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How does NYC Public Schools support non-English speaking parents in their child's educational journey?



130 sec

NYC Public Schools recognizes the challenges non-English speaking parents face and offers resources like multilingual glossaries and culturally responsive training to support their involvement in their child's education.

  • Provides postsecondary glossaries in 9 languages to break down educational terminology.
  • Conducts culturally and linguistically responsive training for the past 4 years, focusing on schools with large multilingual learner populations.
  • Emphasizes the importance of culturally responsive practices and language access in college and career advising.
  • Senior Executive Director, Melanie Mac, underscores the initiative's significance in aiding families navigate the complex higher education process.
Rita Joseph
Parents who English is not their first language, where the child is the only English speaking in the person.
How in the household, how do you navigate that space with the parents?
Because I've said this to New York City Public Schools every single day be a chance I get.
Parents have to be part of this educational journey.
It cannot be solely dependent on the child.
For example, in my household, I would have been the one read that college application, fill it out with my parents, because my grandparents sit and read or write English.
So how do we close that gap And how do we make sure that our English language learners or families sometime first generation Americans, but you still have parents do not speak, read the right English.
How do we address that?
Melanie Mac
Thank you, Jared.
It's really important, I'm a former ESL teacher, and so understanding the the the lift of meaning making that this can put on a young person, so you have to translate.
Things when we're talking about college and career, like, very, very life changing, trajectory changing in information that's already pretty overwhelming and translating it to family.
We don't take that for granted.
Some of our colleagues across my CPS have created these post secondary glossaries that I think are in 9 languages as a starting point and is something that we're happy to share.
If you if you have an already seen them.
I think that the postsecondary glossaries are an important way of breaking down a lot of the terminology that can be a barrier lot of the processes, a lot of the jargon in higher education and education for families.
And I would say that the the trainings that we've been, I think, doing for the past 4 years around culturally responsive and linguistically responsive rising and particularly reaching out to some of our schools that have the largest population of multilingual learners and families.
Has been really important to to recognize that there are culturally responsive practices that need to be at the center of the college and career advising approach and that there needs to be language access at the at the center of unpacking and navigating a really complex process. pigeon logo

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