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Why did the administration choose an emergency contract for the debit card program?



39 sec

The administration pursued an emergency contract for the debit card program to start saving money as quickly as possible.

  • An emergency contract was chosen to expedite cost savings in the face of the crisis.
  • Over 216 sites are managed across the city, driving the need for efficient and effective solutions.
  • The administration is focused on implementing innovative methods to save costs.
  • The urgency for the debit card program prompted the decision to bypass traditional bidding.
Alexa Avilés
Just to just to continue on, just quickly, why why did the administration pursue this through an emergency contract rather than bidding out.
Molly Schaeffer
Because we wanted to start saving money as quickly as possible.
I think every Every type of model is different in this crisis.
We're running more than 216 sites, and we have people throughout the city, and so we're always looking to do things more effectively and more efficiently and try new innovative things out that can actually save us money.
And so we wanted to get this on board as quickly as we possibly can to sort of to get rid of the delivery that we were doing. pigeon logo

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