fair share of the total revenue generated without any undue taxes, fees or expenses that driver should not be held responsible for.
We would also encourage the council to, at some point, allow for rooftop advertising on rideshare vehicles to have complete parity with medallion owners and provide our drivers with much needed additional income this will also produce.
We thank chair Brooke Power Brooks Power, majority leader of Farriers and the members of we transport the of of the committee for all your continued support for wheelchair drivers.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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