Your guide to NYC's public proceedings.
How is the 311 complaints resolution dataset managed and improved?
3 min
The chapter discusses the management and improvement of the 311 complaints resolution dataset, focusing on data accuracy and agency responses.
- Martha Norrick expresses that their role is to ensure public data, including the 311 dataset, is accurately presented.
- The Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) liaises with agencies, including those handling 311 complaints, to improve data accuracy.
- Erik Bottcher raises concerns about agencies closing 311 complaints without proper resolution.
- The need for agencies to accurately process and not prematurely close 311 complaints is highlighted.
- Norrick sees the public use of the 311 data set as evidence of the importance of accessible and accurate public data.
Erik Bottcher
Resolved and or condition not observed when they're they're standing there on the phone looking at it and it's clearly not it's clearly there.
What what are your opinions of that dataset And how do you interact with the 311 team on improving
Martha Norrick
I would say, generally, from the open data perspective, you know, we work very closely with agencies.
The 311, you know, being no exception to make sure that the data that is on the open data portal, you know, reflects accurately the data as it's being collected And I would encourage you to to address, you know, these questions around the data generation process.
And and also, you know, the agency's responsibility for the, you know, fulfilling their SLA for 311.
You know, directly with those agencies, you know, our our sort of purview is making sure that data is publicly available and that ref and it accurately reflects, you know, the 311 system as it stands in terms of changing that system or changing the ways that agencies are responding to 311 requests.
I would I would say that that's outside of our purview.
Erik Bottcher
This is something that we've at a at a previous hearing with the OTI commissioner that we discussed and one of the, you know, the the dynamic here is that you process the data that you get from 311.
311 basically relies on the agency's to resolve the complaints.
And if and if the agencies aren't processing the 311 request, request accurately if they're closing the ticket when it's not resolved.
Or if they're not observing the the the condition, the 311 team, they just, you know, they rely on the agency to accurately process the complaint.
So thing I'd love to get dig more into at a future hearing perhaps is what is 311 doing to really lean on the agencies to make sure that they're not closing 311 complaints.
And that they're not resolved, that they're not marking them down as not observed.
Who's really taking ownership of that because that will really help increase the ownership of 311.
If people have better and better experiences with it, they see it having real time results.
Thank you.
Martha Norrick
I think it also is that's a real testament to the power of public data.
Like, you know, we know this is happening.
You know this is happening.
You can look to see what the outcome of a given service request is because has that data is on the open data portal, and people can use it to to understand sort of how service delivery is happening.
And and then raise those questions.
So I'm I'm thrilled to hear that people are using the 311 open data set for that exact purpose.