Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
New York City Council
Committee on Rules, Privileges and Elections
Feb 27, 2024
01:00 PM
52 min
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A hearing on Amy Willard and Milton Williams' nominations to the New York City Conflict of Interest Board. Discussions included the nominees' legal backgrounds, the importance of public trust in government, conflict of interest evaluations, training city employees on ethics, and potential improvements to prevent ethical violations. Features testimony from Milton Williams, Amy Millard, and the public.
Meeting chapters
Read summaries and watch videos for short segments that matter to you.
Council Member Keith Powers Opens Meeting on New York City Conflict of Interest Board Nominations
Council Member Keith Powers convenes the Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Elections meeting to discuss the New York City Conflict of Interest Board appointments. - Powers introduces himself as the …
66 sec
Council Member Adrienne E. Adams Opens Hearing on Conflict of Interest Board Nominations
Council Member Adrienne E. Adams initiates a New York City Council meeting, focusing on nominations to the Conflict of Interest Board. - Thanks Chair Powers and acknowledges colleagues and staff …
134 sec
Amy Millard, Nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, on Her Qualifications and Aspirations
Amy Millard, a nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, outlines her extensive background in law and public service. - Millard describes her journey from Nassau County to a distinguished …
6 min
Milton Williams, Nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, on Upholding Integrity and Public Trust in NYC Government
Milton Williams testifies about his commitment to maintaining integrity and public trust in New York City through his work with the Conflicts of Interest Board. - Williams details his New …
3 min
Does the charter section 2603 prevent the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) from assessing penalties against the mayor without consent?
The Conflicts of Interest Board's (COIB) independence is not compromised by the charter section 2603 consultation requirement, even in cases involving the mayor. - The consultation requirement has not affected …
68 sec
How is a court's independence from the mayor ensured?
The Chair of the Conflicts of Interest Board explains that court independence is ensured by holding everyone to the same high standard and not treating anyone differently, regardless of their …
18 sec
What is Milton Williams' opinion on governmental salary arrangements for family members?
Milton Williams emphasizes the collaborative and consensus-driven process the Conflicts of Interest Board uses to evaluate cases, but declines to comment on specific cases due to confidentiality. - Williams is …
103 sec
Is it permissible for high-level public servants to directly hire family members without salary?
Milton Williams stresses the need for specifics in evaluating the hiring of family members by high-level public servants without salary and asserts no preferential treatment is given. - Williams emphasizes …
66 sec
To what extent can the Conflicts of Interest Board conduct its own investigation amid an FBI investigation?
The Conflicts of Interest Board evaluates evidence independently while criminal investigations proceed on a separate track. - Criminal investigations and the Conflicts of Interest Board's evaluations occur simultaneously but independently. …
47 sec
How has a 12% reduction in headcount due to budget cuts affected the Conflicts of Interest Board's operations, and has the budget been restored in the mayor's preliminary proposal?
The reduction in staff due to budget cuts has placed additional burdens on the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB), but there have been no complaints thus far, and Chair Milton …
72 sec
How many trainers are available for compliance training, and how does COIB manage with reduced staff?
The Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) manages its training program with a reduced staff due to budget cuts, showcasing the dedication and hard work of remaining personnel. - Council Member …
70 sec
How much of a funding increase is the Conflicts of Interest Board seeking?
Milton Williams states that the specific funding increase amount for the Conflicts of Interest Board is still under discussion and will be justified at the budget hearings. - Williams needs …
40 sec
How does Chapter 68 address hiring family members and conflict of interest evaluations?
Milton Williams explains that the hiring of family members under Chapter 68 is evaluated for actual or perceived conflicts of interest. - The Conflicts of Interest Board evaluates potential conflicts …
95 sec
What constitutes a conflict of interest and how is financial compensation considered?
Milton Williams, the Chair of the Conflicts of Interest Board, explains that conflicts of interest can occur when individuals are unqualified for positions or given unfair advantages, including situations involving …
146 sec
Should city employees under investigation be provided legal counsel, and how does seeking advice affect them?
Milton Williams implies that having legal counsel can be helpful for city employees under investigation but clarifies that the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) does not provide counsel. - Milton …
4 min
How does recommending a minimal salary impact conflict of interest perceptions in supervisor relationships?
Milton Williams, Chair of the Conflicts of Interest Board, suggests that recommending a minimal salary might reduce perceptions of conflict of interest depending on specific facts. - The recommendation's impact …
69 sec
How does the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB) decide whether to request the Department of Education (DOE) to initiate its own investigation?
Milton Williams, Chair and Repeat Nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board (COIB), describes the criteria for deciding to request the Department of Education (DOE) to initiate an investigation, emphasizing …
53 sec
Why does Amy Millard want to serve on the Conflicts of Interest Board?
Amy Millard aims to serve on the Conflicts of Interest Board due to the board’s role in promoting public trust, ensuring fairness in city government, and maintaining high ethical standards. …
73 sec
What experience does Amy Millard have in ethics training that qualifies her for the Conflicts of Interest Board?
Amy Millard discusses her extensive experience in ethics teaching and practice, underscoring her qualifications for the Conflicts of Interest Board role. - Millard has decades of experience teaching ethics, including …
64 sec
What are the benefits and drawbacks of the Conflicts of Interest Board using a model for assessing fines?
Amy Millard suggests guidelines for assessing fines could be beneficial for the Conflicts of Interest Board, drawing parallels with the criminal justice system. - Millard cites the criminal justice system's …
90 sec
What does Council Member Keith Powers mean by 'going to cancel Ronson'?
Council Member Keith Powers announces the intention to 'cancel Ronson'. - Keith Powers confirms the action towards Ronson. - The context or reasons behind this action are not specified in …
1 sec
What is the value of Croye as a resource, and how can it assist?
Council Member Crystal Hudson expresses support for Croye as a crucial resource, urging more individuals to utilize its services before starting their projects. - Crystal Hudson desires to align with …
17 sec
Has Milton Williams ever donated to the mayor's campaign?
Milton Williams, a Chair and Repeat Nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, confirms he has never donated to the mayor's campaign. - Council Member Crystal Hudson poses the question …
36 sec
Why does providing counsel to city employees benefit the system?
Amy Millard explains the benefits of providing counsel to city employees, emphasizing the importance of fairness and equal representation in the legal process. - Millard draws from her experience as …
91 sec
How does Amy Millard's legal background influence her desire to join the Conflicts of Interest Board and its potential benefits?
Amy Millard, nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, attributes her desire to join and the anticipated benefits to her extensive legal experience, emphasizing skills crucial for board membership. - …
110 sec
How can the agency enhance its preventative functions, including education and training?
Amy Millard emphasizes the importance of education, training, and publicity about conflicts but hesitates to suggest specific improvements without direct experience with the Conflicts of Interest Board. - Millard agrees …
126 sec
Does the Conflicts of Interest Board lack power in certain areas, and are there suggestions for improvement?
Both the Chair and Nominee for the Conflicts of Interest Board, Milton Williams and Amy Millard, respectively, do not identify areas where the board lacks power or suggest improvements. - …
44 sec
Christopher Leon Johnson on Appointments to the Conflicts of Interest Board and the Loss of the COIB Twitter Account
Christopher Leon Johnson, a member of the public, supports new appointments to the Conflicts of Interest Board and expresses concern over the board’s deleted Twitter account. - Johnson praises the …
70 sec