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What is the status of service providers invited back to Rikers Island without new contracts?



67 sec

The NYC Mayor's Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is assessing the Department of Correction's (DoC) needs before deciding on the continuation and funding of programs at Rikers Island.

  • The Department of Correction (DoC) has invited some service providers back to Rikers Island informally without new contracts.
  • Concerns were raised about insufficient programming by DoC compared to the services previously provided by these contractors.
  • The Budget Director of the NYC Mayor's OMB mentions ongoing talks with these providers and an upcoming decision on program continuation and funding.
  • Final decisions on funding and contracts will be made closer to the executive budget decision.
Sandy Nurse
Last year, DOC also cut contracts for some of the critical service providers.
On Rykers, And then we went and we found that, you know, DOC's attempts to do some of that programming just wasn't adequate enough to cover what those providers were doing.
So now we're hearing maybe informally that DOC has invited these providers back but without a new contract or compensation.
So how do you how is there an expectation to come do this critical work?
I don't I mean, not necessarily for free, but without additional compensation.
Jacques Jiha
We are working with the DoC.
And as a said, we do an assessment of their needs.
And I believe they've been working.
They've been talking to those providers.
And as we move forward closer to budget to exec, we will make a decision 11 other in terms we're going to proceed with whether we're going to continue this program.
And if there is a need to continue this program, we will make the appropriate adjustment at exact.
Sandy Nurse
Okay. pigeon logo

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