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How does the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) distinguish bid splitting from the use of microcontracts for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) goals, and what training is provided?
100 sec
The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) distinguishes prohibited bid splitting from leveraging microcontracts for Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprises (MWBE) goals by incorporating ethics training and creating procurement policies.
- Bid splitting is clearly prohibited in the procurement policy manual, with violations addressed via ethics training.
- NYCHA's procurement policy manual, updated in 2021, includes a section on leveraging microcontracts for MWBE goals, differentiating it from bid splitting.
- An MWBE First Policy was established in 2021, which requires prioritizing MWDBEs or Section 3 businesses before non-MWBEs.
- Staff acknowledgements of the procurement policy manual are mandated, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these guidelines.
Julie Won
So in the nitro procurement policy, manual bids bidding that is breaking up a contract to avoid competitive bidding, not allowed, but using separate microcontracts to facilitate MWDB Eagles for geographic reasons.
How is that distinction laid out in policy for superintendents?
Earlier, we had asked the question about training for superintendents as well on micro purchases?
And how does Nitro Central make sure that microcontracts would same or similar work that are being used for the correct goals and are not for bidding purposes.
Brad Greenberg
I think so just your question basically is how do we distinguish the mean bid splitting, which is not permitted versus MWBE contracting?
Julie Won
For your MWP Equals.
Sergio Paneque
So in regards to bid splitting out within the PPM, that is conduct that should not occur.
And through our ethics training process, we made that very clear.
And is also within our when we established the procurement policy manual in 2021, that was part of the acknowledgments that we also required as staff.
Just to make sure that I understand correctly with in regards to the MWE, we did establish an MWE first policy in 2021 that we require developments to 1st seek MWE's or section threes before seeking out a non MWE.
So I think those are 2 different parts of the procurement policy manual.
Julie Won