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How can New Yorkers ensure organic waste separation when landlords are uncooperative?
62 sec
Starting Spring 2025, DSNY will issue citations for failure to source separate organic waste, likely reducing non-compliance by landlords.
- The NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) will have the authority to issue tickets for non-compliance with organic waste separation laws starting Spring 2025.
- Current issues with landlords or property managers refusing to comply are expected to decrease once fines for non-compliance are enforced.
- DSNY is already issuing warnings for non-compliance and takes action based on social media complaints.
- The shift to imposing fines in April 2025 is seen as a significant step towards ensuring compliance with mandatory source separation of organic waste.
Shaun Abreu
What advice do you have for New Yorkers who wish to comply with local law and source separate their organic waste, but have a landlord or property manager who refuses to engage with brown bins or organic waste in general.
Joshua Goodman
In spring of 2025, when DSNY gains the legal authority to write tickets, for failure to source separate, we expect to see that problem substantially disappear.
We've heard those kinds of concerns I really wanna do it and I live in a high rise and my super my building management tells me to get lost.
When they get a sanitation citation, we think they'll be less likely to say get lost.
And in the meantime, we are writing warnings.
When we see complaints, you know, come in on social media and says, I really wanna do it.
And I, you know, if we can get an address, we have gone out and written warning notices.
Since, of course, under the law in his mandatory.
But in April of 2025, there will be a fine associated with failure source separate.