Was IBM prepared for the New York City Public School's student login surge on February 13?
40 sec
IBM received notification late on February 12 about the expected student login surge and was asked to monitor the situation the following morning.
- IBM was informed the afternoon before the expected student login surge.
- The notification came from the Department of Education's technical team.
- IBM was asked to keep an eye on the transaction processing system (TPS) the next morning.
- There was mention of a potential remote learning day.
Rita C. Joseph
The morning of February 13, Chancellor Bank stated that New York City Public School informed you, IBM, they should expect a nearly student a million student login on between 7:30:8 AM on February 13.
Was IBM given this guidance?
And did IBM do anything specific to prepare for the number of students and teachers expected to log on at once?
Vanessa Hunt
So we did receive that email the afternoon of February 12th.
It was from somebody on the technical team at DOE to somebody at the IBM technical team.
That note said that there may be a remote learning day the next day and asked us to keep an eye on the TPS the next morning.