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Council Member Kamillah Hanks opens meeting on the Brownsville Arts Center and Apartments Proposal



115 sec

Council Member Kamillah Hanks chairs the meeting on the Brownsville Arts Center and Apartments proposal in Brooklyn, outlining hybrid participation options.

  • Hanks welcomes participants to the Subcommittee on Landmarks meeting, conducted in a hybrid format.
  • She details how the public can participate remotely through registration on the council's website or in person by filling out a speaker's card.
  • Instructions are provided for submitting written testimony via email, including specifying land use number or project name.
  • The agenda comprises a public hearing for a housing proposal in Council Member Meeley's district in Brooklyn.
  • Hanks opens the public hearing, emphasizing its focus on the Brownsville Arts Center and Apartments Proposal.
Kamillah Hanks
Good morning.
I am counsel member Camilla Hanks, chair on the sub committee of landmarks public sightings and dispositions.
I would like to welcome everyone to this meeting of the subcommittee on landmarks.
And before we begin, which today's agenda, I will remind everyone that this meeting is being held in a hybrid format.
For members of the public who wish to testify remotely, we ask that you first register online and you may do so by visiting to sign up and then sign on to Zoom and remain signed on in till you have testified.
For anyone who is with us today in person wishing to testify, if you'd not already have done so, please see one the sergeants to fill out a speaker's card, and we will call your name at the appropriate time.
For anyone wishing to submit a written testimony on the items being heard today, we ask that you please send it via email to land use testimony at, and please indicate the land use number and or project name in the subject line in your email.
On today's agenda, we will have 1 public hearing for housing proposal and counts member Meeley's district in Brooklyn.
And now I would like to open up the hearing.
We have been joined by council member Darlene Meerly.
Do you wanna sit closer to me?
Do you wanna sit closer to me?
And I will pass it on to my to my colleague to make any statements and testimony as part of this project.
Pardon me.
I will now open the public hearing in Brownsville Arts Center And Apartments Proposal, relating to the property and council member Meeley's district in Brooklyn, The proposals consist of 3 land use items, land use action under U Lurb number c to 40029hakc24003zerozmk. pigeon logo

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