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Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez on Regulating Street Vending and Increasing Access to Rapid STI Testing



105 sec

Council Member Pierina Ana Sanchez introduces two bills aimed at regulating street vending and increasing access to rapid STI testing.

  • Intro 431 (formerly 1270) proposes to regulate street vending more effectively, advocating for vendors to operate legally rather than in the shadows.
  • The bill suggests eliminating arbitrary caps on vending, highlighting that NYC is the only major city in the U.S. that imposes such caps.
  • Intro 435 (formerly 895) aims to increase access to rapid STI testing, with a focus on addressing the high rates of HIV in the Bronx.
  • By improving access to testing, the bill seeks to make a significant difference and save lives in New York City.
Pierina Ana Sanchez
So I am introducing a number of bills today as all of our colleagues are, and I wanna highlight 2 bills in particular that I would love for the 25 plus numbers that were on it before it can jump back on.
First is gonna be intro 431, which was formerly 1270.
Street vending as old as New York City itself, and yet most vendors in New York City operate in the shadows.
Estimates are that 60% to 70% of the vendors that you see out in the streets are operating without a license, without a touchpoint with government, and in ways that are not necessarily harmonious with our communities.
And so intro 431 asks the city of New York to take a step in the direction of vent regulating bending in a way that allows people not to be in the shadows, that allows folks to Yes.
To not to not operate in the shadows and effectively regulate vending instead of placing an arbitrary cap.
We are the only a large city in the United States that places a cap on bending.
So I invite everybody to rejoin 4 31 and also to be a part of the dialogue.
That we will be spearheading with advocacy organizations and groups all over the city to ensure that there's robust conversation.
And intro 435, which was formerly 8 95, is about increasing access to rapid STI testing.
The Bronx, in particular, suffers from the highest rates of HIV across New York City New York state 62 Counties, including having double the rate of our sister boroughs right here in New York city.
So by extending access to testing, we can make a real difference and save lives in the city of New York.
It's starting to ensure that everyone has access to the services that they need.
Thank you so much, majority leader. pigeon logo

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