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Council Member Rita Joseph Opens Joint Hearing on College Education and the CUNY Automatic Acceptance Program
119 sec
Council Member Rita Joseph chairs a joint hearing on college education and the significance of the CUNY automatic acceptance program.
- Joseph stresses the critical relationship between New York City Public Schools and the City University of New York (CUNY) for student and city success.
- She lauds the CUNY automatic acceptance program for easing the transition from high school to college and deems it long overdue.
- Joseph is keen on learning about the automatic acceptance program's implementation, its communication to students, and exploring future enhancements.
- She thanks her staff for their efforts in preparing for the hearing and acknowledges the contributions of Cheah Dentalwitz and Chair Denowitz.
Rita Joseph
Thank you, Cheah Dentalwitz, and thank you for inviting the committee on education to join higher education for this very important hearing topic.
I'm Rita Joseph, Chair of the Education Committee.
Thank you to everyone who's planning to testify today.
I'm very much looking forward to hearing your testimony.
Chair Denowitz covered a lot in his opening remarks, so I will be brief.
A college education prepares students both intellectually and socially for a thriving career and adult life.
Nearly 60% of New York City public school graduates attend college choosing CUNY and nearly 80% of first time freshman CUNY, our New York City Public School graduates.
So close collaboration between New York City Public Schools And CUNY is essential to continued success of our students and our city.
As a forever educator, I was thrilled when CUNY announced its automatic Acceptance program because I've seen firsthand the obstacle students encounter in pursuit of their education, an automatic acceptance program that encourages students to continue their academic journey beyond high school has been long overdue for our students.
And I look forward to exploring how New York City Public schools, and CUNY can enhance their collaboration to ensure a smooth transition from high school to college.
I am particularly interested in learning more about the implementation of this year's automatic response program and how it was communicated to New York City Public School students, especially almost vulnerable student population.
I'm also interested in learning about the future of CUNY's automatic acceptance program and how it can spanned to incorporate best practices from jurisdictions, council member, Denowitz mentioned earlier.
Thank you to the committee staff as well as my own staff, chief of staff, Giovanni Piquant, deputy chief of staff, Joel De Souvay, Chantal Surflila, our legislative fellow.
They put in and thank you for the work they put in today's hearing.
I will also like to acknowledge okay.
You've acknowledged everyone.
Now pass it on to now turn it over to Chair Denowitz to administer oath.