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What is the impact of the 2 for 1 hiring model on the exam system and applicants?
74 sec
Katrina Porter confirms that the lift of the hiring freeze and the transition to a 2 for 1 hiring model have no impact on the FY24 examination schedule or the availability of positions for applicants.
- The lift of the hiring freeze does not affect the FY24 exam schedule.
- Agencies have existing lists from previously administered exams to meet hiring needs.
- Exams during the hiring freeze were conducted, creating active lists for potential hiring.
- The 2 for 1 hiring model does not hinder applicants’ pathways into municipal workforce.
Carmen De La Rosa
Last week, the administration announced that it was lifting the full time hiring freeze and moving to a 2 for 1 hiring model, allowing 1 hire for every 2 employees that it the agency.
How will these changes to the how will these changes impact the exam system affect applicants and press effective applicants and how do they and how they plan their pathway into a municipal workforce.
So now that, you know, there is more opportunity for hire.
What is the impact of any on the schedule?
Katrina Porter
So there's no impact.
The hiring fees hasn't had any impact on the FY 24 examination schedule.
You know, the exam schedule is a it's it's to support future hiring needs.
Christopher Leon Johnson
Katrina Porter
So most agencies currently have lists to utilize to meet their hiring needs in the event that they are able to hire hire, but the lifting of the hiring freeze.
Carmen De La Rosa
So even through the hiring freeze, CCaaS was administering event exams and so there are lists that have been generated for positions that theoretically were frozen?
Katrina Porter
So those lists are active and available for youth spasticity agencies if they have a hiring need.