How does the hiring policy shift affect the Department of Citywide Administrative Services' staffing and program management?
59 sec
The Department of Citywide Administrative Services debates if it has enough staff to run programs effectively due to a shift in hiring policy, aiming for an aggressive hiring approach especially for direct service positions.
- The agency faces a 14.9% vacancy rate as of January 2024, with 349 positions unfilled.
- Transitioning from a nearly complete hiring freeze to a two-for-one hiring model and easing spending restrictions.
- The commissioner asserts ongoing efforts to maintain core service delivery despite staffing challenges.
- There's an active discussion with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to aggressively fill direct services positions, such as custodial assistants.
Lynn C. Schulman
So Decast's vacant head count as of January 2024 is 349 positions or vacancy rate 14.9%.
It was announced on February 21 2024 that the mayor is canceling the peg for the executive plan and Somebody shut their phone off.
But the executive plan and the administration is moving from near full hiring freeze to a two for one model and easing other than personnel spending freeze restrictions as the agency have adequate headcount to effectively run all the programs.
Dawn M. Pinnock
We've been able to a maintain core service delivery?
However, you know, we've had to judge staff potentially to the limit.
In some cases.
So as part of the lifting of the hiring freeze, we are in active conversations with OMB to be aggressive in hiring, especially for some of our direct services positions, custodial assistance, primarily we have folks in real estate that actually will help us to achieve some of these savings we've talked about.
So so it's it's been tough, but we have maintained courses.
I just have 3.