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Do the Department of Education and Parks Department have different certification requirements for lifeguards?



51 sec

Council Member Shekar Krishnan addresses the inconsistency in lifeguard certification requirements between the Department of Education and the Parks Department.

  • Commissioner Sue Donoghue from the New York City Parks states she cannot comment on the Department of Education's policies.
  • Council Member Krishnan believes the Department of Education has different standards for lifeguard training and certification than the Parks Department.
  • Krishnan highlights a significant inconsistency between two city agencies' lifeguard training protocols, potentially limiting the number of available lifeguards.
Shekar Krishnan
And it's my understanding know if you all know correct me, but my understanding that the Department of Education allows for different non parks certification for lifeguards in their pools.
Do you know if that's accurate?
Sue Donoghue
I really couldn't comment on that.
Sorry, counsel.
Shekar Krishnan
I think that I'll I'll I'll comment on that.
I think that that is the case.
The DOE has different standards for lifeguard training and certification than Parks does.
So I just wanna highlight 2 city agencies under the same agency using different lifeguard training protocols for certifying lifeguards, one that'spox department exclusively, one that DOE has a different training regimen for, seems like a big inconsistency there, and it seems like with the Northern City government, if we can't figure out ways to be expansive of the certification requirements we're looking at, we are limiting the amount of lifeguards that will be available. pigeon logo

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