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Is the current funding for DOT sufficient despite its failure to meet the streets plan mandates?



146 sec

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) believes the current funding level for the Department of Transportation (DOT) is sufficient.

  • Council Member Selvena N. Brooks-Powers expresses concerns over DOT's failure to meet the streets plan mandates due to fiscal challenges.
  • Jacques Jiha, OMB's Budget Director, highlights DOT's achievements and challenges, including meeting goals for pedestrian spaces and facing supply chain issues.
  • Jiha confirms that the current funding is considered sufficient for DOT to meet its goals.
  • Brooks-Powers inquires about the impact of fiscal constraints like hiring freezes on DOT's performance.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
And the latest streets plan update from DOT, the agency wrote, quote unquote, given fiscal challenges that hit New York City in 2023.
Sirius actions were taken citywide, including a higher increase and a 5% program to eliminate the gap in multiple financial plans.
New York City DOT did our best to protect services, but unfortunately many programs including supporting the streets plan had to be reduced.
DOT fell well short of streets plan's legal mandates particularly with respect to investments in bus infrastructure.
Considering that the Department of Transportation has not met its mandated targets, in the streets plan, does OMB believe that the current level of funding for DOT is sufficient And does the administration plan to make further investments in DOT in the executive budget?
Jacques Jiha
Gucci made significant progress toward the shipment goes in fiscal in in 2023.
They have met The goal of installing 1,000,000 square feet of new pedestrian space exceeded the goal for We design intersections and accessible pedestrian signals.
They also continue to make progress with installing more protected back lane.
And improving both transit.
But as you know, they face some serious challenges in meeting the Switzerland goals such as they have challenging with their facility constraints, supply chain issues, and and to some extent opposition from the community.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
Just say it on this topic for a moment because, again, by DOT's own admission, the the peg and the hiring freeze played a role in that.
So to my question, do you feel that the funding level is sufficient?
Jacques Jiha
We believe so.
Selvena N. Brooks-Powers
So the budget level right now, DOT in your summation should be able to achieve the goal set forth in the streets' plan law?
Chi Ossé
Yes. pigeon logo

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