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What additional funding is the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) seeking, and what are its needs?



69 sec

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) has not yet requested additional funding but plans to discuss its specific needs with city officials.

  • MOIA is currently in the process of identifying its needs for additional funding with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and City Hall.
  • The commissioner highlights the effectiveness of MOIA's programs, especially for hard-to-reach immigrant communities.
  • MOIA maintains its commitment to working in partnership with nonprofit organizations.
  • No specific funding amount or needs are detailed at this time.
Alexa Avilés
So in in term, what, I guess, back to the funding piece, What additional funding has Moyer requested in this fiscal year and the out years?
Manuel Castro
Well, we have yet to request funding.
We will be in conversation around our needs with OMB and with City Hall.
But as we engage in this process, we'll continue to discuss with them are our specific needs and and and our work.
Alexa Avilés
So can you tell me what your needs are?
Manuel Castro
Well, as I mentioned, we have a variety of very specific programs aimed at American communities.
It is not the sole responsibility of Moia to serve immigrant communities, but these programs we believe are very effective, specifically are reaching the hardest to reach immigrant communities.
We are reissuing an RFP and so forth.
So we are doing quite a lot with what we have.
And I think it's it's important for us to to highlight that this this work is effectively done in partnership with nonprofits in pigeon logo

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