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What is the student to advisor ratio in New York City public schools?



116 sec

The citywide student to advisor ratio in New York City public schools is 1 advisor to 272 students for grades K-12, and 1 to 190 for schools with high school grades.

  • The ratio reported is 1:272 for all schools K-12.
  • For schools with high school grades, the ratio improves to 1:190.
  • This ratio does not include other trained staff members such as CEOs, teachers, and other staff who support college and career planning.
  • Schools may also partner with Community Based Organizations (CBOs) for additional support, impacting the overall support ecosystem.
  • Exact ratios including CBO partners and other staff members need further follow-up due to reliance on self-reported data from schools.
Rita Joseph
And what's the race student ratio with the advisors that you have?
Melanie Mac
Can I can I clarify too, Joseph?
You asked for the ratio of
Rita Joseph
You said you trained staffers to support the students.
What's the student ratio?
Melanie Mac
Can you give us just one moment to look that up?
So in what we publicly report out in the annual guidance counselor bill, the city wide ratio of all schools is 1 counselor to 272 students, and that's K-twelve.
If we're looking at schools with high school grades, 6 to 12s, 9 to 12s, etcetera, 9 to 14s, etcetera, The ratio is 1 to a 190, and that's for school counselors.
What that does not count is the CEOs, the teachers, the other staff who are often trained to provide that.
That is a that ratio is one that we'd have to follow-up on given we do rely on the self reported data from schools in terms of how they have used the resources, for example, from our college and career advising, Sam, to appropriately staff.
You know, in some cases, a high school may staff with a CBO, that has staff members who speak the primary languages, and that's a really important value add.
And that they're electing to have that CBO do some of those services in lieu of DOE staff.
And so that number of kind of when you look at the ecosystem and the the different types of staff who support college and career planning, that we would have to follow-up on in terms of what is the true ratio.
When you take into account the different CBO partners.
Rita Joseph
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