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Dwayne Maruel on the Impact of the Class Size Law on High-Need Schools in District 27, Queens



3 min

Dwayne Maruel, a parent and activist, expresses concerns about the negative impacts of a uniform class size law on high-need schools, particularly PS 105 in Far Rockaway, District 27, Queens.

  • Maruel has been an education activist for decades and emphasizes the need for equitable public education.
  • He notes that 94% of students at PS 105 are eligible for free or reduced price lunch, serving primarily low-income, black, and Hispanic families.
  • He argues that the class size law, while well-intentioned, could exacerbate educational inequities and make high-need schools less appealing.
  • Maruel fears that a uniform class size mandate may prompt the poaching of qualified teachers from high-need to advantaged schools, impacting teacher quality.
  • He urges the council and mayor to consider the diverse needs and circumstances of schools and districts in implementing the law.
My name is Dwayne Maruel.
And I am the proud father of 3 children.
Now my oldest has already graduated high school and is currently almost ready to graduate college.
And my 2 little ones, ten eight years old, both attend a district, traditional public school, PS 105 to base school out in Far Rockaway.
Now, I personally have been an activist a champion for quality education for well over a decade, several decades actually.
So I've been in this fight for quite some time in New York City, and I have no plans on giving it up even after my children have already gone through the system.
My chill in my children's school, the base school in Faroe Rock Way, it lies within District 27.
Now in District 27 in Queens, It is a high poverty, high need public school serving low income families and queens.
94% of the students are eligible for free or reduced price lunch, and it serves mainly students and families of color.
With 95% of the student population being either black Hispanic or other.
As an educational of this, I've spent years fighting for more equitable public school system, for a more equitable public school system, giving me education, get the exists between high poverty, high need school districts versus districts that serve more affluent students and families.
This is why I was absolutely stunned to find out after doing my research on the bill that it would actually make the schools in the district such as district 27.
Even less appealing than they are today, further widening the achievement gap between high poverty districts and more affluent.
The reason why I believe is because this class size bill is well intentioned.
It definitely is.
And I agree with the mandate to not have our kids sitting in classes of 36 students.
I, personally, when I was in public school, was in a class that had 42 students at that time.
However, that's not the case in all districts across the city.
And as it's written now, the blunt implementation of this law across all school communities would exacerbate inequities within our school system.
Furthermore, I'm extremely concerned that the class size mandate may have a negative impact on teacher quality in schools like PS 105.
This law could lead to advance to advantage school, poaching, teachers from high from the schools that are in Mike's name.
Well, basically, they'll come through and they'll say, hey, it's easier and more, you know, better to work over here.
And if you're already in a high needs area working in those types of schools, I mean, if you want an easier workday, it would pretty much be a no brainer to go over that way.
So in closing, I'm just gonna say, I urge the council and the mayor to make sure that this law is implemented differently than what I've heard so far.
And it needs to take into account the nuanced circumstances and needs of different districts and schools because our students have way too much to lose. pigeon logo

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