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Council Member Mercedes Narcisse opens Committee on Hospitals meeting on NYC's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and H+H plans



4 min

Council Member Mercedes Narcisse, as Chair of the Committee on Hospitals, initiates a hearing on New York City's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and the Health and Hospitals (H+H) Corporation's five-year plans.

  • The hearing focuses on reviewing H+H's fiscal 2025 operating budget of $3 billion, which is nearly 3% of its total budget.
  • Attention is drawn to the $1.8 billion earmarked for asylum seeker services, constituting 60% of H+H's budget.
  • Narcisse expresses a keen interest in discussing the provision of services for asylum seekers and the current status of services for sickle cell disease.
  • She raises concerns about the working conditions of medical residents at H+H facilities, noting their overwork, underpay, and the need for immediate action to improve their quality of life.
  • Acknowledgements are made to committee staff, counsel, and her staff for their contributions to the hearing preparation.
Mercedes Narcisse
Good afternoon, everyone.
I'm counsel member Mercedes Nurses, Chair of the Committee on Hospitals.
Thank you for attending today's hearing on the city's fiscal 2025 preliminary budget and the New York City Health And Hospital Corporations 5 year operating and capital plans for 2024 to 20 28.
During today's hearing, We will review HNH operating fiscal 2025 budget of $3,000,000,000, which represents nearly 3% of the its budget.
But first and foremost, I would like to thank everyone that has joined us today, and my colleague, counsel women, Schulman.
Internet's budget is 97% funded by city funds to provide service for New Yorkers, including but not limited to New York, to NYC Care, Mental Health Services, and Asolam's Secret Services.
Asolam's allum seeker services in particular are funded for 1,800,000,000 in the fiscal 2025 preliminary plan.
Which makes up 60% of HNH's budget.
Even though HNH budget is mostly made up of Asalom's secret funds in the preliminary budget is difficult to determine what direct services are provided with this funding.
We would definitely like to hear from the administration about the services.
They provide as well as additional context on the $1,000,000,000 peg to asylum seekers services in the fiscal 2025 preliminary plan.
I would also like to learn more about the sickle cell services that HIV provides.
As you know, sickle cell disease is a very important topic to me.
And we have a long way to go with ensuring equity with how we treat and even discuss sickle cell disease.
In relation to my bill, local law 163 of 2023, we'd like to discuss each and each current status when it comes to sickle cell disease as well as some details about the current planning process for implementing the bill.
It's important to take care of New Yorkers, especially with their health.
But we should not forget to take care of our medical professionals as well.
We held a hearing on February 29th on the topic related to medical residents in H and H, and their working conditions are very alarming.
Our residents are overworked, often underpaid, and I'll burn out as a result.
New York City Residency are notoriously difficult to match into despite a high cost of living and low starting pay.
But there are still vacancies in H and H Residences Program.
To top it all off, H and H residents are paid less than residents at private hospitals for doing the same work.
The human was the first step.
But we must take action immediately to improve the quality of life of for those residents.
As they are the doctors of the future.
New Yorkers depend on their services.
For real.
I'd like to thank my committee staff, committee counsel, Viya, Ogasawa, policy analyst Manu Bhatt, and finance analyst Daniel Grant Glance for Unit head and florentine cavalry for their work on this hearing.
I would also like to thank Machifov Staff Saia Joseph and the rest of my staff, of course, for their hard work.
I will now turn it over to committee council to administer the oath.
Thank you. pigeon logo

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