How often does the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) meet with the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO)?
33 sec
The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) meets with the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) almost daily to discuss asylum seekers' legal services needs and other immigrant services.
- Meetings occur almost every day, including a strategic planning meeting on Fridays.
- MOIA is in constant communication with OASO.
- Discussions cover a variety of issues, not just legal services for immigrants.
Shekar Krishnan
My final question is just how often does your office meet with OASO?
Moia, how how often do you want me to discuss legal services needs for asylum seekers in particular and immigrant services in general?
Manuel Castro
We meet very often basically every day.
I mean, we have a standing strategic planning meeting.
Fridays, but we are in constant communication.
On a variety of different issues, not just legal services.
Shekar Krishnan
Thank you, and thank you, Chair.
Sorry for going over.
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Why was funding for asylum seekers' legal services not included in FY 25, and how will the state's commitment address the need?
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Does the committee have oversight over the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and will its Interim Director testify at the budget hearing?