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When was the New York City Public Schools' contract with IBM last negotiated, and what recommendations has IBM offered for contract amendments?



74 sec

The initial contract between New York City Public Schools and IBM was negotiated in 2019, with annual renewals, and discussions on preventing future issues have been ongoing without concrete contract amendments.

  • The contract with IBM was first negotiated in 2019 and has been renewed yearly.
  • IBM has recommended moving to a dedicated auto scaling instance to address over-usage issues.
  • There have been daily contacts between the Department of Education (DOE) and IBM focusing on future preparation.
  • No discussions around the contract amendments have occurred yet, despite ongoing discussions about improving the situation.
Rita C. Joseph
When was the last time MDOE negotiated this contract with IBM?
Vanessa Hunt
So the initial contract was negotiated in 2019.
They have renewed it every year in July since then.
Rita C. Joseph
At the time, did IBM inform near to the public school the need to change the contract for allowing more logins for a second?
Vanessa Hunt
I can't speak to what happened around the contract renewals.
I wasn't part of those conversations.
I can say we absolutely I was part of conversation with the former CIO where we did recommend that they move to this dedicated auto scaling instance.
And I know that they were aware that they were going over the contracted value of TPS.
Rita C. Joseph
Has it been discussion between February 13 and today regarding New York City Public Schools contract with IBM.
What recommendations did you if any, does IBM have to amend the current contract with New York City Public Schools to avoid these type of situations?
Vanessa Hunt
So again, we've been in contact daily.
It has been a very positive collaboration, but both DOE and IBM have just been focused focused on ensuring that we are prepared, that this does not happen again, especially in the case of an imminent snow day.
So we have been working on those plans.
We have not had discussions around the contract yet. pigeon logo

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