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What are the current offerings and annual budget for NYC Parks Department’s swim lesson program?



135 sec

NYC Parks Department offers a comprehensive swim instruction program, including learn-to-swim classes, water safety lessons, and a new swim improvement program for prospective lifeguards.

  • The program targets New Yorkers of all ages, from toddlers to seniors, and includes specialized programs like senior water aerobics and water ballet.
  • A specific initiative, Swim for Life, focuses on providing second graders with swim lessons during school hours at indoor pools.
  • Dry land water safety instruction is part of the curriculum, emphasizing water safety awareness once a year.
  • A new swim improvement program assists individuals aiming to pass the NYC Parks Lifeguard qualifying test, showing significant success.
Shekar Krishnan
On that point, I can you please describe for us right now, and you you did a bit in your opening statement, but also just what the parks department's current swim lesson instruct program is, what is the annual budget allocated to that program?
Sue Donoghue
Thank you for the question.
As I said, we have a have for years had a very robust swim training program between our learn to swim programming, our swim for live programming, to give you some of this specifics.
I'm going to hand it over to Emily just to talk about what we do today.
Emily Chase
Thank you so much, commissioner, and thank you, Chair.
We are so proud to offer a wide run of swim instruction classes so that New Yorkers of any age can learn those vital water safety skills, develop healthy fitness habits, and just have fun in the water throughout their lives.
This takes place primarily through our learn to swim program, as well as through swim for life, which I mentioned, our targeted initiative conducted in partnership with DOE, as we said.
Swim for life, as you may know, focuses on 2nd grade students.
So they come as a class and it provides them with swim instruction at our indoor pools during the school day as part of their their regular day.
Our approach to swim instruction also includes dry land water safety instruction.
So once a year around water safety aware, this week, make we make sure to place a lot of emphasis on getting some of those principles across.
So as commissioner Donnie who said, people can be safe in different environments in and around the water.
We also offer swim lessons for all ages.
Tots right up through seniors.
We offer senior water aerobics and water ballet.
And we're really proud to introduce a new swim improvement program, which allows candidates that may want to become a lifeguard to get in the water with our trained aquatics specialists who learn where they might be able to close that gap between their current abilities and passing that lifeguard test.
So that's something new we did this year.
It's recommended for those working on passing that NYC Parks Lifeguard qualifying test.
And we saw a lot of success with that program.
So just a little summary of some of our current offerings. pigeon logo

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