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What vaccinations are required for children to enroll in pre-K in New York City, and what are the medical conditions that qualify for a vaccination exemption?



100 sec

In New York City, children enrolling in daycare, pre-K, and school must have several vaccinations, with specific exemptions for medical conditions.

  • Required vaccinations include DTP/DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), Hepatitis B, polio, and varicella. Additionally, Hib and PCV are needed for daycare and pre-K enrollees.
  • Medical exemptions are rare but can be granted for severe allergic reactions to a vaccine dose or severe immunocompromise.
  • Medical exemptions are temporary, only valid for a year, thus requiring annual renewal.
  • Religious exemptions for vaccinations are not allowed in New York State as of June 13, 2019.
Francisco P. Moya
In New York City, you touched a little bit about on this on your in your testimony.
But at New York City, what what vaccinations are children required to receive prior to enrolling in pre k.
And also as of June 13 2019, New York State you said, no longer allows religious exemption for mandated vaccinations for school attendance.
However, if a child has a specific health condition in which the vaccine may be harmful, the child's doctor may fill out a medical exemption form.
Can you give examples of what type of these medical conditions may qualify for an exemption?
Dr. Celia Quinn
Thanks so much for the question.
And I'm also hoping chair Schulman is feeling better soon.
So in New York City, vaccines required for day care, pre k, and school attendance are d tap or t depth.
So that's a vaccine that covers Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, MMR, which covers for measles, mumps, and rubella.
Hepatitis B, polio, and varicella.
And then additionally, for children that are in day care and pre k, hemophilus influenza type B or Hib is required, and pneumococcal vaccine or PCV is also required.
And then to your question, about medical exemptions.
You know, it's pretty rare that medical exemptions are required, but some of the ones that we see are a severe allergic reaction to a previous dose of that vaccine or for certain vaccines, a child that has severe immunocompromised should not be getting that vaccine.
And because some of the medical exemptions are temporary, that request has to be that request the exemption is only valid for a year, so a new request has to be submitted each year.
Francisco P. Moya
Got it.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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