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What are the specific roles of the Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO), and how do they differ from MOIA?



45 sec

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) specifically addresses the rapid influx of asylum seekers by coordinating and managing appropriate shelter operations and advocating for this population, distinguishing its functions from agencies with broader immigrant focuses.

  • OASO was established to focus on the current humanitarian crisis by managing the operations needed to respond to the influx of asylum seekers.
  • OASO coordinates shelter operations suited for asylum seekers and works on long-term city strategies regarding their absorption.
  • Commissioner Manuel Castro mentions that other agencies, such as the Mayor's Office for Immigrant Affairs (MOIA), have broader focuses on immigrants in general, unlike OASO's specific mission.
  • OASO's establishment was necessary to ensure a specialized response and support system for asylum seekers arriving at a peak rate.
Alexa Avilés
Can you clarify or what's those responsibilities and how they differ from Woya?
Molly Schaeffer
So we were set up to specifically focus on this humanitarian crisis.
As commissioner Castro mentioned, They've traditionally been more focused on immigrants across the spectrum.
As you mentioned, 40% of the population, there's a lot of needs we were set up to specifically coordinate, manage the operations of responding to the rapid influx of peak full, to make sure we had the right shelter types to advocate for this specific population, to ensure to build a long term strategy for the city, to to absorb people in this way. pigeon logo

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