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How does the Department of Sanitation plan to prevent private waste haulers from mixing organic and non-organic waste, and what enforcement steps are taken against non-compliance?



3 min

The Department of Sanitation outlines measures to ensure private waste hauling companies do not mix organic with non-organic waste and details enforcement plans for non-compliant businesses and carters.

  • A commercial waste zones program will start this fall, granting authority to issue violations against carters for commingling organic and non-organic waste.
  • Aggressive enforcement against non-compliant carters is planned, with sufficient staffing including sanitation police officers.
  • The department seeks collaboration with the City Council on amending local law 146 of 2013 to update source separation requirements, reflecting changes since its enactment.
  • Potential updates aim to enhance commercial waste programs and better align them with residential waste handling.
Shaun Abreu
Local law requires certain New York City food services advertisements and retail food stores to separate their organic waste.
And as we all know, businesses are not serviced by DSNY.
Businesses are not serviced by this and why but rather by private waste hauling companies, which will not be required to price the organics collection services lower than trash collection.
How will DS and Y along with BIC?
Ensure that private waste hauling companies are not commingling source separator organic waste with other refuse.
If doing so would hypothetically result in higher profit and lower operating costs for the waste hauler.
Javier Lohan
So Commercial waste zones program will come into effect this fall.
And when it does, we have the we will have the authority to write violations to private Carters for commingling of organics were non organics.
And, you know, we we're looking to aggressively force this against Carter's who do not comply with these regulations.
So that is one of the things that we are, and we are staffed for that.
So we will be looking for that.
Shaun Abreu
What will it take to conduct enforcement against businesses and Carter's which refuse to comply with source separation or virements.
Javier Lohan
Are you referring to, you know, specifics of, like, what the components of the like, our enforcement officers will have to do or exactly what what I
Shaun Abreu
guess, we'll we'll from an agency perspective and resources What would it take for DSNY to enforce businesses and Carter's that are refusing to comply with source separation requirements?
And also, how do you see the council being helpful here in terms of I don't know if there's any additional legislation that we should be pursuing that would enhance source separation for for commercial businesses?
Javier Lohan
So one of the things that we as I mentioned, we do have sanitation police officers staffed once the commercial waste program begins.
I guess depending on, you know, the violations we find when it rolls out, we will adjust accordingly.
But for now, we we feel like we have enough sufficient police all percentage police officers to enforce this.
Joshua Goodman
On your question about a role for the council on this, which I really, really, we appreciate the question very much.
Commercial or annex is currently governed under a local law 146 of 2013.
This law was written in a very different time, and we would love to look at it together with the and work on possible updates.
For example, the fact that it only covers back of house material, there's a lot of room to see how to bring the commercial program more in line with the residential program.
Shaun Abreu
So you think there's a lot more we can do to divert organically.
Joshua Goodman
There probably there is certainly a lot to look at him.
And the law is now eleven years old.
It was the process.
It was the result of complex negotiations more than a decade ago, and we we would love to take a look at what an update to that law might be.
Shaun Abreu
I would like to recognize council member, Hanif, and council member, Hanif, if you have questions now is your time. pigeon logo

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