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What are the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) serving numbers and the qualified countries list?



46 sec

The Mayor's Office of Asylum Seeker Operations (OASO) does not have a ready list of countries served under TPS but offers personalized assessments for eligibility.

  • Individuals seeking TPS can receive assistance and eligibility assessment at OASO’s asylum application help center.
  • Assessments determine eligibility for TPS, work authorization, or asylum as the most suitable pathway.
  • The process also evaluates eligibility for expedited work pathways via humanitarian parole paperwork.
  • The same services are available at the main help center and three satellite locations.
Rita Joseph
I have a quick question around TPS.
So how many how many of the countries have you served already?
What's the do you have the list of countries that are qualified for TPS?
Molly Schaeffer
So I don't have the list with me right now, but we anybody who walks into our asylum app location help center can get help for TPS because we do a personal assessment of what that person needs and decide if they if they're eligible for TPS, if they're eligible for work authorization at that point or if asylum is the right pathway and if it makes sense for them too.
Rita Joseph
Is that the same rule that applies for the humanitarian parole as well?
Molly Schaeffer
We also look at their humanitarian parole paperwork and see if it makes them eligible for expedited work pathways.
And that all happens at our asylum application help center and our and our 3 other satellites. pigeon logo

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