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Council Member Julie Menin Opens Consumer And Worker Protection Committee Vote on Lithium-Ion Battery Safety and Vendor Regulation



171 sec

Council Member Julie Menin leads the Consumer And Worker Protection Committee vote, focusing on lithium-ion battery safety and vendor regulations.

  • Menin begins by acknowledging her fellow committee members and paying condolences to the victims of a recent fire caused by a lithium-ion battery.
  • She underlines the voting on two critical bills aimed to enhance lithium-ion battery safety, sparked by the recent tragedy.
  • Proposed introductions 19a and 21a, sponsored by Council Member Brewer, target the sales, rental, and certification of lithium-ion battery-powered devices.
  • Additionally, Menin discusses three bills she sponsored to streamline regulations for mobile food vendors and general vendors in NYC.
  • These include proposed introductions 49A, 50A, and 51A, which aim to simplify vending regulations and prevent vending in bicycle lanes.
Julie Menin
Good morning, and welcome to today's Okay.
Good morning, and welcome to today's Consumer And Worker Protection Committee vote.
I am chair Julie Menin.
I want to, first of all, wreck ignize my fellow committee members who are here, council member Krishna, and majority leader, Farias, and council member, Brewer.
Last Friday, a fire caused by a lithium ion battery ripped through a Harlem apartment building, killing twenty seven year old Fazalcon and injuring 22 others.
We send our deepest condolences to everyone affected by this tragedy, particularly Mister Khan's family, and those who were injured.
This horrific fire, the 31st, caused by lithium ion batteries in the city this year, underscores the importance of two bills we are voting on today.
Each of these bills aims to address factors that cause lithium ion battery fires.
It's critical that individuals who use lithium ion batter powered devices are aware of proper use, storage, and charging practices.
Proposed introduction 19a, sponsored by council member brewer, would require all businesses that sell rent or lease ebikes, e scooters, and other personal mobility devices powered by lithium ion batteries to post safety information.
Online retailers would also be responsible for posting such safety information.
It is also crucial that businesses that trade in lithium ion batteries and power devices only sell, rent or lease products that have gone through testing and certification for safety.
Proposed introduction 21a, also sponsored by council member Brewer, would increase the penalties for businesses sell, lease, or rent illegal, uncertified power mobility devices and batteries.
The bill would also authorize DCWP and the fire department to seal business with repeat violations.
We are also voting on 3 bills that I sponsored related to street vending that aimed to clarify and streamline requirements for mobile food vendors and general vendors in New York City.
Proposed introduction number 49A would allow mobile food vendors to display or store goods on top of their carts, and it would simplify the display requirements for general vendors.
This bill would also remove bookkeeping requirements for general vendors and mobile food vendors.
Proposed introduction number 50a would eliminate the requirement that individual employees of mobile food vending carts are trucks.
Each must have a New York state certificate of sales tax authority.
This bill would also remove the requirement that vendors obtain a tax clearance certificate from the Department of Finance each time that they renew their license.
And then finally proposed introduction number 51a would prohibit general vendors, mobile food vendors, and vendor related activity from occupying bicycle lanes. pigeon logo

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