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What are the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA)?



128 sec

The Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA) focuses on serving immigrant populations with various programs, especially immigration legal services, language access, and English learning.

  • MOIA has a limited scope but collaborates with other agencies, including DSS and DYCD, on immigration legal services.
  • The office plays a key role in language access, growing its team from 3 to 20 to enhance services.
  • MOIA provides technical assistance and champions language access across city government.
  • It offers a unique English learning program emphasizing conversational English and civic participation, in partnership with community organizations and libraries.
Alexa Avilés
Can you walk us through Moia's role and responsibility?
Manuel Castro
Thank you, Teravelis, for the question.
So Moya has a limited scope in terms of our role in responsibility with respect to serve in immigrant populations.
As I described, we oversee a number of different programs, in particular, our immigration legal programs, but it's important to point out that multiple agencies, including DSS and DEYCD manage their own immigration legal programs.
They are not required to include us in their in their work.
Although we often support and promote their work, we specifically focus on the programs that we laid out.
I also described in my testimony our work around language access, which is highly collaborative with other agencies because we collect and report on language access plans.
And as I described that I been able to grow the team from 3 when I first took office to now 20, which was a major priority of ours.
And something really to highlight about Moiad.
We offer technical assistance and support to those agencies that need it.
And we often serve as the champions for language access in city government.
I also describe our work around English learning, which, again, other agencies manage English learning programs, but our specific program that we oversee looks to provide very practical English learning courses.
With an emphasis on conversational English and also to educate immigrant communities, on city services, and engage them in civic participation.
We do this in partnership with CEOs and libraries and other institutions. pigeon logo

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