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What is the budget for remote learning in New York City Public Schools, and does it fall under DIIT?



50 sec

Remote learning expenses in New York City Public Schools are not categorized separately within DIIT, covering costs for hosting, licenses, and system development.

  • Remote learning costs are integrated within the existing DIIT budget, without a separate category.
  • The budget includes hosting fees, licenses for Google Enterprise and Zoom, and the development of systems like Teach Up and Parent University.
  • Additionally, schools independently purchase third-party digital curriculum for subjects such as ELA, Math, and Social Studies.
Rita C. Joseph
What's the New York City Public Schools on budget for remote learning?
And is that budget within DIIT?
Scott Strickland
Yes, we answered the question 2 ways.
So remote learning is not a separate category of DIT expenses.
We host, we have licenses for products, our authentication, our security, etcetera.
So we provide within our budget, we have the hosting, we pay for the license for Google, enterprise, for Zoom, and we built other systems around this that we pay for of our budget, teach up, parent university, etcetera.
The other addition would be what schools buy for actual digital curriculum for ELA Math, Social Studies, language arts, that is 3rd party digital curriculum.
Rita C. Joseph
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