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What were the initial challenges in deploying remote learning software?



78 sec

The initial challenges in deploying remote learning software included ensuring student access, device distribution, setting up teacher remote work capabilities, and technology development.

  • Ensuring all students could access learning from home required procuring and sending out 300,000 devices.
  • Teachers and staff needed to be equipped and set up for working remotely, including access to necessary devices.
  • The development of TCHUB allowed centralized access to curriculum and tools for both students and teachers.
  • The transition to robust synchronous and asynchronous instruction was facilitated through an enterprise Google platform and other learning management systems.
Rita C. Joseph
Can you share what was some initial challenges with the remote learning software when it was first launched?
Scott Strickland
As was mentioned, the first thing we needed to do, which was the pivotal remote in March for the pandemic, which came up suddenly.
We wanted to make sure students had access to learning at home that required us to procure and send devices actually to each student's home about 300,000 went out in 90 days in that fall.
In the meantime, we were making sure our our teachers and staff could work from home and setting up systems for that and making sure they had devices and access, and then we started building technology.
We built a system called TCHUB, which allowed everybody to log in to one place and get to the curriculum and and tools they're going to use.
And as students came online with their devices more and more curriculum was built on our enterprise Google platform or other learning management systems.
To actually allow robust synchronous to asynchronous instruction.
So the challenges were going from not knowing we had to plan for that to some major procurements distribution and set up an operating of systems that weren't didn't have any kind of long range super long range planning. pigeon logo

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