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What actions does the New York City Department for the Aging take regarding NYC Cares?



68 sec

The New York City Department for the Aging collaborates with partner agencies to disseminate important information about NYC Cares and support outreach to older adults.

  • Disseminates pertinent information to programs, providers, and older adults about healthcare.
  • Partners with sister agencies to develop outreach plans targeting high need communities.
  • Participates in the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)'s roundtables, supporting NYC's older immigrant populations.
  • Works on ensuring that the Agent Connect service has information readily available for older adults requesting NYC Cares information.
  • Currently does not require contracted providers to have this information available, but supports information dissemination where possible.
Crystal Hudson
And just as a quick follow-up, what if anything does NYC aging do around NYC cares?
Penney Vachiraprapun
Well, as as we always do, we work to pass along any pertinent information.
We know obviously that healthcare is paramount to all of our older adults.
So we pass along information to our programs and our providers, and we partner with our sister agencies course, to develop outreach plans and target high need communities.
We, of course, are participating in Moia's roundtables, and Moia again, as one of our cabinet for older new workers.
And of course, we look forward to supporting these agencies and whenever we can to outreach to older adults.
Crystal Hudson
Do you provide do you require contracted providers to have that information available?
Penney Vachiraprapun
Not currently, but, of course, anytime we can.
And, of course, with agent connect, whenever an older adult calls and requests any information, agent connect has that information and can pass that along. pigeon logo

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