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Why did the NYCHA not fully implement the DOI's recommendations, and were their reasons deemed acceptable?



78 sec

The NYCHA did not fully implement the Department of Investigation's recommendations on restructuring the micro purchase process due to the perceived radical nature of the changes and instead proposed alternative measures.

  • The Department of Investigation (DOI) presses for their recommendations to be accepted, but agencies ultimately decide what they can implement.
  • The NYCHA considered the recommended restructuring of the micro purchase process too radical.
  • As alternatives, the NYCHA proposed better training for housing development staff and a new template for vendor quotes to control overbilling.
  • Despite these alternatives, the DOI viewed them as insufficient compared to the original recommendations.
Chris Banks
What was Nitro's stated reasoning for Department of Investigation for not accepting all the DOE recommendations?
And did the DOI investigate it as fine nitrous reasons acceptable?
Jocelyn Strauber
Well, you know, as as you know, we we make the recommendations.
We press the recommendations to be accepted, the agency ultimately makes the determination of what it is able and and willing to do.
I think with respect to restructuring the micro purchase process.
And again, NICE can can speak to this as well, I'm sure.
But I think the understanding was that that was a more radical change that than than Nitro was was able to undertake at that point.
And so instead, they propose some of the other measures that I mentioned, better training of the housing development staff on things like how to double check, you know, the bona fides of a vendor.
A better template that would force the vendor to itemize the aspects of their quote as a way to control over billing.
So in our view, those alternatives were not sufficient, but that's my understanding of why Nieto did not go forward with what we proposed, but had some additional changes that it wanted to make instead.
Chris Banks
Alright. pigeon logo

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